Iowa Old Press

Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
March 15, 1901

Ira Riley is very ill as he has pneumonia.

James Sutcliffe has moved into his house in Postville.

Ira Smith reports the arrival of a wide-awake little girl.

John Moetsch has purchased a fine piano for his daughter.

This February was the coldest February in 24 years in Iowa.

The church at Hardin has received a new bell to hang in the belfry.

The eldest son in the Joachim Harnack home is very ill from pneumonia.

Prof. Smith is learning the banking business at the Citizen's State Bank.

A lively 10 pound girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Schneider.

Chris Sander has hauled lumber for a new barn and at Carl Wilke's building will soon begin.

R.D. White sold his farm near the creamery Saturday, to Henry Meyer, for $76 per acre.

The home of Fritz Meyer near Castalia received the addition of a fine new girl last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Oldag have a new girl born Tuesday, and a new boy arrived at the home of Farmer Thomas Friday.

Friday evening a party was given at the spacious Darius Orr home. All present enjoyed themselves in the best possible manner.

The greatest quietness prevailed at the school election Monday and even at that, George W. Goetz was defeated by Jas. McEwen for re-election.

Mrs. Susanne B. Early died Tuesday at the age of 65 years, of heart trouble. She lived on her farm with her daughter Ella. The funeral was held Thursday.

John Ruckdaschel and wife of Nebraska and John Ruckdaschel and family of Postville were in Prairie du Chien for a short visit in the Wm. Kluss home.

Wm. Hacker [or Hecker] writes that he and his family arrived in Plymouth safely and not even a chicken was injured. Last Sunday they had as fierce a snow storm out there as we had here.

The new officers of the Ladies' Aid Society of the Congregational church are Mrs. A.E. Cornell, president; Mrs. Ed Prior, vice-president and Mrs. Geo. W. Goetz, secretary and treasurer.

Wm. F. Brandt will move into the small dwelling house on the Joe Steele farm and Ira Riley, carrier on Route 1, will move into the large Wm. Thomas house, as Mr. Thomas is moving back to his farm.

The citizens' caucus was held Tuesday evening in the office of the city clerk. Councilmen John H. Meier and John Sanders were nominated for re-election. No doubt there will be other candidates in the field.

Dr. Ambrose McKinley died in California last Friday, where he had gone in the interest of his impaired health. This Wednesday he was buried in Clermont. He leaves a wife and two children, his wife being a daughter of Sam Waters of Ludlow.

Two more rural routes have been laid out from Postville and the papers sent to Washinton. One is southwest of Postville for which M.C. Mead wishes to be carrier and the other is northwest of Postville and Will Robbe has applied for the post of carrier.

[transcribed by S.F., October 2016]


Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 29, 1901

-Gussie Harrington left for California Saturday.
-Joe Beucher left Wednesday for his farm in South Dakota.
-Fred McClintock has purchased a livery barn at Maxwell.
-Miss Louise Sander of Union Prairie was a guest in the Wm. Thoma home.
-The Modern Woodmen and their families will enjoy a social evening in their hall this evening.
-Henry Luhman and Anna Leui are in Chicago making purchases for the Luman & Sanders store.
-Mrs. Fritz Barries and Miss Tilly Meyer went to Cresco Wednesday to visit Willy and John Stopperan.
-A lusty son arrived Saturday at the W.G. Schultz home. Mr. Schultz is working for F. Williams this year.
-Henry Garms again became a house owner. He bought a residence and three lots of Fritz Wichman for $1600.
-Miss Ella Early has purchased the Jim Parker residence for $1300 while Mr. Parker bought the Eugene Stockman home for $1100 cash, including the Mitchell cottage.
-The Milwaukee railroad company settled last week with Justin Bellows for the loss of his foot at Savanna, Illinois. They paid him $2500 and all costs to date, and gave him a pass to Chicago where he can secure an artifical foot.

Wolter - Walke
Last Thursday evening Henry Wolter and Frieda Walke were quietly married by Rev. Bockelman at the home of John Schultz. The young couple has rented the Frank Sebastian farm where they will commence housekeeping.

Meyer - Krambeer
Last Thursday, Henry Meyer and Miss Bertha Krambeer were married at the home of the bride's parents, in the presence of a large company of guests. Rev. Appel of Luana performed the ceremony. On Saturday the young couple moved onto their own farm (the former White farm) followed by the best wishes of many friends.

Canning Factory
W.S. Webster has received a communication from a number of gentlemen in Des Moines relative to starting a canning factory in Postville. They want the farmers to plant 500 acres to assure a crop for canning. This seems like a small request that could easily be complied with and would give Postville a chance to make a big industry out of a small beginning. [remainder cut off my copy]

[transcribed by S.F., March 2009]

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