Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
September 30, 1900

A Fatal Accident.
A sad death by accident occurred Tuesday morning in the rear of the Beeman block, west Waukon. Walter Calvert of Winona, who is visiting his uncle George Ralston, of Jefferson township, began to unload wood he had just brought to town when the team started to run. The lines had been thrown down out of his reach and in trying to recover them he was thrown under the wheels of one side of the wagon which passed over his stomach. He was taken into F. L. Beeman's store and Dr. Crawford called, but death resulted in about an hour. He was conscious so that he could tell how the accident happened. He was a ___ young man, the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Calvert, his father travelling for Wyman, Partridge & Co., of Minneapolis. He would have graduated from the high school in another year and was putting in spare time in farming duties, expecting to have a ______ farm of his own when 21 years old. His parents were notified by telegraph and came yesterday. He was also a nephew of Mrs. J. T. (??) Ralston. They have the heartfelt sympathy of the community.

[transcribed by M.D., March 2008]

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