Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
March 31, 1894

J.I. SHEPHERD, Esq. left Monday afternoon for Peoria, by the Burlington. He returned yesterday.

Roll of honor for cash on subscription:

We are happy to be able to state that Mrs. BURDICK is steadily improving and we hope hereafter to be able to give our attention to the Review, which we have been unable to do but partially for the past two months until this week.

The annual meeting of the Postville cemetery Association will be held at Luhman & Sanders store tomorrow. A.W. McDANELD, sect'y & treas.

HARRINGTON's orchestra made merry music for the "XYZ" club at Clermont on Wednesday evening. It was a very elite and elegant party. Mrs. H.R. ROGERS, Misses LOOMIS, CROWE, [illegible], HOSFORD and LARRABEE, and Mrs. ?.?. APPLEMAN were the prime [illegible].

We last week overlooked mention of the fact that G.W. BELLOWS and J.A. GORDON [possibly Gorham, very difficult to read] had been hired for another year as buttermaker and assistant at the farmers creamery. George and Jim are a pair not easily duplicated.

OBITUARY. [transcribers note: I could not read the first part of this obit, it is for Otis Makepeace] well as the fraternities to which he belonged, as mentioned above. Beautiful flowers were contributed as follows: By the Epworth League, a cross; by the Y.P.S.C.E., an anchor; by the Good Templars, a [illegible]; by the young ladies of the town, a harp. Mr. MAKEPEACE was a little past twenty-six years of age, and so far as known he had not an enemy in the world, but was a friend to all. This consciousness will be a great consolation to relatives in their great and sudden bereavement. His sun has gone down before the meridian was reached, but he has left a memory of which any young man might be proud, and one which the Review hopes all its young friends will emulate. All who knew him mourn the loss of a dear friend, but at the same time we feel that beyond the storms of life he is safely anchored in the harbor of eternal rest. And feeling thus we sadly though hopefully say farewell.
Otis MAKEPEACE had life insurance in the amount of $6,500. [note: amount may be in error, difficult to read]

Mrs. Alice ROW died of chronic bronchitis and general debility, on Tuesday, March 27, 1894, at 9 o'clock a.m., aged 80 years, 2 months and 27 days. She was born in Manea, Cambridgeshire, England, Jan. 1, 1814. Came with her husband to America in 1848; resided 4 years in Columbia Co., Wisconsin; moved from there to near Lansing, Allamakee Co., Iowa, in 1852, in which county and state she has resided ever since. Funeral at M.E. church, on Thursday, at 3 p.m. Burial on Friday, March 31, at Mount Hope cemetery, this county. Mrs. ROW was the wife of our well known and respected townsman, Jas. ROW, to whom we extend our heartfelt sympathy in his great bereavement. As he has no children on which to lean in his declining years the world will be dark and cheerless to him for the balance of the journey. May a power greater than man's sustain him to the end.

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