Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
November 2, 1895

A new daughter came to the home of Robt. JENNEWINE, at Hardin, on Tuesday night.

The St. Cecilia club will meet with Miss Blanche DURNO, Tuesday evening Nov. 5, at 7:15.

Mrs. M. MICKELSON has been quite seriously indisposed for some time, but is slowly improving.

J.H. MEIER and daughter were at Waukon last Saturday, the latter to secure a certificate to teach.

Mr. J. SMITH has moved from Miss SELLEG's house to H. DRESSER's residence, vacated by Mr. DAWSON.

Diphtheria is said to be prevalent at Nora Springs and Eagle Grove. We hope we shall be spared this visitation again. We regret to learn that it has appeared in this vicinity, there being one case in Postville; Mrs. Ray SCHULER, the other cases being in Grand Meadow township. It was brought from Spillville. The cases have been promptly quarantined, and every effort will be made to prevent its spread.

At the Postville Clothing House of C. HOLTER's, you will find the best and cheapest line of underwear in Iowa.

Jas. A. GORDON is coming out form his typhoid all right. He was able to come to town on Wednesday. He has rented the rooms over John THOMA's store and will move in next week, if he is able.

The Waukon water mains are being laid as fast as workmen can be procured to do the work.

Mr. NIERLING, democratic candidate for supervisor, in company with Mr. MITCHELL, of Waukon, was in town last Friday.

Dr. H.O. GREEN, of Spencer, made his parents and many friends glad by an over sunday and Monday home visit. We always like to see "Doc" if he is an incorrigible democrat.

Died, at her home, two and a half miles west of Emporia, Kansas, of typhoid fever, Mrs. Nora WHORTON, wife of Edwin J. WHORTON and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.C. TAYLOR, Sunday morning, Sept. 29, 1895. she was married to Edwin J. WHORTON, July 24, 1891, and he was killed by the cars on March 1, 1892, and on March 2, 1893 she buried her five months old baby. She had been clerking in the Alliance store in Emporia for the last two years and had won the admiration and esteem of a large number of friends. The funeral services were held Sept. 30, at two o'clock, at the TAYLOR residence, conducted by Rev. Pearse PINCH, pastor of the 1st Congregational church. A large concourse of people, with the weeping friends, followed the remains to their final rest in Maplewood cemetery.

A.B. COOK will teach the winter school at West Grove.

Wm. GOEKE has the typhoid fever. He is our thresher. His brother John will start the mill Monday before election.

Mrs. Myrtle McGHEE has been the organist at Bethel up to two years ago, for six or eight years. She will always have a warm place in the hearts of the Bethelites.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
November 9, 1895

J.M. Harris took the returns to Waukon on Wednesday.

Jas. GREGG and family Sundayed at Monona. They were called to Monona by the very dangerous illness of Mrs. GREGG's sister.

Miss Lillie RILEY is clerking in Jno. CROSBY's store.

Geo. TODD has moved into the Miss SELLEG residence, on Summer street.

The St. Cecelia club will meet with Miss DARLING next Tuesday evening.

Dr. FLYNN is "at home" and settled in his new location.

W.J. HANKS has his jewelry store in apple pie order.

No diptheria cases in town now, the case reported last week proving very light.

Station Agent TURNER is suffering from rheumatism and is taking a few days lay off.

Ford EISFELDER has gone to Monona to engage in the jewelry business.

Librarian PRESCOTT has a new magazine case for files of magazines, and many find a package of back numbers very pleasant and profitable reading in their own homes. Call in at the public reading room and see what he has.
A goodly number of our people went to Clermont to attend the funeral of Henry McGAHERAN last Monday. There were 115 teams in the procession.
The flower mission work, whose beginning and center for the state is Postville, sent more than 400 boxes and packages to Chicago during the summer. Harvey ROBERTS was appointed at Des Moines to take charge of the state work.

A lyceum was organized at the high school on Wednesday, the the following officers:
President, Ruby WEBSTER
Vice president, Emma NICOLAY
Secretary, Fritz LUHMAN
Treasurer, Etta DRESSER

Both of the "pushers" of the Review are under lasting obligations to their good friend, Geo. BELLOWS, for a plate of his splendid make of butter, decorated in the highest style of the art. The product of the Farmers' Creamery always brings the highest price in New York and no creamery has a better force than Geo. BELLOWS and his assistants.

Co. Clerk BOCK issued licenses to the following parties during October:
Harry L. DAYTON & Ethel M. COWEN
Hans A KLOSTAD & Manida C. KROM
Ernst P. LAYAR & Elizabeth E. ROTH [possibly Groth]
Barnard JOHNSON & Sarah NOONAN
Hugo F. GRAU & Clara M. KERNDT [may be Hugo P. Grau]
Clarence H. OWEN & Louise C. MILLER
Timothy McGUIRE & Catharine KELLEY

Miss Susan SIGLIN, of Monona, a sister of Mrs. Jas. GREGG [of Postville], died on Thursday night, aged 26 years.

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