Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, December 15, 1899

Mrs. Mary Cheadle (nee Dennis) was born in Morgan Co. Ohio, Nov. 12, 1819. She died Dec. 6, 1899, having reached the ripe age of 80 years and 24 days. She with her parents moved to Indiana when she was 11 years of age. On Oct. 20, 1836 she was united in marriage to Asa Cheadle. Ten children blessed their home, five boys and five girls. Only two daughters, Mrs. Callender and Mrs. Wells, survive and mourn their loss. After 45 years of loving companionship she was called upon to give up her husband who died Feb. 22,
1882. She was converted while very young and united with the methodist Episcopal church. She with her husband came to Iowa in 1849. Upon the organization of Bethel U.B. church, they became charter members. The God whom she trusted was her's to the end. His rod and his staff comforted her even in the valley of the shadow of death. In her death Bethel looses one of its most faithful members, the community a tried friend and the family a kind loving mother. The following verse fitly expresses the sentiments of the bereaved daughters:

Dearest mother thou hast left us,
Here thy loss we deeply feel,
But t'is God that has bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.

The funeral occurred from Bethel church Friday, Dec. 8th, her pastor officiating.
- J.Q. Dickensheets

In November 1899 the following parties were granted marriage license.
- by Ellison Orr, Clerk & J.C. Ludeking, Dep.
Julius H. Snitker and Cora E. Stevens
Patrick J. Conway and Kate T. Murdhy
Frank A. Ahlstrom and Frankie Greenwood
Albert G. Hagen and Karen M. Leyse
Herman F. Klemme and Clars M. Peterson
Michael Keiser and Aggie Liston
Darwin Werhan and Mary Healy
Eugene J. Cahalan and Emma Cota
Wm. Guider and Elizabeth Thornton
Henry Gilbertson and Mary Schafer
J.M. Healy and Mary Walderon
Wm. Nagel and Emma Baeth

[transcribed by S.F., December 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, December 22, 1899


Bethel [Allamakee co.] News
- Miss May Owen has so far recovered from the typhoid fever as to come home and was at church Sunday before last.
- The teachers of the winter schools are as follows:
Minert, Susie Batchelor
Lybrand, Lelia Cummings
South Grove, Wm. McKinley
West Grove, Philip Fagre
Cherry Valley, Mr. Ridgway
Evergreen, W.J. Ivory

- Mrs. Folsom, mother of Thomas Folsom, is the eldest woman in the neighborhood, she being 81 years old and quite stong and well.
- Grandmother Gilson is very sick; she is 82 years old, giving disease the advantage of her. She is an early settler.
- Mortimer Deering is out at Odebolt, visiting his sister, Mrs. Oliver Mackey. Father and Mother Deering must miss him as this is his first trip from home.
- Esq. Swenson's cows are trying to beat the world. Two of them dropped twin calves in three days, all doing well. The Esq. things that beats Dakota.

Luana [Clayton co.] News
- Fred Bell, of the firm of Gilchrist & Co. of McGregor, was up last week in the interest of the firm.
- Harrison Dunning and son Henry, returned last Wednesday from Manchester where they had visited a week.
- Our young people from the various schools and colleges are at home for the holidays
- John Heiden, of Wagner, died Nov. 11th, after a two days illness, of lung and heart trouble.
- Mrs. Haslip is with her mother who is very feeble and not expected to live.
- Mrs. Alf. Ernst is expected home from Willoughby, Ohio, this week.
- Social gatherings and sleighrides are a common occurence among our young people. They spent their last social evening at the home of I.D. Omsted, Tuesday.
- Saturday, Miss Rose Stocker, severs her connection with her aunt, Mrs. Von Berg, as a member of her family, and also a member of our young people's society which she has been in close connection with for a good many years. Her quiet manners were agreeable to everyone, and she will be greatly missed.

Died. At her home in Willoughby, Ohio, Dec. 12, occurred the death of Mrs. Ida Moore, wife of Dr. Thos. Moore. Mrs. Moore was the youngest daughter of
the late W.S. Scott, of this place, and it was at her home that her mother, while visiting her five years ago, died and was brought home for interment,
and her father, the year following, died there and his body was brought here for burial. The deceased was born here about 40 years ago and lived until
her marriage. She leaves her husband, a daughter about fifteen years of age, and a sister, Mrs. Alf. Ernest of this place, the last member of the
Scott family. Mrs. Ernst was with her sister the past three weeks and at the time of her death and burial.

Castalia [Winneshiek co.] News.
- H.W. Neverman is rushing his machine shed to completion.
- Geo. Allen has shipped ten cars of stock the past week.
- The Iowa Produce Co. are taking in lots of poultry here today.
- Will Peckham is taking in Chicago this week.
- The revival meetings at the M.E. church closed last Monday. They had about 18 converts.
- The Ladies Aid of the U.B. church will be sociable at Mrs. Isaac Allen's tomorrow.
- A.M. Richards was a Waukon visitor last week.
- Mrs. C. McMullen is visiting relatives in Wisconsin this week.
- Mrs. Irvin Alen was called to Dubuque last Friday by the serious illness of her daughter Bessie, who now has the diptheria. At last reports, she was slowly improving.
- W.C. Winn has a new barber pole of artistic merit. Charley and Will Bloxham did the work.
- Herb Banning left for Chicago last evening to take a special course of instruction in music. He will be gone all winter.

Harper Whiskey is rapidly becoming the national beverage. It's the one things all parties agree upon. Republicans. Democrats, Populists. Even the "know-nothing" party knows one thing; the merrits of harper Whiskey.
Sold by Henry Poesch, Postville, Iowa.

[transcribed by S.F., December 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
December 29, 1899

A Happy New Year to you All
The remant of 1899 may now be counted by hours, and these will soon fade away and 1900 will be ushered in. The year so nearly departed has been one of general prosperity through our broad land. In this purely agricultural district we have not felt the retuning tide as sensibly as have the manufacturing and mining districts, where thousands of men are employed at big and increasing wages. But even here there has been an improvement, an improvement all along the line. There is more money, interest is lighter, there is more business and more confidence than since 1892. An agricultural district is the last to feel the hard times and the last to fully recover.

The rebellion in the Philippines is nearing a collapse, and when this occurs we shall be at peace with all the world. And with peace and prosperity an established fact why should we not continue to be the happiest people beneath the bending skies? And so we hail the coming year with faith and hope, believing that he who holds the destinies of nations in his hands will continue to smile benignly upon us.

Local News.
- The annual meeting of The Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Co. will be held at Turner Hall, Monday, January 1st, 1900, at 10 o'clock for the election of officers and such other business as may come before it.
- In addition to the arrivals mentioned elsewhere, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Foote came on Wednesday for a visit with Mrs. Foote's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Meier.
- A letter from our friend John Murphy, from far off North Dakota, in remitting for the Review, has the following item about the weather in the Red River Valley which we should hardly credit did we not know John's reputation for truth and veracity in his boyhood days:
"We are having the finest weather this winter ever known of in North Dakota which is saying a great deal. Very warm and no snow, the grass is as green as in June and we have not taken our screens off on account of flies."
- For Sale - A 12 horse mounted Woodbury power in good repair, for sale cheap. Inquire of H.F. Eggert

Luana News.
- Mrs. Jeff Ernst left Saturday to spend the holidays in her son Fred's family in Minneapolis, Minn.
- Emma Dunning spent her Christmas among relatives of Northwood.

[transcribed by S.F., November 2004]

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Allamakee County