Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co. Iowa
May 1897

- W.O. Bock & Company, New Albin, have installed a soda fountain.

- I.C. School of Lansing will give an entertainment at Germania Hall on May 18. Besides many in the various drills the following names were on the program: Marne Omley, Marne Schobert, Marne Zoll, Lena Krier, Regina Clark, Bessie Tully, Maggie Bakewell, and John Beck.

- Mr. Platt, who has been running the Dudley House, will return to South Dakota, and D.D. Doe, the owner, offers the place for sale.

- Will Clancy, Lansing barber, has been offered a chair in the Plankington House shop in Milwaukee.

- Arch Fowler and Bert Metcalf caught 22 pounds of trout one day last week in Clear Creek, Houston county.

- Lansing school board rehired Prof. J.B. Knoepfler at a salary of $1200 per year.

- Matt Rodenkirk, wagon maker at Spinner Brothers, has bought a farm in Paint Creek township.

- Hugh O'Donnel and Joe Collins are building a house in Harpers for Wiedner; and M.J. Gleason also plans on building one.

- The Alba Heywood Comedy Company, one of the best shows on the road, have dates booked at both Lansing and Waukon.

- John Robinson, veteran New Albin stock buyer, was crushed and a knee-cap dislocated while loading hogs last week.

- Neal Conway, pioneer resident of Lansing and vicinity, was 87 years old Saturday.

- Martin Whalen has 20 men laying steel at Brownsville. James Powers of Harpers Ferry is in charge of his section.

- Ben Thomas enjoyed a real runaway with a team of Bascom's broncos, but escaped injury.

- George Johnson has the job of sprinkling Waukon's streets.

- Waukon business houses closed last Thursday for the funeral of Henry Duffy, prominent business man. 200 teams were in the funeral procession and Co. I gave him military honors. Sheriff McGhee has offered $500 reward for information leading to arrest and conviction of Duffy's murderer.

- Dorchester creamery is paying 11 cents per inch for cream.

- Harpers Ferry school has an enrollment of 70.

[transcribed by E.W., May 2007]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
May 14, 1897

Mrs. Robert LAUGHLIN and daughter, Lizzie, of Cedar Rapids, are here on a visit. They have not been here before for a number of years.

A party of bold fishermen expect to leave tomorrow afternoon for BURNHAM's mill. It is feared they may be induced to break the Sabbath.

A letter from H.P. DAWES informs us that fruit and crop prospects in Missouri are fine. We should be much pleased to accept his invitation to visit him, but it is too far away for us.

Without a doubt Miss Julia MASON ranks among the best readers. I have heard several prominent elocutionists render "Hand Car 412" and none better than she--F.W. PATEN, Supt. Iron Mountain (Mich.) Schools.
At the Cong. church, Monday, May 17th.

The double train from North McGregor to Calmar has been discontinued, only the I. and D. train going over the road, the I. and M. starting from Calmar. There is not sufficient travel now to warrant hauling so many cars over this piece of road.

This is to certify that the loss I sustained by fire to my barn, insured in the Hawkeye Insurance Company, was promptly adjusted and two days there-after their agent, W.S. WEBSTER, received a draft in full for the loss; no discounting or cutting. This is my 2nd loss in that Co., and I can cheerfully recommend the Co. to all for quick, prompt and honorable settlement of their losses. Christ RUCKTASCHEL.[sic Ruckdaschel]

Report of school taught in Highland district; Post twp., for the month ending May 7, 1897:
Number of days taught, 20
Number of pupils enrolled, 12
Average daily attendance, 7 1/2
Pupils perfect in attendance were: Earl BOLLMAN, Maymie, Sarah and Tommy MURRAY.
We welcome parents and friends at our school. Mrs. M.C. BOLLMAN, teacher.

"Dr. Jim" GORDON and Mr. and Mrs. Bert TUTTLE spent last Sunday out in the country with Mr. and Mrs. C.F. GORDON, and as usual enjoyed a very pleasant time. Charley's folks are entertainers from the ground up, and they're pretty tall too.

Next Sunday will be Epworth League Day at the M.E. church, it being the league anniversary. The pastor, H.S. BARGELT, will preach a sermon to the young people on league work.

Duncan McDONALD and his son, B.H.[initials might be R.H.], came in from Missouri on Monday for a visit. The elder McDONALD expects to remain during the summer visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wm. HARRIS and the many old friends of the long ago. He seems to be in good health and the same good spirits that has been proverbial with him all through life. He is one of the best socialists we have ever met. The son has not been here before for a good many years.

Last week we stated that A. RUCKDASCHEL purchased the lumber for his new barn at GOETZ' yard, which was a mistake, as it was purchased of GREGG. The "processon" came down from the north and some one gave the information as we had it. The luber was taken out of the car on track, which was the cause of the mistake. There is no damage done, as both yards sell lots of lumber, but we aim to tell the truth, and supposed we did on this occasion.

At the election on Monday, Monona voted to incorporate.

A meeting was held last Saturday evening, May 8th, to make the necessary arrangements for the proper observance of Memorial Day in Postville. F.S. BURLING was called to the chair and John WATERS chosen secretary. The following officers and committees were appointed, all of whom are now energetically at work to make Memorial Day the grandest one of all. The committees will meet May 17th, at Wm. SHEPHERD's office at 7:30.
President of the Day - Mayor F.S. BURLING
Marshal - James PERRY
Assistant marshal - Ellison ORR
Committee of Arrangements - J.B. HART, W.I. CHASE, Geo. REDHEAD, T.B. BOWMAN & Jno. PIXLER
Committee on Program - Jas. PERRY & John WATERS
Committee on Speaker - Chas. SKELTON & F.W. ROBERTS
Committee on Music - A.L. MEIER, John WATERS & Mrs. A.E. CORNELL
Committee on Decoration of Graves - A.R. PRESCOTT
Committee on Flowers - A.R. PRESCOTT, Harvey ROBERTS, Mrs. J. WATERS, Mrs. J. MOTT, Mrs. B. KERR, Mrs. F.W. ROBERTS, Mrs. J. NICOLAY, Mrs. J.H. SANDERS & Mrs. F.H. WELZEL.
Committee on Finance - Jno. MOIR & Jas. GREGG

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]

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