Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
November 11, 1898

The old lady RUCKDASCHEL had a stroke of paralysis the first of the week, but wasimproving at last report.

Smoked Halibut at John THOMA's.

There seems bo be a little lull in hog cholera.

Mrs. Dr. GREENAWALD visited her people at Elkader last week.

W.M. SIMPSON took his daughter to Dubuque on Tuesday evening for treatment for catarrh.

LUHMAN & SANDERS have veneered the cast end of their store extension with brickas a fire protection.

Our thanks are due to friend Tom FOLSOM for some elegant pumpkins and squashes, bothbeing just what we wanted.

Fred. WILLIAMS' sheep sale will come off tomorrow afternoon. If you want some ewesto start a flock now is your chance.

Mrs. Clark VAN HOOSER is here on a visit.

Mrs. D.N. TURNER is visiting here a few days.

R.D. WHITE visited at Guttenberg over Sunday.

W.S. WEBSTER came home from Dakota last Saturday.

Mrs. Walter CHRISS came up from Cedar Rapids last Monday for a visit.

Miss Hopsie HARLEY, a daughter of Supervisor HARTLEY, was in town on Wednesday callingon friends.

Rooster sale. Wyandottes at 50 cents until Nov. 22. H.E. ROBERTS.

R.D.R.TOPLIFF a brother of John TOPLIFF came yesterday from Clinton, for a briefvisit. He formerly resided here.

We are under obligations to Jas. ORR, for a nice lot of pumpkins. Our supply isnow fully up to the demand.

E.R.A. BRAINARD was elected assessor outside over his opponent, E.R. SMITH, by avote of 117 to 26. E.R.A. ran like a steer.

Mrs. SANDERS came home from her western visit last night.

Will OEHRIG was out to Milford last week looking after his land there.

Ed H. PRIOR has erected four very fine monuments in Frankville the past week.

Mrs. STONE goes to West Union tomorrow to spend the winter with her daughter.

We are glad to learn that the old gentleman PARKER's condition is much improved.

District court will convene at Waukon next Monday, Judge HOBSON presiding.

Bert THOMPSON of Clermont, one of the boys in Co. I who is home on sick leave, wasup on Tuesday.

Postville Review
November 18, 1898

Miss Georgia PEARSON came down from St. Paul last Saturday for a visit with her folksat Hardin.

The bulk of the corn is in the crib.

Miss Nora RILEY spent last Sunday in Monona.

Wm. THOMA has opened a pool room in his brick building until he gets a chance torent it for some other business. He will rent it the first opportunity.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SONNKALB, Mr. and Mrs. John LEUI, Mr. and Mrs. John KLUSS andthe Misses Anna and Caroline LEUI visited at McGregor last Sunday.

Mrs. VAN HOOSER finished her visit here last Saturday and went to McGregor and fromthere goes to Saint Paul, and thence to her home, Spokane, Washington.

Arthur BEHRENS and family were up from Garnavillo Monday.

Miss Gertie WHEELER of Monona visited friends here last Saturday.

Mrs. Will ROBBE departed for their new home at Fayette Wednesday.

Thanks to Marshal HAWKINS for a fine head of cabbage. We could not find one at thegrocery stores.

It's a girl at Darius ORR's. This makes four of a kind and we can hardly ask Dariousto pass the weeds.

Will PLAGMAN came down from Castalia Monday. He says he is ready to open his blacksmithshop.

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. REDHEAD visited at Clermont Wednesday.

M. MURPHY and T.D. WHITE are entitled to thanks for cash on subscription.

Mr. and Mrs. W.I. CHASE entertained a few friends last Wednesday evening.

Miss Carrie DAWSON went to minnesota last Wednesday morning for a visit with anaunt.

M.Y. McMASTER and family visited with old friends in McGregor last Sunday, spendingMonday at Monona.

Last week Mrs. L.A. WEISER passed away at her home in Decorah at the age of 61 years. She was the widow of H.S. WEISER who founded the Winnesheik bank away back in thefifties. After his death some years ago Mrs. WEISER assumed the management of thisgreat business besides a vast estate outside and managed all with signal success. She was esteemed as one of the best women of Decorah socially and in every way. The bank will not be affected by her death as her son is now president and Mr. HOLWAY,who for many years has been cashier is still at the desk.

We take the folowing from the Waukon Republican: Last Tuesday Gov. SHAW announcedthe appointment as dairy commissioner of B.P. NORTON, of Cresco, to succeed L.C.GATES, who dropped dead at the Omaha exposition a few weeks ago. Mr. NORTON is oneof the most promi [remainder of article cut off]

Postville Review
November 25, 1898

Married. SWENSON-HARRIS. At the residence of the bride's parents, in Post township, Nov. 24th, 1898, by Rev. J.Q. DICKENSHEETS, Mr. Arthur W. SWENSON and Miss Nina E. HARRIS. The groom is a son of E. SWENSON, Esq. and the bride is a daughter of Geo. W. HARRIS. Both families have been long and favorably known in this community and all hope heaven's choicest blessings may rest upon the happy couple all through the journey of life.

Geo. TERRILL who was indicted for the cutting of young HARRINGTON, got off by staying in jail to April 1st. It seems to us too light a punishment for the crime.

Having purchased of F.E. SUTHERLAND, his wood saw, we would respectfully solicit your patronage. MARTIN Bros.

Will SHROYER and family attended a thanksgiving dinner at Castalia, yesterday. James GREGG and family had the same lay out at Monona. Unfortunately we had no relatives married and hence had to give thanks over our ordinary bill of fare.

The ladies Missionary Society of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. F.W. ROBERTS, Saturday afternoon at three o'clock. Subject- "Work among the Negroes and Indians" Ladies are requested to bring items of interest.

It will please you (and save you money if you buy) to see that fine line of fancy china, lamps and stationery at Ferd EISFELDER's which he has lately added to his already complete jewelry stock.

Prof. COFFEEN attended the opening of the now Grand at Decorah last Saturday evening. He says it was a grand success, there being about a $1100 house.

The last meeting of the Monday Club with Miss DURNO is spoken of in terms of approval. A well rendered program, a letter from Mrs. BARGELT to the club and delicious home made candies were enjoyed by those present.

I have just received a carload of the finest cutters ever seen in Postville, including Portlands, swell bodies and light sleighs, at prices that will enable anybody to buy. Call and see them, whether you wish to buy or not. Wm LEUI.

Mr. and Mrs. RAY of Concord, Minn. and their son Riley, visited at the COURSON residence a few days last week and Mr. RAY and son went on to Michigan on Tuesday evening and Mrs. RAY goes home today or tomorrow. She is a niece of Mrs. COURSON.

I respectfully request that all persons indebted to me to please call and settle at once. I have agreat many small accounts outstanding which aggregate quite a large sum. Try and remember these little bills as they are the easiest to forget. Respectfully, W.J. HANKS.

The following friends are entitled to thanks for cash on subscription: Miss E.M. McMASTER, C.B. BACHTELL, W.B. KNODT, L.B. SMITH.

Dr. HALL, of McGregor, was visiting at the home of G.W.GOETZ at the time that Sidney was stricken.

The Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of the M.E. church wil meet at the home of Mrs. Fred TANGEMAN, on Friday, Dec. 2nd at 3 p.m. Subject: Bethlehem: Its history and present outlook.

Yesterday was a beautiful thanksgiving day. Although the mercury registered 6 [degrees] below in the morning the day was mild and pleasant and the town was full of people and teams. The merchants had a big trade.

Mrs. James PAULSON, seven miles south of Postville, will have an auction sale of stock, including machinery and grain, on Tuesday, Nov. 29th, commencing at 10 a.m. W.C. McNEIL, auctioneer.

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