Iowa Old Press

Allamakee Journal
Lansing, Allamakee co., Iowa
March 1897

- Lansing High School class of 1897 elected Joe Dempsey, president, and John Saam, secretary and treasurer.

- Capt. Kratka's Str. Pauline pulled out March 30, taking a raft from Bad Axe bay to Muscatine.

- Over 100 stockholders of Calhoun Creamery met March 29 and elected the following officers: Frank Thompson, President; R. Bakewell, Vice President; John Leppert, Secretary; P.N. Smedsrud, Treasurer; and J.M. Thompson, A. Laughlin, F. Weipert, Directors.

- Assessor Frank Wier reports Lansing's assessment close to $145,000, a slight decrease, owing to falling off in valuation of Lansing Lumber Company.

- Peter Scholtes sold his farm to his sons and will live in the old John Haney house, west of town.

- Louis Hirth of French Creek sold his farm to his sons Will and Louis for $3,600.

- Wages on the river have dropped to $20 per month.

- G. Kerndt & Bros. are putting in a 5 h.p. gas engine to run their elevator.

- John Campbell nearly had a leg cut off with a wood saw, and may yet have to have it amputated.

- Waukon is all set for the big Lady Minstrel Show.

- John Verthein bought the Dennison farm in Union City for $2,750.

- John Casey has been rehired by Harpers Ferry school board for four terms of three months each at $45 per month.

- James Kibbey of Union City shipped a car of fat cattle to Chicago Sunday.

- Lansing is again agitating an island road into Wisconsin, to cost around $10,000.

- Henry Strong, 17, and Cora Peterson, 12, of South Lansing, were married at DeSoto.

- Andrew, son of Philip Leppert of French Creek, broke a leg last week, and his brother Clarence suffered a dislocated shoulder the week previous.

- Dr. LeTourneau drives the prettiest horse in Allamakee county.

- Waukon's old brewery building will be remodeled and made into a hotel.

- The aged mother of Louis Larson, "mighty hunter with sword and pen," of Taylor, died March 11.

- Lansing saloons contributed $1875 taxes last year.

- J.A. Kemble has settled with the railroad company for his son Will's loss of a leg, receiving $1200 and expenses.

- Coleman Bros. will open a new store in New Albin Soon.

- Some Allamakee teachers will receive as low as $12 per month for spring and summer terms.

- John Fritz of Lycurgus has purchased the John Deeney 80 acre tract adjoining his place.

- Frank Whaley has bought out Mort Hastings half-interest in the Waukon stage line.

- Ed Howes of French Creek will quit farming and have a sale on the 18th.

- John Heft, popular clerk in Nielander's is laid up with la grippe.

- A car of shelled com was delivered at Lansing to Wisconsin parties at l6¢ per bushel.

- J.W. Thomas has bought the old T.P. Grant hardware store building in Lansing for $800.

- August Herman and Simon Brandt put up 165 tons of ice for Ludlow creamery.

- Tom Howes, second son of Wm. Howes of French Creek, died last Thursday at Perry, Okla., where he had gone two months ago to seek a milder climate. He was aged 26, and a member of the C.O. Foresters.

- Dorchester creamery paid 15¢ for cream last month and Eitzen paid 14¢.

- The Pea Ridge Literary and Debating Society meets every Saturday evening.

- H. May of New Albin secured a haul of 25,000 lbs. of fish, mostly German carp.

[transcribed by E.W., March & April 2007]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
March 19, 1897

O.M. FRANKLIN died at his home about four miles northeast of Postville last Saturday, of pneumonia, aged about 35 years. Mr. FRANKLIN was an industrious citizen, though unfortunate so far as success in this life was concerned, having lost all in a venture against Dakota drouths and hot winds a year or two ago. "Curn", as he was familiarly known in these parts, was a man with character untarnished; upright, truthful, and tender, his death is regretted by all who knew him. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn the death of a loving husband and father. The funeral services occured Tuesday forenoon, Rev. Harper officating.

Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by R. N. DOUGLASS

Central Lumber Yard, James GREGG, Proprietor; Carries a full and complete stock of the best grades of lumber, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, Mouldings, Etc. Everything which goes into a house or barn furnished at the lowest possible figures. Get estimates before buying elsewhere. It will pay you.

Agent for the celebrated Jenkin's Pressed and Re-pressed Brick,and Ivory Cement Plaster, the best wall finish on the market. Office and Yard North of LUHMAN and SANDER's Store, Postville, Iowa.

F. S. BURLING, Attorney at Law and Collection Agent Also Notary Public. Deeds, leases, mortgages, and the like drawn. Prompt attention given to collections. Office first door west of State Bank, Postville, Iowa.

F. J. BECKER, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly attended. Office and residence southeast corner of Williams and Odgen streets, Postville, Iowa.

Dr. Will COLE, Dentist

Meat Market; SALZGEBER Bros, Proprietors; Postville, Iowa. Opposite the Postville State Bank. A choice variety of all kinds of fresh and salt meats, sausage, lard, etc. etc. A share of the public patronage solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Highest prices paid for choice butchering stock of all kinds. Hides and Pelt Bought.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]

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