Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
February 6, 1896

A beautiful spring day!!

We are sorry to know that our old citizen and friend, Elisha HARRIS, is in a critical condition, being suffering from dropsy.

H.W. BUDDENBERG has moved on to the E.T. HENDERSON farm. C.W. MEIER will return to the farm.

A sister of Mrs. Geo. LULL is here on a visit.

Presiding Elder GREEN is soon to take a vacation and visit Florida.

Mr. O.E. GRAY reports that the selling of syrup recipes looks quite favorable.

Ex-Gov. LARRABEE was up on Monday in attendance upon the Postville State Bank meeting.

Bert MARSTON is going on with rebuilding at once. The insurance adjuster was here last week.

F.W. ROBERTS gave a very interesting and profitable address at the lyceum last Monday evening.

The Van TASSEL murder trial is on at New Hampton this week, Judge FELLOWS presiding. Judge HOBSON is holding court at Decorah.

Joe GRAY talks laundry in his space this week. It is a cold day when Joe don't have something to say, and we have had very few of them this winter.

The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W.R. MEAD, of the Cresco Plaindealer, occurred Jan. 22nd. But few newspaper men live to celebrate this event.

Charley SONNKALB has rented his farm and will move to town and enter the employ of Will LEUI in the machinery business March 1st. He will make a hustler.

Pastor HAND will speak as usual Sunday morning from the topic "A choice of the two ways."

Waukon seems to be in a worse boat, if possible, with her water works, than Postvile was. A muddle has already arisen that can hardly be untangled without a lawsuit.

There seems to be a hitch somewhere in the appointment of J.N. LEITHOLD as postmaster at Postville, as he has received no personal notice as yet. We cannot account for the delay.

Waukon is to have two trains a day on the branch after April 1st, but the change will take the train men to the junction to reside, to which Waukon demurs. It will be even worse for the train men.

E. HUGHES has his meat market running all this week, with all kinds of meats that the market affords. When he gets thoroughly fixed up he intends to have as complete a market as there is anywhere.

This is to certify that I have purchased the receipes for making "Diamond Drip Crystal Syrup" from Mr. O.E. GRAY and that I have made some syrup from his recipes, and can say that it is the finest and best tasting syrup I have ever seen. Mrs. H.S. HUMPHREY.

We see it stated that the C.M.& St.P.R.R. will soon start what is termed the "lunch system" on all trains not carrying dining cars. Lunches wrapped in wax paper and put up in tin foil will be for sale. This will be all right if the lunches are good and fresh and the price is not out of sight.

J.B. HART gives us his business card this week. It is unnecessary for us to say a word about him here, where he has lived all his life. All know that he never takes hold of anything that he does not make a success. The furniture business is no exception. He has spent a good deal of time and money to make a success of embalming and if these details are left to him there need be no fear of failure. He is an expert as a funeral director.

Roll of honor this week:

A.W. GORDON and wife came down from Rock Valley on Wednesday night. As Arthur has escaped us thus far, we are unable to give any particulars. We understand, however, that he was duly married to a Rock Vally young lady, on Tuesday last, name not obtained. We congratulate the young lady and presume Arthur is to be equally congratulated. Arthur is one of Postville's old boys and is an honest, upright, steady, industrius young man, of whom any people may be justly proud. With his hosts of friends here the Review joins in wishing them much joy and may happiness and prosperity be theirs through long and useful lives, crowned by "an eternal weight of glory" Cigars, please!!

J.K. HAINES, deputy county clerk, furnishes us the following list of marriage licenses issued during the month of January, 1896:
Henry B. MEYER & Sophia MEINCCS [may be Meinces]
Jacob MOSIER & Martha FRINK
Christian MOSS & Bertha SCHWARTZ [may be Schwaris]
Frank C. LANE & Edda HAWORTH
Timothy McGUIRE & Catherine McGOUGH
Robert I. STEELE & Catherine E. MONTGOMERY
Christ HASS & Maggie McNALLEY
Charles HENNY & Mary COLCH
George H. GRAHAM & Stella F. McGOON

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