Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
March 3, 1899

Local News
-Our friend, Paul Topel, from near Frankville, was in last Saturday. His family have passed through the grip ordeal, but are getting all right.
-Mr. and Mrs. W.I. Chase went to Delaware on Wednesday to be present at the marriage of their son on Thursday. Miss Ada and Gilbert were also there.
-Bro. Metcalf, of the Mirror, came to the front a few days ago with a new boy baby. We thought that Geo. was too old to indulge in such luxuries; but we congratulate just the same.
-Louie Schroeder moved into the Selleg house, opposite to our ranch, last Friday. Louie wants to be real good while he lives on our street. But he is always afficted that way.
-The youngest child of Dr. Flynn has been very sick with spinal meningitis, but is coming out all right. A good many cases are reported at Ossian, with several deaths.

A Musical Treat
Miss Jeanette Durno, of Chicago, a concert pianist, and teacher in the American Conservatory of music of Chicago, will give a "Musicale" the first of April under the auspices of the O.E.S. She is an artist of rare ability and after taking a course in the conservatories of Chicago, spent over three years abroad under the famous teacher Lutitisky of Vienna. She is a niece of Mr. John Durno, of this place.

Married. Chase-Marugg. In Delaware, Ia on Thursday, March 2nd, 1899, Mr. A.L. Chase and Miss M. Marugg.
The above comes as a surprise to the many friends of the groom here. But they all cordially join in wishing him and his estimable life partner all the joy and happiness allotted to humanity in this sacred relation.

Double Wedding.
Stillions-White. At the office of and by Wm. Shepherd, Esq., Postville, Iowa, on Tuesday, Feb. 28th, 1899, Mr. Edward Stillions and Mrs. Mary White.
Beall-Stillions. At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. Chas. Beall and Miss Edith A. Stillions.

From the Waukon Republican we clip the following:
-Albert Mizener of Frankville and Miss Minnie Martin, of Postville, were married by Rev. Vannice at the Presbyterian parsonage, Saturday, February 18th.
-At the Grand last Saturday morning occurred the wedding of Mr. Carl Hoth and Miss Sophia Klemme, Rev. Elliker officiating. The wedding party consisted of Herman Klemme, Chas. Klemme, Miss Clara Peterson, Mrs. Wirth, Mr. and Mrs. Dipping and Mr. and Mrs. Reese. After dinner the party departed, amid the showers of rice, old shoes and the best wishes of all present. They will go on to a farm near Postville.
-Chas. Anderson, proprietor of the Slitor House, stated that the business of the house was coming up in good shape. He has a good run of commercial trade besides a large number of regular boarders. The friends of Mr. Anderson will be very glad to know that he is prospering in his new venture in the business world as the proprietor of a first class hotel.

Marriage Licenses issued by Clerk Orr during February
-Frank Steele and Caroline Nick
-Fred A. Siekmeier and Mary Nagel
-H.J. Deeny and Maggie Dougherty
-James McAneny and Kate Redding
-Fritz W. Dahms and Lizzie Kluss
-Albert Mizener and Minnie Martin
-Dwight Sherman and Lena H. Hewitt
-James A. Young and Lizzie Price
-Carl Hoth and Sophia Klemme
-Charley Stanley and Mary Halsey
-Edward Stillions and Mary White
-Charley Beall and Edith A. Stillions

Luana News
-Mrs. Frank Hall has been spending a few days visiting the several Dunning families of this vicinity. She will be better remembered as Mattie Gemmill, one of our teachers a few years ago.
-A. Ernst has had several cases of merchandise arrive the past week.
-John Hurley and family left for their western home Tuesday morning. John was down a day superintending the moving of his household goods.
-A jolly time was had by the old and young at I.D. Olmstead's social Friday eve. They were given the first old fashioned box sleighride of the winter.
-Emil Pufahl returned from Missouri Monday and Harley Warn, of Dexter, Minn. who has been there a month acting as supply in the creamery, will return home this week.
-Mrs. Vonberg received a sleigh load of nieces and nephews from Garnavillo Monday. Some of them to take the train Tuesday a.m. for the west. Miss Rose Stoecker returns with the others to her home in Garnavillo for a short time.
-Several fatal cases of diphtheria are reported near Luana. Three deaths in the families of Griffin and Thomas east of here, with others of the families dangerously ill. Measles, also, are having a run. Five of Chris. Overbec's family are having it at one time, but are doing well at present. Mrs. Overbec is a very little better of the pneumonia at present writing.
-There are many changes among the farmers this spring. The genial John Sabbann, who will be much missed, has bought a farm near Farmersburg and expects to get onto it this week. Mr. Leneau leaves this week for Postville and Mr. Valentine Bernhard, who resided in Luana nearly forty years moves with his family out to Elma, Ia. Stephen Raymond has sold part of his farm to Al. Chamberlain, and moves to Hardin, it is said.

[transcribed by S.F., January 2010]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee county, Iowa
March 31, 1899

Bethel news
-A mistake was made in A. Hart's monies and credits. It should have been $6,500.
-Hayes Van Gorder will teach the Evergreen Summer school.
-Our little George's leg is improving again. for some time past it has been on the standstill, there being 12 square nches of surface yet uncovered. But now there is less than that and the sore looks encouraging. He is able to run and play and complains very little about it hurting him.
-I will try to give you a few of the births for the last four weeks. F.C. Kamp, a girl; Henry Lawson, a boy; Con Hangartner, a girl; J.W. Harris, a girl. A home without children must be a lonesome place, or wuld be for me.
-George Terrill will be home the first of April

[transcribers note: Edgar Ralph Austin Brainard is ERAB, the 'reporter' of Bethel news. 'Our little George' was his son, who was burned badly on the leg]

Luana News (Clayton county)
-Harry Lamborn came home last week from LaCross, having finished the winter term in the Wisconsin Business University
-Little Nora Overbeck, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. chris Overbeck, died sunday of bronchial pneumonia. Was buried Wednesday at 1 p.m.
-Confirmaton services last Sunday conducted by Rev. J. Appel. Bennie and Maggie overbeck, Fred Kruse and Rudolph Krueger were among those confirmed.

Original Notice.
In the district court, Allamakee County, Iowa
Petition in Equity. April Term, 1899.
Betsey A. Bollman, Pltf.
D.W. Lyons and Sarah A. Lyons (his wife), W.W. Lyons, Amanda Lyons, Jennie Lyons, Ella Lyons, Susan Lyons, Effie Lyons, Carrie Lyons, John Lyons (deceased), and F.M. Clark, administrator of the estate of said John Lyons, Rachel Duggins (nee Rachel Lyons) and Jesse D. Duggins (her husband), John Lyons, Mary M. Lyons and Cornelius Ackerson (guardian of said John and Mary M. Lyons), Ruth A. McLean (nee Ruth A. Lyons) and Joseph McLean (her husband), William H. Taylor and Effie F. Taylor (his wife), James A. Lyons and elen A. Lyons (his wife), Hannah M. Bergett (nee Hannah M. Lyons) and Milberry Bergett (her husband); also, the unknown heirs and legal representatives of said named parties and the unknown claimants of the NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Sec. 31, and the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, and the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Sec. 32, all in Township 97, Range 6, west of the 5th P.M., Allamakee County, Iowa, defendants.
You and each of you are hereby notified that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court of Allamakee county, Iowa, the petition of said Betsey A. Bollman, in which she claims to be the absolute owner in fee simple, of NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4, Sec. 31, and the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, and the W 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4, Sec. 32, all in Township 97, Range 6, west of the 5th P.M., Allamakee County, Iowa.

That plaintiff is the owner in possession of said property by purchase from John Letchford, deed dated March 9th, 1878, and duly recorded in deed records of Allamakee county, Iowa, that said John Letchford was the owner in possession by purchase, from the 8th day of December, 1868, to March 9th, 1878; that Betsey A. Bollman has been the owner in uninterupted possession of said described property since said last named date up to the present time; and that all prior owners enjoyed a like possession of the same.

That there are heirs and claimants of said property not known to this plaintiff. That she has designated said defendants by their names as she last knew them. That the description, of said property contained in certain deeds executed by some of the defendants, is defective. that the estate, of said John Lyons, deceased, has not been settled.

That plaintiff is informed and has reason to believe that the defendants make some claim to said described property adverse to her estate therein; that in her petition she asks that the title to said property be quieted in her, and that each of said defendants be barred and forever estopped from having or claiming any title thereto adverse to that of plaintiff and that she be decreed the absolute owner in fee simple of the said described property.

And that unless you appear thereto, and defend before noon of the next term of said court, to be held at Waukon, commencing April 19th, 1899, default will be entered against you, and a decree rendered as prayed for in said petition.
J.I. Shepherd, Attorney for Plaintiff

The foregoing notice is hereby approved, and the same ordered to be published for six weeks in "The Postville Review," a weekly newspaper published at Postville, Allamakee county, Iowa. Dated this 17th day of February 1899.
L.E. Fellows, Judge of Said District Court

[transcribed by S.F., April 2004]

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