Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 5, 1897

Mrs. McAndrew, of Aurelia, aunt of Mrs. Jas. Gregg, stopped over between trains last Friday on her way to Monona to see her sick mother.

John Waters' house has been reaised to "grade" this week. It will make a vast improvement in the looks as well as the utility of the residence.

The county papers were received too late to be of any service to us in giving returns. Next week we hope to give the official table. We scarcely ever saw so beautiful an election day as last Tuesday. It was a perfect autumn day, and ought to have drawn out a full vote.

Following are the Clayton county majorities:
White 293
Conley 46
Ruegnitz 646
Benton 934
Miller 418
Jenkins 282
Scholz 128
Dayton 167

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIntosh were in town Monday and made a pleasant and profitable call at this office. Nobody is more welcome than these old friends.

Richard Colvin has purchased the old Dawson farm, on Yellow river, for $45 per acre. The house and buildings cost much more than the amount received, in an early day.

Charley Sonnkalb moved to the Behrens house on west Tilden street, on Monday. Sorry to lose Charley from our side of town, but so long as he is in town we can stand it.

Miss Mary Willman arrived from Tipton last Saturday for a several weeks visit with parents, relatives and friends. This is her first home visit for three years and everybody is glad to welcome her.

John Sanders ought not to feel hurt over the result of the election as he ran 35 ahead of his ticket here and 25 ahead in the county. A good run considering the political office for which he was running.

Rev. F.L. Fisk, pastor of the Congregational church of Elkader, made a pleasant call at this office on Monday morning. In company with Rev. Pollard. Mr. Fisk is a very pleasant gentleman and an able minister.

The Monday Club will hold its next meeting with Mrs. Cornell, Monday, Nov. 8th, at 2:30 p.m.

Marriage licenses issued in the month of October, as furnished us by Deputy Clerk Haines, of Allamakee:
Walter E. Bray & Nettie Rankin
B.F. Thomas & Fanny Kemble
Geo. L. Reburn & Eldith M. Ruddiok [note: could be Ruddiek]
E.T. Rickansrud & Clara M. Anderson
Julius Feuerhelm & Hermenia Steger
Thorvold G. Faegre & Sarah Thorsensen
Jena Syverson & Maria Vorseth
Albert C. Johnson & Clara A. Rocksvold
Henry Leithold & Amanda Clark
J.C. Herwig & Lydia Steffen
James Burk & Annie Martell
Ernest Bigler & Lizzie Schrader
Geo. E. Chapman & Dora Hancock

The boys (and girls) did far less damage on all-hallowe'en this year than usual, and are entitled to thanks for what they didn't do. They confined their antics mainly to posting cardboard signs suggestive of certain characteristics of the parties visited, in their estimation. Some of them were hard hits, and doubtless some of them were merited, but it was all done in fun, and no hard feeling ought to be harbored. As hallowe'en came on Sunday evening the mischief was done Saturday night.

James E. Brainard was born February 25th, 1885, and died October 30th, 1897, aged 12 years, 8 months and 5 days. His life commenced within a few feet of where it ended. The heart is too full to say much, but this, I can say from the depths of a full heart, being so closely acquainted with him has helped us to live better lives. This may only be the esteem of partial parents and friends. How I wish my life had been as pure and blameless as his. In the work of the farm, ever since he was 6 or 7 years of age, he has been a constant and trusted helper, advisor and companion of a very unworthy father. Faith says, our loss is his gain. It was James that saved the life of his little brother, George, whose affliction keeps his parents at home.

Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank all friends that have helped or sympathized with us in this hour of sad affliction.
E.R.A. Brainard & Family.


The Graphic
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
November 25, 1897

Maggie and Mamie SHEEHY have been called home by the illness of their father, James W. SHEEHY.

Buttermaker GORDON's entry scored 95 1/2 points at the recent convention in Charles City to finish among the top entries.

While Frank ROBERTS is in Chicago on business, Ellison ORR is handling the cashier's work in the Postville State Bank this week.

Charles BACHTELL of Post township and C.G. HELMING of Ludlow have been appointed to the board of directors of the Allamakee County fair association.

Two cowboys from the wild and woolly west visited our peaceful little city Saturday, and after filling up with liquor, they proceeded to shoot the air full of holes. Marshall HAWKINS was called to the scene, arrested one of the men, while the other one escaped.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
November 26, 1897

Mr. Anger, from near Castalia, took home a dandy new cutter from Eggert's implement depot last Tuesday.

The Gregg families had a thanksgiving reunion at genial Jim's yesterday, the guests coming from Decorah and Monona.

John Fuhlbohm and wife, of Wisconsin, father and mother of Mrs. Fritz Sander, of Hardin, are staying with the latter this winter.

Judge Burnham, before whom Novak was tried for murder, at Vinton, was a resident of Hardin in its palmy days in the fifties.

The W.F.M.S. holds its regular monthly meeting Friday, Dec. 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Webster. Subject: Bible readings in India.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ruff, of Washta, Iowa, are visiting at the parental home down at Dave Jacobia's. Mrs. Ruff was formerly Miss Carrie Jacobia.

Bent Gordon and Will Hangartner performed the cowboy act last Saturday evening, going around town and shooting promiscuously. Hangartner escaped but Bent was gathered in and sent to Waukon to visit with Sheriff McGhee for 15 days at county expense.

Contrary to all expectations and all precedent, yesterday was a great day for people and teams in Postville. From early morning until night there was a crowd in town. Large quantities of hogs came in although the price remains at $3.00. Trade must have been good.

A.R. Prescott is getting up a pen drawing of the old log Post hotel for the State Historical Society. This house was built in 1848, and was the first house in this section, except the first house occupied by the Posts down near Jas. Orr's house, which was built several years earlier.

The following officers of the county agricultural society were elected for the ensuing year:
President - Simon H. Opfer
Vice president - C.M. Beeman
Treasurer - J.E. Duffy
Director for post - Chas. Bachtell.
The society made no mistake on secretary. Mr. Beeman is perfectly reliable and very popular with everybody.

[transcribers note: the first part of this article was cut off, I believe that the persons mentioned are all from out-of-town and someone visited them, possibly in Des Moines]
... We called on Scott Roberts and found him the same genial, companionable "rooster" that he always was in Postville. "There is sunshine in the soul" whenever Scott is around. We made a pleasang call on Col. Joe Eiboeck, at the Anzeiger office. Joe, like "'we'uns" is growing old but age don't sour life's disposition or make him morose. We can always pass a pleasant hour with him. We didn't have time to interview the state officers at the house on the hill. In fact we were inclined to keep away there are so many scandals floating around at that altitude.

About as interesting a half day as can be put in is to set Capt. Perry to talking about his late trip to England and Scotland. Mrs. Perry having relatives in both countries advantages were open to them to see much more of interest than fails to the lot of the average tourist, and the expense was correspondingly lessened. It was an experience that will be fresh in the minds of Mr. and Mrs. Perry as long as they live.

Will Leui has received a carload of the celebrated Northwestern cutters, heavy and light bobs. Positively the most beautiful line of these goods ever displayed in Postville. Prices guaranteed satisfactory. Be sure and see them whether you want to buy or not.

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Allamakee County