Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 15, 1898

Fatal Accident! G.W. HARRIS' 11 year old boy accidentally shot.
The people of Postville were shocked last Friday night at learning that Rodger HARRIS had been accidentally shot, and that the wound would likely prove fatal. He was driving a mower and supper being called he took a small rifle which he had in the field for the purpose of trying to shoot a woodchuck, on to the mower, setting the stock on the foot rest and leaning the barrel against his shoulder. The jar of the machinery finally shook it off the rest and it fell the hammer striking the rest as it fell, discharging it. The bullet entered the groin, passing upward, making seven perforations of the bowels. Several physicians were summoned but nothing could be done and Saturday afternoon he passed quietly away with but little pain.
It was a great and sudden blow to the parents and relatives and to the whole community; and the bereaved have the sincerest sympathy of their friends, which enbrace the entire people of their acquaintance. The exact age of Roger HARRIS was eleven years, three months and four days.
The funeral was held from the residence on Sunday morning and was very largely attended from both town and country. The sermon was by the Rev. DICKENSHEETS and the interment in Minert cemetery. 132 teams being in the procession.
The following verse was furnished by the parents:
"We loved our Roger, oh so well"
How much we loved him, none can tell

[remainder is illegible]

Noble Lodge No. 51, A.O.U.W. and Degree of Honor extend thanks to the Postville band for the fine music furnished at the installation of officers on Saturday night, July 9. Come again boys. About one hundred were present, all having a good time. Let the members turn out and make the meetings interesting as possible. Jas. GREGG, M.W.

The concert by Robert FULLERTON, on Wednesday evening, was not largely attended but was very good. Mr. FULLERTON has a smooth, melodious voice and it is a pleasure to hear him sing. Miss HENDERSON, of Cherokee, diversified the entertainment b a recitation which was fully appreciated. Mr. Bruce DAVIS accompanied Mr. FULLERTON on the piano in a very superb manner.

Card of Thanks.
Our thanks are hereby extended to all who so kindly assisted while our beloved son was dying and at his funeral. G.W. HARRIS family.

F.L. EISFELDER; Postville's finest and permanent Jeweler, the best goods at the lowest prices on anything in the line of watches, jewelry, silverware, spectacles or optical goods.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Friday, July 22, 1898

Sheriff J. H. McGhee returned from Dubuque last evening with James Sullivan, formerly of French Creek, and placed him in jail. He has been wanted badly for about four years. It will be remembered that he was indicted for the crime of incest, committed with his two young orphan sisters, but fled before he was arrested, and till very recently, when Sheriff McGhee learned that he was on a farm a few miles southwest of Ryan, Delaware county, and went down to arrest him. We learn that there are other indictments against him, and it is the hope of all law abiding people that he will get his just deserts.

[transcribed by R.R.J., February 2013]

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