Iowa Old Press

Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee County Iowa
November 2, 1900

Emma Senhotz is in Elkport visiting the Beck family.

Joe Klein is again employed as clerk at the Crosby store.

John Thoma will have a car load of New York apples here here soon.

Beatty can photograph you in cloudy weather as well as in clear.

John Crosby had the largest business for October in his business history.

John McCulloch of Northfield, Minnesota, visited his cousin, Alfred McCulloch, Sunday. The two had not met for 30 years.

The next meeting of the Frauenverein will be held Thursday, November 8 at the home of Mrs. Christ Salzgeber. All are heartily welcome.

Carl Holter is selling men's suits from five dollars to $12 per suit. Meier Brothers have suits at from $3.50-$20 and overcoats from $3-$15.

John Ruckdaschel has moved into his house in town this week. We bid them welcome and hope that town life will agree with him and his family.

Lewis Oldag has sold his 104 acre farm in Grand Meadow to Helmuth Schutte for $6,000. The first of March Oldag will take over his father's farm.

Chas. Meyer of Cedar Falls and Emma Fangmeier were married Wednesday evening at the home all the Fritz Fangmeier, by Rev. Bockelman. Thursday the young couple left for Cedar Falls to make their home, and where the groom is employed on a railroad section. The best wishes of many friends attend them.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2007]


Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee County, Iowa
November 23, 1900

Guy Meade has moved into the John Moir residence.

John C. Thoma has arrived here from Mason city.

A little son was born at the Christ Poesch home recently.

Charles Hoot became papa, as a tiny son has arrived in their home.

With this issue, the Iowa Volksblatt begins the ninth year of its existence.

Postmaster Burdick left Saturday evening for Des Moines to spend a week with his son.

George Fay, returned Saturday evening from Chicago, where he had been visiting his brother.

William Harris left with two carloads (37 head) of the finest Black Poled Angus cattle for the Chicago market.

Williams Schlee bought 29 fat hogs to town last week, which averaged 446 pounds. There were 12,410 pounds of pork which brought $546.

Last Sunday afternoon, a large crowd congregated at the Matt Weidmann farm near Monona to take part in a prize turkey and duck shoot.

This Thursday morning, November 22, William Thoma and Miss Emma Senholz were united in marriage by Rev. Bockleman. The wedding took place in the home of the bride's parents and was witnessed by the near relatives only.

On Tuesday a great turkey shoot took place on the Fritz Kamp farm, you could hear the bullets singing lustily all day. Thirty birds were distributed November 27, and there will be another at the Fritz Schara place in town and then on November 28 still another one on the Chas. Schara farm.

John Schmidt sustained a serious accident Saturday evening. He was dragging home a log to saw off into wood when he slipped and fell in dislocated his shoulder, since the same shoulder had been dislocated twice before Dr. Becker could not get it back into place and he had to go in Iowa City Monday to get it fixed. Carl Madaus accompanied him.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2007]

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