Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
October 28, 1898

One of the strangest things on record is that Geo. PEARSON, of Hardin, has apparently left the democratic party. If his conversion is genuine the republicans will let him in with the thousands of others that are leaving the democratic party.

Co. Supt. SMITH returned from his eastern and southern trip last Saturday remaining over Sunday. He was in Pittsburg three days, Washington six days,and made the trip down to Old Point Comfort and Norfolk by steamer. He says he had a delightful trip all around, with good weather nearly all the time.

Miss CHASE, a sister of Mrs. H. DRESSER, came from the east on Wednesday and will make her home with the latter. This will be a great help to Mrs. DRESSER who is in poor health.

Chris LEITHOLD left with the crowd on Tuesday for Omaha, but he will go on to California and thence to New Orleans in a few weeks. Chris is a good, steady young man, and we all wish him success.

If people who are afflicted with bad eyes desire spectables, they can secure them almost any place, but if they desire eyesight, they cannot do better than to consult Karl D. FISK at Commercial House, Nov 1st to 4th. Exam [remainder cut off]

Invitations are out for the marriage of Horace A. HOWE and Miss Evy GIBBS Wednesday, Nov. 2d, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. E.B. GIBBS. Both parties are among Waukon's most popular young people and the event is looked forward to with much expectation.

The City of Dubuque has made a settlement with Mrs. HEWILL for an injury she received from a defective sidewalk in that city some time ago. She brought suit against the city, but the case was settled last week by paying her $225.

One of the first houses built in Waukon and the last log house to remain standing was torn down last wek. it was situated opposite the northeast corner of the school house block and was the property of John NESMEIER.

The condition of Albert HAGEN at Jacksonville is such that his brother, Auditor HAGEN, cannot leave him for some time. He is very sick and delirious part of the time, but is thought to be improving some. Meanwhile the Auditor's friends are looking zealously after his campaign interests and he need have no fear that things will not be all right for hom on election day.

An accidental shooting occurred in Kinkle & Burt's repair shop Friday, which might have been productive of serious results had there not been a little luck mixed in. Young "Doc" McMILLAN was handling a rifle which had been left in the shop for repairs and though he knew it was loaded, he didn't know it would go off so easily. The bullet struck a piece of iron, glanced off and sturck Humphry MILKS on the leg just below the knee. Dr. STROCK probed for the bullet but culd not locate it. The bullet was a 22 calibre and the wound is not considered dangerous.

Married. WILKE-THIESE. At the Lutheran parsonage, on Wednesday evening Oct. 26th, 1898 by Rev. BOCKELMAN, Mr. Fred WILKE and Miss Albertina THIESE. The wedding was very quiet, no invitations [remainder cut off].

Iowa Volksblatt
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
Late October, 1898

(translated from the German)
Mrs August FISCHER (Obituary) At October 22nd, in the evening at 6 o'clock, died in the age of 29 1/2 years, Mrs Sophie Wilhelmine Katharine FISCHER, the spouse of the farmer August FISCHER. She is the daughter of Joachim and Katharine SCHULTE and was born at 23 March 1869 near Guttenberg, Clayton. Since June 1886 she was married, and out of her lucky marriage with August FISCHER resulted 3 children. A boy of them went his mother ahead to eternity when he was 5 1/2 years old. A girl of 5 1/2 years and a boy of 7 months together with the grieving spouse are the surviving dependents. Furthermore there are grieving two brothers and three sisters of the so young deceased woman; and the participation of the whole living surrounding population was testified to the grievings in fullest (beyond) measure. The poor woman had to surmount a hard sick-bed, she suffered of a lower abdomen inflammation and lay there in the last days without consciousness and fínally lost the speech, too. The funeral happened Tuesday at midday and there had arrived numerous participants to the grief public worship. Pastor E. BOCKELMANN led the grief ceremony.
Oh, how empty the house is now,
The spouse, mother has gone,
She'll never come back
Despite our hot desire.

How hard has she run,
To escape the death,
She did not succeed,
But there is a reunion.

(as it appeared in the paper)
Frau August FISCHER
Am 22. Oktober, Abends 6 Uhr starb im Alter von 29 1/2 Jahren, Frau Sophie Wilhelmine Katharine FISCHER, die Gattin des Farmers August FISCHER. Sie ist die Tochter von Joachim und Katharine SCHULTE und war am 23 März 1869 bei Guttenberg, Clayton County, geboren. Seit dem 22 Juni 1886 war sie verheirtathet, und ihrer glücklichen Ehe mit August FISCHER entsprossen 3 Kinder. Ein Knabe davon ging der Mutter in die Ewigkeit voran als er 5 1/2 Jahre alt war. Ein Mädchen von 5 1/2 Jahren und ein Knabe von 7 Monaten nebst dem trauernden Gatten sind die Hinterbliebenen. Außerden trauern noch zwei Brüder und drei Schwestern um die so jung Verstorbene und die Theilnahme der ganzen umwohnenden Bevölkerung wurde den Trauernden im vollsten Maße bezeugt. Die arme Frau hatte ein schweres Krankenlager zu überstehen, sie litt an Unterleibsentzündung und lag in den letzten Tagen ohne Besinnung da und verlor schließlich auch noch die Sprache. Das Begräbniß fand am Dienstag Mittag statt und hatten sich zu dem Trauer-gottesdienst zahlreiche Theilnehmende eingestellt. Pastor E. BOCKELMANN leitete die Trauerfeierlichkeiten.
Ach, wie ist nun das Haus so leer,
Die Gattin, Mutter ist gegangen,
Zurück sie kehret niemals mehr
Trotz unsrem heiß' Verlangen

Wie schwer hat sie gerungen,
Dem Tode zu entgeh'n,
Es ist ihr nicht gelungen,
Doch. 's giebt ein Wiederseh'n.

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