Iowa Old Press

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
February 1, 1899

Adam, Simon ..... 18.52
Arnold, W. S. ..... 61.64
Allison, Henry ..... .50
Allison, Peter Est ..... 99.56
Aronald, A. P. ..... 12.20
Allison, Chas ..... .50
Arnold, J. J. ..... .50
Brand, Wm. ..... 8.65
Bollman, J. H. ..... 23.56
Bauercamper, J. ..... 3.65
Bechtell, Edw. ..... 22.98
Baxter, Johanna ..... 39.13
Becker, George ..... 52.44
Beeker, Henry ..... 59.24
Blum, Fred ..... 54.19
Bichmilin, Henry ..... 9.09
Byrnes, Mrs. Mary ..... 39.54
Bull, G. J. ..... 24.43
Bechtell, J. ..... 2.50
Becker, S. H. ..... 4.85
Byrnes, M. ..... 112.50
Bray, D. W. ..... 2.50
Bauercamper, D. ..... 3.08
Baxter, Chas ..... 30.16
Baxter, J. E. ..... 36.34
Becker, S. C. ..... 24.22
Becker, Fred ..... 50.85
Blum, Willie ..... 1.84
Baurkemper, C ..... 64.39
Byrnes, Ben ..... 7.63
Bollman, F. W. ..... .50
Becker, John ..... 2.00
Clarity, James ..... 18.66
Coats, Mrs. M ..... 18.46
Christensen, A. ..... 3.79
Clarity, A ..... 39.73
Clarity, J. F. ..... 17.57
Clarity, M. S. ..... .79
Clipper, Fred ..... 3.29
Douglas, R. ..... 8.44
Depping, Henry ..... 30.82
Daulton, Wm. ..... 70.31
Dural, H. ..... 45.22
Debner, F. ..... 6.85
Depping, Fred Jr. ..... .50
Depping, Edw. ..... .50
Douglas, Jas. D. ..... 2.87
Devitt, S. ..... .50
Depping, Carl ..... 21.01
Depping, Fred ..... 94.91
Dunn, Wm. ..... 38.39
Duvel, Fred ..... 23.38
Depping, Henry Jr ..... .50
Depping, Simon ..... .50
Dunn, E. H. ..... 1.67
Devitt, C. C. ..... 2.70
Eells, G. F. ..... 16.96
Engebretson, Erick ..... 38.11
Ericson, T. T. ..... 1.14
Flaga, H. A. ..... 28.16
Flaga, F. C. ..... 27.46
Feit, A. S. ..... 24.07
Feit, F. A. ..... 3.78
Earle, W. C. ..... 38.73
Eaton, R. A. ..... 35.36
Ewing, A. ..... 20.93
Ewing, James ..... 17.82
Engebretson, B. ..... .50
Flaga, John ..... 20.91
Flaga, D. J. ..... 31.13
Feit, C. F. ..... 64.13
Fogt, Henry ..... 3.74
Gilbert, John ..... 36.01
Goeke, Fred, Sr. ..... 47.97
Guese, Fred ..... 10.25
Gilbert, G. A. ..... .94
Grotegut, E. J. ..... 2.99
Goeke, F. M. ..... 14.66
Goeke, Henry ..... 42.40
Goodrich, J. ..... 21.31
Goeke, Herman ..... 7.49
Guth, Chas. ..... .50
Helming, Aug. ..... 77.85
Helming, C. G. ..... 18.50
Hansmeier, H. ..... 6.32
Haslip, Amos ..... 2.25
Hager, Henry ..... 53.74
Hilmer, Henry ..... 31.85
Held, E. ..... 30.27
Hermeier, A. ..... 26.73
Hager, Wm. ..... .50
Helming, Otto ..... .50
Hagar, Simon ..... 49.64
Helming, Mrs. F. ..... 31.39
Hager, Paul ..... .50
Hagar, Fred ..... 107.28
Hemming, Henry ..... 15.89
Hilmer, F. H. ..... 13.86
Hubble, Jennie ..... 2.34
Howes, L. est ..... 46.67
Haas, F. D. ..... .74
Hansmeier, Aug ..... 5.25
Johnson, J. L. ..... 25.40
Jenkins, Jonth'n ..... 88.91
Jenkins, Joseph ..... .50
Jenkins, John ..... .50
James, J. L. ..... .50
Kr'mme, Fr'd Sr ...... 126.01
Krumme, C. est ..... 21.92
Klocke, Mrs. ..... 20.80
Klocke, Fred ..... 32.40
Klocke, Henry Sr. ..... 38.70
Kline, Henry ..... 38.74
Kline, Fred ..... 37.32
Krute, Wm. ..... 39.35
Kugel, Fred ..... 18.49
Kastman, Wm. ..... 41.32
Krumme, Fred, Jr. ..... .50
Kreiger, John ..... 2.35
Kline, Aug ..... 32.23
Kruger, C. ..... 92.07
Kugel, Gotlieb ..... 37.47
Koehring, Chas ..... 17.55
Krieger, Fred ..... 33.61
Klocke, Henry Jr. ..... .50
Krieger, A. C. ..... 7.53
Leithold, Fr'nk ..... 58.62
Lambert, J. G. ..... 10.39
Lydon, A. ..... 18.31
Lower, J. M. ..... 24.66
Ludeking, Henry ..... 54.55
Leithold, A. ..... .55
Luger, Fred ..... 7.10
Lyngaas, E. ..... .50
Leithold, Henry ..... 16.81
Lambert, G. est ..... 15.75
Lambert, A. ..... 9.61
Lydon, Mike ..... 8.73
Ludlow Cr. Co ..... 22.83
Ludeking, C ..... 48.84
Lambert, S. E. ..... .94
Ludeking, Joe ..... .50
Miller, H. G. ..... 12.53
Miller, C. L. ..... 75.42
Mills, John ..... 20.51
Miller, G. W...... 60.37
Meier, Wm ..... 68.30
McIntire, J. F. ..... 10.39
McIntosh, Jennet ..... 8.45
McIntosh, Wm ..... 18.10
Meikle, James ..... 49.55
Meierbocke, C ..... 44.78
Meikle, H. B. ..... 18.71
Markley, J. A. ..... 24.31
Maloney, M. est. ..... 36.05
Miller, D. H. ..... 3.73
M'nd'rfield, Paul ..... .64
McMullan, Wm. ..... .50
Meierb'ke, Fr'd ..... .50
Meurbooke, Paul ..... .50
Maloney, J. J. ..... 6.97
Maloney, Dan ..... 3.02
Nolting, A. ..... 29.32
Nolting, Mrs. D. ..... 19.97
Nolting, C. ..... 90.19
Nolte, Simon ..... 40.23
Nagel, Simon ..... 32.72
Nagel, Fred, Sr. ..... 46.0
Nash, I. E. ..... 14.74
Nagle, Herman ..... .84
Nagle, Wm. ..... 2.01
O'Brien, M. S. ..... 49.95
O'Brien, Joseph ..... 2.67
Opfer, Simon, Jr. ..... 23.84
Opfer, Simon, Sr. ..... 64.88
O'Brien, T. W. ..... .50
O'Brien, H. W. ..... .50
Pierce, W. C. ..... .50
Pausch, Henry ..... .50
Pausch, Phil ..... 28.43
Puper, A. S. ..... 40.82
Peggert, James ..... 50.54
Pausch, C. ..... 18.63
Peiper, A. C. ..... 5.07
Peggert, D. ..... .50
Reach, M. ..... 24.99
Rinne, T. C. ..... 22.44
Rinne, Wm. ..... 42.64
Rickward, F. ..... 12.04
Reynolds, ???? ..... 15.30
Ryan, James ..... 51.05
Reuthemeier, F. ..... 22.61
Rankin, Jas. ..... 40.43 or 10.43
Rinne, Q. ..... .50
Ricker, John ..... .50
Swen, John ..... 13.56
Sickemeier, Jul .....????
Sickemeier, Fred ..... 19.56
Snitker, Fred ..... 51.68
Snitker, Simon ..... 25.87
Sickemeier, Fred ..... 19.58
Sickemeier, Fred ..... 29.24
Slorah, Charley ..... 6.49
Snitker, Herman ..... 28.02
Sickemeier, Adolf ..... 26.99
Snitker, Mrs. F. ..... ?????
Selberg, Mrs. W. ..... 43.73
Sickemeier, Adolf, Jr. ... 6.47
Selberg, Willie ..... .50
Selberg, John ..... .50
Selberg, T. ..... .50
Stock, Wm. ..... 60.72
Stock, Fred, Sr. ..... 75.10
Shaur, Henry ..... 20.87
Simmons, Aug...... 91.91
Smith, D. C. ..... 23.81
Steffen, S. K. ..... 61.13
Stukman, S. ..... 13.46
Sickmeier, Aug ..... 11.81
Sickmeier, Jacob ..... .50
Snitker, Henry ..... 2.50
Schroeder, Henry ..... .50
Stock, Fred, Jr. ..... .50
Stock, Willie ..... .50
Shafer, E...... 28.73
Shafer, August ..... 32.15
Shaff, James ..... 46.05
Sanderman, Wm. ..... 63.30
Sanderman, G. ..... 83.07
Simmons, Wm ..... 4.15
Simmons, J. H. ..... .50
Simmons, Albert ..... .05
Smith, D. W. ..... 2.05
Sanderman, John ..... .50
Sanderman, Will ..... .50
Sanderman, Simon ..... .50
Sanderman, Otto ..... .50
Sanderman, Fred ..... .50
Steffen, A. T. ..... .50
Shattuck, M. ..... .50
Teeple, F. E. ..... 49.50
Tully, Mrs. M. ..... 15.11
Tully, P ..... .50
Taylor, R. C. ..... .50
Waters, Robt., Sr. ..... 59.40
Waters, Sam ..... 22.78
Winke, Henry, Sr. ..... .50
Waters, Robt, Jr. ..... 47.64
Wallace, Chas ..... .50
Waters, C. ..... 42.29
White, O. C. ..... 15.45
Wood, Mrs. R. ..... 8.37
Wines, J. C. ..... 23.14
Wallace John ..... 26.66
Winter, A. G. ..... 28.80
Winke, Henry, Jr. ...... 34.99
Winke, Wm. ..... 21.99
Winke, Fred ..... 37.57
Ward, T. est ..... 26.60
Waters, Chris ..... .50
Waters, Herbert ..... 10.69
Waters, Thomas ..... 5.74
White, Mrs. O.C. ..... 3.33
White, Geo. ..... .50
Wines, J. S. ..... 1.11

[Transcriber note: unknown if this is a complete list or only a parcel list. Transcribed by M. D. from clippings contributed by E.R., April 2008]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 2, 1899

We expect the new press here in time to print next week's paper. If it comes we may be late in getting out, for we do not know what day our Chicago man can come in to put it up. But we shalt do the best we can.

For Rent.
A good four room house with good barn, well, chicken coop and about 3 acres of land, situated about 5 miles southeast of Postville. W.J. Clark
The dance given at Hart's furniture store last Friday evening is said to have been one of the pleasantest affairs ever given in Postville. Everything passed off in the most agreeable manner and the supper given by Moll was super extra.

New Address.
Mrs. Helen Brown has changed her address from Amber, Jones co. to Fairbank, Buchanan co., and has renewed her subscripton for another year as has H.P. Dawes and O.C. Hinman. these favors come in an opportune time.

Monona Opera House.
Wellman's new opera house at Monona is a dandy. It will seat 600 people including the gallery and will be fitted with scenery, acetylene gas, heated by steam or furnace. It is a credit to Monona.
[note: Monona is in Clayton co.]

- Miss Lulu Aberneathy went to St. Paul yesterday where she will visit relatives.
- We understand that the Selleg house is not rented as we were reported.
- D.W. Baldwin of Frankville, was over yesterday, making a pleasant call at this office.
- Mrs. Walke's funeral was held last Saturday at the Lutheran Church. The remains were taken to Guttenberg by train for interment.
- We regret to hear that our old friend M.F. Murphy has been very near to death door with diptheria, at his home in Grand Forks, S.D. At last report he was a little better. He is state senator from that state.
- Mrs. Waters, mother of George, John and Ed has been quite sick for some time but she is reported some better now.

Marriage Licenses.
The following parties were granted Marriage License for the month of January 1899, by Clerk Orr:
F.C. Schroeder & Anna R. Nick [note: middle initial may be a 'K']
Thomas McCormic & Ella Mahoney
John Gemmer & Kate Fruring [note: Kate's surname was smeared, may be incorrect]
George Decker & Anna Bell
John Schultz & Lizzie Desmond
Henry H. Ludiking & Martha Baurcamper
August Fischer & Bertha Kuse
John C. Weipert & Sophia Kasper
Geo. Weining & Minnie Schefelbine
Wm. Cota & Josephine Vally
H.A. Glendeming & Florence Kelly
Louis Hien & Louisa Meiska
Ernest Springer & Grace Sloan
Wm. Renk & Lena Luttzbens

[transcriber note: the microfilm was very difficult to read, there may be errors in the above list of names; transcribed by S.F., Nov. 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 10, 1899

THOMPSON -- At his home in Waukon, Iowa, February 2, 1899, William C. Thompson, aged 82 years, 2 months and 28 days. Mr. Thompson was born in Buffalo, N.Y., November 4th, 1816. Here he remained till about 19 years of age when he came west to Quincy, Ill., and afterwards located at Monroe, Green county, Wis., where he married Mrs. Sophrona (Reynolds) Thompson in May, 1849. In that year he came to this county and selected a home to which he shortly moved his family, and for nearly fifty years Allamakee county was his home. To Mr. and Mrs. Thompson four children were born, Samuel R. of Waukon, Andrew M., of Mason City, Ida J., a member of the corps of teachers of the Waukon school and Mrs. Francis C. Barnard of Springview, Neb., who, withthe devoted and invalid wife are left to mourn his loss.

The funeral was held at the Presbyterian church Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m. services conducted by Rev. R.L. Vannice, and the remains were laid to rest in Oakland cemetery. His parents were presbyterians and he was baptized in that church in infancy, and made a profession of faith in Christ in early manhood, but did not connect himself with any church in the west.

Two of the children, Andrew M. and Mrs. Barnard, were not able to be present, but Andrew came on the first train possible after receiving the news of his father's death, arriving Monday morning.

The pall bearers were neighbors and friends, "pioneers" like himself, or who have most of their lives lived in this county, Messrs. M.W. Eaton, J.H. McGhee, Dr. A.T. Stillman, John J. Gilchrist, T.C. Hall and H.J. Bentley.

Mr. Thompson has been a prominent and influential resident and an important factor in its development and prosperity.

Michael Garvey, formerly well known here, died at his home at Carrington, N.D., last week. He was a relative of the Sheehys. Jas. Horgan and his mother went up to attend the funeral. The friends have our sympathy. The Carrington Record has the following to say of Mr. Garvey's sickness and death:
Last week, shortly after M. Garvey was reported as improving, he took a change for the worse, and on Saturday it was thought best to amputate his injured limb close to the hip, as the bones entering the formation of the knee joint had become deseased. Drs. Crawford and MacLachian, of New Rockford, and HOward, of this place, had been summoned and the operation was performed that night. For a day or two it was thought that Mr. Garvey's condition was improving and that there was some hope of his recovery -- then came the sad tidings that he was gradually sinking and suffering intensely, and on Thursday evening shortly before 7 o'clock he passed away.

The deceased leaves a wife, Monica and baby daughter, Mary, and five sisters, Mrs. Price Morris and Mrs. Jos. Sheehy, who reside here, and three other sisters who live in the east. To them no words of sympathy can be said except that their God was his God and that He doesth all things well.

Of Michael Garvey himself we can say that as a personal friend or as a public citizen we never knew him to be otherwise than true and kind, and imbued with that vein of good fellowship that made him the good comrade that he was at any and all times. All who knew him will mourn the loss of a good man and citizen. Funeral services will be held Monday, Feb. 6th, at 11 a.m., at which high mass will be sung.

Leaves Us.
We regret to learn that C.C. Weber has made arrangements to leaves us and go to McGregor, where he has purchased the furniture business of A.L. Meier. He will take possession about the 1st of next month. While we regret to lose him and his wife from among us we hope it will be advanteous to him, and that success may crown his labors in the pocket city. We are not advised as to who will succeed him in the Postville clothing house, nor as to what Mr. Meier will do.

[transcribed by S.F., April 2006]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
February 24, 1899

We have had no outside help this week except a little from George and Louie Thoma, who have set a little type for us.

One evening last week, while in town, Jas. Inyard had his harness all cut to pieces. Such vandalism is unworthy of this enlightened age.

William Narum from Alexander's store at Waukon is assisting at Carl Holter's temporarily until his permanent man comes.

Mrs. M.E. Tuttle will go to Elma tomorrow to spend a few weeks with the children. She has been at Hawkeye and Decorah since leaving here.

Frank Steele and Fred Schroeder have settled down to business. As both have done the square thing on the cigars and things we are satisfied to allow them to rest in peace in connubial felicity.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Steele returned from their wedding outing last Saturday afternoon and were warmly welcomed by their many friends.

A letter from D.A. Murphy informs us that M.F., who has been very sick with diphtheria is out of danger which will be good news to his old friends here.

W.A. Burdick and wife have spent a part of the week at the Wm. Shepherd home. Will has had a three weeks siege with the grip and is just able to be around again.

Miss Josephine Durno has gone to Minneapolis to spend two or three weeks in a tailor dressmaking establishment. She is determined to know all there is to learn about dressmaking.

Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Crosby entertained about thirty of their friends at progressive crokinole and cinch last evening. A splendid time is reported.

The Sanders estate set up a fine rough granite monument in the cemetery last week. It is one of the most expensive monuments in the cemetery and weighs about twelve-thousand pounds.

Paul Willman will move into his residence in town, on Green street tomorrow.

Mrs. L.P. Sonnkalb will move into the Gorham residence which she purchased some time ago, March 8th.

We had a pleasant call last Friday from Supervisor J.A. Drogset and Mr. Hagen, a brother of County Auditor Hagen. They had been to West Union buying thorough bred short horn stock for their herds. They are quite extensively engaged in the breeding of fine stock.

Wm. Fenske of Acme, Howard county came down Wednesday evening. He made this office a pleasant call. He is propering in his new location with the exception that he has lost some of his hogs.

Ed Prior while in Chicago roomed at the home of M.L. McKinley whom he reports as making splendid progress in his profession. He is now associated with Mr. Burres, as partner, and the firm is fast becoming widely known as one of the most able and successful law firms in the city.

DIED- At her home near Clermont, last Sunday, Maggie Sullivan, well known in Postville, passed away aged 18 yrs. 11 months and 20 days. Pneumonia claimed her as its victim. Quite a number from here attended the funeral on Tuesday at the Catholic church at Clermont.

MARRIED - At the residence of the bride's mother in Postville. On Tuesday, Feb. 21st, by Rev. Bockelman, Mr. Fred Dahms and Miss Lizzie Kluss. The Review extends its heartiest congratulations. May happiness and prosperity be theirs through life.

Civic Club will meet with Miss Sarah Prescott March 2nd.
Lesson: "Effects of Civil War and Reconstruction", leader Miss Mickelson.
Paper: "The Future of the Negro", Mrs. Burling
Character sketch of Clara BArton, Mrs. F. Beedy
Reading: "Bricks without Straw", by Miss Phelps
Sketch: Abraham Lincoln, by Mrs. Luhman.

Luana Correspondence (Clayton county)
-Miss Susie Chapman visited Mrs. Amelia Mortiz one evening las week.

-The W.W.C. met with Carrie Candee last week.

-Estella Nichols has returned form her school duties at Fayette, Iowa.

-Miss Pearl Lytle visited the past week with her Aunt, Mrs. Eno, near Gunder.

-Emil Pufahl took the train Monday eve for Missouri to be absent for a short time.

-Miss Alice Warner spent several days visiting at Postville this week.

-L.L. VonBerg opened several boxes of dry goods and is busy marking them and putting them on the shelves.

-Messrs. Hanson, Warner and Kramer returned from their visit to Chicago. They saw the McClurg building while on fire.

-G.W. Oathout was called to McGregor Monday evening in the interest of the McGregor Heights Association.

-Mrs. John Harley and children of Cresco, Iowa, are here visiting among old acquaintances. They move onto a farm near Dexter, Monn., the first of March.

-Mr. G.M. Lambert and family have gone to Castalia, having been called on account of sickness. Walter Choate of Bassett, Iowa, is acting as agent during his absence.

-Our La Grippe sufferers Mrs. Phil. Runkel, Mrs. Dora Russell, and Mrs. Chris Overbee are on the gain, with the exception of Mrs. Overbee, who is still confined to the bed and under the Doctor's care. All of them have been quite sick.

-Albert Garms was seriously hurt while cutting wood near Hickory Creek. The ax cutting his foot lengthwise nearly severing his little toe. A re-examination of the wound will be made to ascertain if amputation is needed.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2014]

Iowa Old Press Home
Allamakee County