Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
December 29, 1894

Mr. DAUBENBERGER has sold his farm, the old J.M. HARRIS place, to E. SWENSON for $60 per acre and the former has possession of it for another year. Mr. SWENSON has sold 90 acres of his old farm to Louis SCHROEDER. We understand Mr. SWENSON takes Mr. SCHROEDER's house in town as part payment. We did not learn the price per acre of the land or the price allowed for the house.

Will MITCHELL, of Ida Grove, is here visiting parents and other relatives and friends.

W.S. WEBSTER was called to South Dakota on Monday by the death of a brother.

Mr. and Mrs. W.R. PARKER, of Independence, have been visiting here this week.

Dr. BECKER and wife have been at Keokuk this week visiting Mrs. BECKER's mother.

Mr. John R. MOTT will occupy the pulpit at the M.E. church next Sabbath morning.

Miss Ollie ORR is attending the state teacher's convention at Des Moines this week.

We regret to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Otto MICKELSON have lost their four months old baby.

Mayor HART has purchased a matched span of black horses for use on the hearse. They are dandies.

M.L. McKINLEY was up from Iowa City eating Christmas trukey with relatives and friends.

J.H. LAUGHLIN and little son left last Saturday to spend the holidays with relatives at Cedar Rapids and Des Moines.

Geo. TUTTLE has been enjoying the quinsy for a "week back." We should think a porous plaster would be more beneficial.

We are indebted to our young friend, D.A. MURPHY, for a pleasant call on Wednesday, while on his way to Chicago.

Judge FELLOWS will open his first term of court in Elkader, Jan. 7th, and Judge HOBSON at Waukon on the 14th.

Miss Mary MICKELSON, of New Albin, and Mrs. Anna WAMPLER, of Ridgeway, made Christmas merry for their mother by a home visit.

Walter CHRISS came in on Saturday to sell some furniture and spend the holidays at the old home.

Miss Cora STRIKE has resigned her position in Skelton & Tangeman's store and will soon leave Postville.

HARRINGTON's orchestra furnished music for the Christmas dance at the Ossian opera house. They also made merry music for the Turner dance on Wednesday evening.

Dr. GREEN, who has been at Milford for several weeks, returned last Saturday. He has a brother here on a visit from the state of New York who he had not seen for 30 years.

Andy BOCK and wife, of Austin, were down to eat turkey at the home of Mrs. BOCK's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. WHITE. Mr. BOCK is a brother of the clerk of the courts elect, and is a good printer.

Mrs. STARKEY and son, George, were called to Nebraska the latter part of last week by the very dangerous illness of a daughter of Mrs. STARKEY. She was still living when they arrived but her life was despaired of.

John MURPHY, assistant cashier of the bank at Reynolds, N.D. came all the way down from his northern home to "talk turkey" with his relatives and numerous friends. The MURPHY boys are all friends of the Review and we rejoice at their success.

Mrs. T.V. HUNT has received receipts for all clothing sent by the Postville ladies to the Wisconsin fire sufferers and the Nebraska drouth sufferer. Five barrels in all were sent, and the ladies are entitled to great credit.

The meeting of stockholders of the Postville Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Company will be held in the German school house, in Postville, on the 7th day of Jan, 1895, at 10 o'clock a.m. for the election of officers and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. Joseph STEELE, president.

Bids for hauling the milk on the milk routes of the Postvile Farmers' Co-operative Creamery Company, will be received by the secretary up to 1 o'clock p.m. on Jan 12, 1895. The routes will be let to the lowest responsible bidder. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. Ellison ORR, sec.

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