Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
January 18, 1899

Proceedings of the District Court for the January Term 1899

Golding & Co. vs. Ella M. Hexter; same as above.
[transcribers note: "the above" was cut off when this article was copied the microfilm.]

B. W. Ratcliffe vs. T. Cummings; withdrawn without prejudice.

M. F. Stilwell vs. N. W. Peck et al. judgment against defts and decree as prayed.

H. P. Kidder vs. Cornelius Sullivan: settled.

Citizens' State Bank of Waukon vs. Wm. Goettle; writ dismissed and judgment of court below affirmed. Remanded to justice court to enforce judgment.

Jas. M. Thompson vs. George Thompson; withdrawn.

J. M. Collins vs. Chester Ricker, et al; judgment for plff. for $141.94, int 8%; atty fee $14.19. Decree of foreclosure and sale, and Lien established.

Susan E. Vangorder vs. Peter W. Vangorder; default. Decree for plff. as prayed at plff's cost.

Mary Livingood vs. L. E. Livingood, et al; decree as prayed, each party to pay 1/3 of the costs.

Allamakee Co. vs. Ellen Baily, et al; default.

Allamakee Co. vs. Catherine Powers, et al; default. Judgment for plff. for $786.81 int 6%; atty fee $43.58. Decree of foreclosure and sale as prayed.

Allamakee Co. vs. Catherine Powers, et al; default. Judgment for plff for $711.77, int 6%; atty fee $41.33; decree of foreclosure and sale.

McCormack H. M. & Co. vs. J. F. Kelly; default. Judgment for plff. for $177. 45, int at 6%; atty fee $17.17.

J. M. Barthell vs. Henry Fettketter, et al; settled.

J. H. Thornton vs. John Olson Sr.; default. Judgment for $13.40; int at 6%.

Mary E. Barnes vs. John A. Barnes; default. Decree of divorce for plff. and for custody of minor children, and for costs $25. Decree to be issued on payment of costs and atty fees.

[transcribed by E.R., Feb. 2004]


The Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
January 20, 1899

Carl Wegner brought 66 hogs to market Monday that weight 19,190 pounds and for which he received the neat sum of $642.86. He still has 30 head to sell. Don't say the farmers aren't making money.

Ray Schuler sold his home on Friday to Joe Nick for $1300.

John Cole Jr. is here on a visit to his parents after a prolonged absence. He has been working for the Canadian Pacific railway since leaving the Klondike gold fields, not meeting with success in the latter place.

[transcribed by S.F., March 2016]

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