Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
October 7, 1893

Robes lined at KLUSS' Harness Shop.

Henry WEIHE returned from the fair on Thursday.

Jas. ORR will be a world's fair visitor this week.

Dr. BECKER has rented W.F. WARNER's residence.

Wm. FISHER, near the junction, a boy last week Tuesday.

Remember John H. MEIER's large farm auction sale next Tuesday.

Mrs. DICKSON, of Monona, visited Mrs. TUTTLE and other friends this week.

D.E. HARRINGTON has moved into rooms in the former STAADT drug store building.

Mrs. McEWEN and Ethel came home from the "White City" on Thursday.

Orin and Ed GORDON and Ben. GORDON took the Burlington last Saturday for the fair.

All who can should go to McGregor Saturday evening and hear the to-be governor, Frank D. JACKSON.

A.J. ROUNDS has an auction sale on his farm in Grand Meadow township, on Saturday of next week.

Miss Addie SANDERS returned from Chicago yesterday and already a large invoice of new goods has arrived.

M.Y. McMASTER passed his 66th mile post yesterday. "Mose" says he is "just as young as he used to be".

Mrs. L.A. EASTON, who has been visiting here for a few weeks, will return to her home at Garner tomorrow.

Miss Lois TUTTLE was called to Decorah on Wednesday to resume her old place with the windmill company.

H. POESCH has moved into the MOETSCH residence, the latter having rented the HAMMOND farm and moved on to it.

Aug. LANGE is sawing wood and drilling wells at half price since last Sunday, when a wee bit of a son came to bless his house.

I offer for sale six or seven head of fine young horses. R.N. DOUGLASS.

H.S. LUHMAN went to Waukon on Wednesday to attend the board meeting of the 1st National Bank. He reports the institution in a healthy condition.

Shoats Strayed. From the residence of Mr. RUCKDASCHEL, in Postville, two large shoats. Information as to their whereabouts will be liberally rewarded.

Mrs. H.C. BADY and daughter Miss Louise, returned here from Chicago, on Tueday. They will go to Des Moines this week, where their home is now.

A neat wedding card announces the marriage at Waukon, on Wednesday, of Robert Bruce MAY and Lucy Taylor STODDARD. The Review extends congratulations.

Theodore LUHMAN, and his sister, Emma, arrived yesterday, the former to remain a few days and the latter to remain all winter with Mr. and Mrs. LUHMAN.

Benjamin SHARP, three miles west of Postville, will have an auction sale on Saturday, Oct. 14th, at 10 o'clock, a.m. at which he will sell horses, cows, young stock, hay, oats, etc.

John PRIOR and J.A. PARKER have been reveling among the ducks on the Mississippi river this week. If there were any ducks there they must have found the climate very unhealthy for them ere this.

Rev. J.W. FERNER attended the association here this week. It is his first visit since relinquishing the pastorate of the Congregational church.

The two residences on Williams St., owned by Mrs. MITCHELL are offered for sale, cheap.

Roll of honor: Orville WHEELER, Mrs. J. HENDERSON, A.W. LANGE, C.B. GUY, C.A. ABEL, J.A. NEWVILLE, D.A. MURPHY, Mrs. Benj. SMITH, H.E. BABCOCK, Mrs. L.A. EASTON and Mrs. Emma BROOKS.

Henry POESCH was the victim of a surprise party, a week ago last Saturday, on the occasion of his birthday. The old Postville band seranaded him after which they were invited to come into the house, where, with the other invited guests, they spent an evening of pleasant social intercourse and partook of a supper that would do honor to a wedding feast. Many happy returns of the day. This item should have appeared last week.

On Monday night burglars entered the residence of J.E. RUCKDASCHEL, (the former POWERS residence) in the east part of town and ransacked all the lower part of the house, but taking no valuables except a pocket-book containing about $10, which was found in Mrs. R's dress hanging in one of the rooms below, all the family sleeping on the second floor. Entrance was made trough the wood-house to the kitchen. The burglars went through the pantry stores and made a good meal of chicken and other choice eatables on the table. Partially burned matches were scattered about the floors of all the rooms below. No one was awakened and the marauders had everything their own way. Of course there is unfortunately no clue to the burglars.

At a republican caucus held in Postville, Sept. 30th W.N. BURDICK called to the chair and W.S. WEBSTER chosen secretary. The following delegates were chosen to attend the county convention to be held in Waukon, Oct 7th:
John H. MEIER, J.B. HART, W.S. WEBSTER, W.H. CARITHERS, Jas. M. HARRIS, H.S. LUHMAN, W.I. CHASE, Evan SWENSON & C.E. HANCHETT. J.M. HARRIS was nominated township trustee.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 14, 1893

Mr. and Mrs. Henry KROGMAN, on the POESCH farm, rejoiced over the arrival of a baby girl, the first in the family.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
October 21, 1893

A case of scarlet fever is reported in the SW part of town. It has been quarantined.

Mrs. F.W. ROBERTS and J.H. GRAY are in the "White City" this week. This is the second visit for Mrs. ROBERTS.

W.M. DICKINSON and wife, of Fayette county, were guests at the Geo. REDHEAD residence a few days this week.

We had the pleasure of pulling the smoke out of several fragrant Havanas on the McGHEE-COOK wedding this week.

Mrs. J.H. BOLLMAN returned home from Portage City, Wis, on Tuesday, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. A.W. SMITH.

Bear in mind Geo. WATERS' great farm auction sale next Tuesday. A half mile east of Bethel church, at 10 o'clock a.m.

Angus GORDON is on the sick list with a touch of typhoid fever, but it is hoped that he is mending and will come out all right.

Our thanks are due to W.J.HANKS for a brace of fine ducks brought back from his western hunting excursion.

J.N. TOPLIFF, Jr. and Geo. S. TUTTLE, a brace of Spirit Lakes' progressive young men, were visiting here this week.

Mr. John KAMP, residing southwest of Postville, died yesterday morning of heart failure, aged 68 years. Funeral from the house, Saturday, at 10 o'clock.

Rev. B.F. BERRY has moved into town and occupies the MEIER house, vacated by Mrs. COYLE.

During the thunderstorm last week the chimney on Ellen M. McMASTER's house was struck by lightning and demolished.

Mr. WALLIS, of the Graphic moved into the DOUGLASS house on the north side, vacated by Mr. HARRINGTON.

Hugh SHEPHERD expects to open his harness shop next week.

Cash on subscription: M.L. McKINLEY, J.S. HAWKINS, M.W. EATON, Geo. J. HELMING, W.R. PARKER, Hon. J.H. SWEENEY & Emma McDONALD.

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. STEWART, of Williamsport, Penn., and Mrs. Jane MATTHEWS, of Shiconda, Wis., have been visiting down at the pleasant Cherry Valley home of Mr. and Mrs. L.D. VanGORDER. Mrs. STEWART is a niece and Mrs. MATTHEWS a sister of Mrs. VanGORDER.

The following is the county democratic ticket:
J.F. DAYTON, representative; J.F. DOUGHERTY, treasurer; T. KNUDTSON, sheriff; W.J. MITCHELL, superintendent; H. FROELICH, supervisor; J. FAHEY, surveyor and J. SAVOLE, coroner.

Jim GORDON, a boy, last night, Henry EGGERT, a girl and Charley HARRIS, a boy.

Mrs. D.N. TURNER returned from a visit to the world's fair on Monday.

Hiram DRESSER moved into his palatial new residence on Post street last Saturday.

Mrs. W.N. BURDICK went to Cresco on Wednesday. Her arms are a little better than for several months.

Our staunch old republican friend, Robt. WATERS, St., was in for a short call on Tuesday.

A line from Castalia informs us that Mrs. BETTYS arrived there last monday on a visit and is at Mr. CORNELL's. She will visit Postville before returning to Chicago.

--Married, at the residence of the bride's parents, in Post township, on Thursday morning, Oct 12, 1893, by Rev. MILLER, of Castalia, Mr. Elmer A. McGHEE and Miss Mertie COOK, both of Post township. Thus are another pair of Allamakee county's best and most highly respected young people joined together in that most scared relation, and that their pathway all along life's journey may be strewn with choicest flowers is the wish of the Review and a host of other friends of Elmer and Mertie. The happy couple took a short trip to Lawler to visit friends.

--Married. At the home of the bride's parents, in Hub City, Wis., at 2 o'clock p.m., Oct. 18th, 1893, Mr. S.C. BAILY, of Postville, Iowa, and Miss Maude SPRAGUE, the Rev. William M. SMITH officiating. Mr. and Mrs. BAILY will be at home on their farm, near Postville, after Nov. 10th. The Review welcomes Mr. BAILY to the old home on the farm, and wishes them prosperity and happiness.

--Married. At the residence of the bride's parents, in this city, on Wednesday, Oct. 18th, 1893, by Rev. J. GASS, Mr. Wm. KLUSS and Miss Maggie RUCKDASCHEL, both of Postville. Mr. and Mrs. KLUSS have innumerable friends in Postville and surrounding country with whom the Review joins in wishing "much joy".

COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Meeting of Oct. 6, 1893.
Bills allowed:
Jacob MEYER, repairing, $0.35
WATERS & NICOLAY, hardware, $16.87
John SCHULTZ, marshal's salary, 3 months, $18.75
L.A. BELLOWS, night watch from Aug 21 - Oct 6, $77.42
S.F. CLINTON, lumber, $49.75
S.F. CLINTON, lumber, Mrs. BLANCHARD's sidewalk, $10.70
S.F. CLINTON, lumber, J.C. ROLLINS sidewalk, $14.46
Charles SCHULTZ, building J.C. ROLLINS sidewalk, $1.75
WATERS & NICOLAY, nails for J.C. ROLLINS sidewalk, $0.52
John PIXLER, labor on streets, $16.87
Carl KROGMAN, labor on streets, $11.87
P. MURPHY, labor on streets, $6.25
Wm. McQUILLAN, labor on streets, $15.62
John SCHULTZ, labor on streets, $30.50
John COLE, labor on streets, $21.25
John WATERS, labor on streets & 5 loads stone, $4.50

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Allamakee County