Iowa Old Press

Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 5, 1893

D.A. Jerald has moved into the Ray Schuler house.

Robert Schmidt of Elkader was a caller Tuesday.

W.N. Burdick was at Prairie du Chien Saturday.

Mrs. C. Wegner has returned from her visit at McGregor.

Markets -- Butter 17 to 19 cents; eggs 12 cents; hogs $6.10; cattle $2.30 to $4.00

Ham Campbell was run down by a mule here on the Fourth.

Mr. and Mrs. R.N. Douglass returned Friday from the World's Fair.

John Thoma cut a goodly part of his thumb off Monday while cutting meat.

A shooting affair at Ezra Hughes' saloon last Saturday broke the usual monotony.

Henry Range injured his arm severely while assisting with the barn raising at Joe Niek's.

Tony Marshal, Tom Knudtson and Charles Oehring departed yesterday for the World's Fair.

The millinary store of Meyer & Thiese has been moved into the new store of R.F. Hecker.

City Marshall Prior has resigned. Street Commissioner John Schultz will fill the vacancy for the time being.

Carl Schultz, residing six miles south of Postville, had his right foot badly bruised when a timber fell on it while he was raising his barn.

Two runaways Saturday caused quite a bit of excitement in town. The teams of S.A. Green and a Mr. Pearson played the leading parts. Not much damage resulted in either case.

Aug. Fischer purchased the P. Regan farm of 80 acres located 3 1/2 [or 5 1/2] miles southwest of Postville for $2800, or $35 an acre. Mr. Regan received a good price for the land.

Postville's big Fourth of July celebration was a grand success. The following were winners in the contests:
Horse race - Robert Hecker, 1st; McGreevey, 2nd
Mule race - Ed Schroeder
Bicycle race - Wm. Kluss
Wheelbarrow race - M. Thoma, Elgin.
Pole climbing - Will Thill

[transcribed by S.F., February 2006]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
July 22, 1893

Have you seen the comet?

Boyd H. HAND returns to his Ames studies today.

A.E. CORNELL and wife were at Monona last Sunday.

Walter CHRISS has returned to his labors on the road.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MOTT expect to visit the world's fair next week.

Mrs. G.E. EATON was up from Monona a couple of days this week.

Wm. MITCHELL is in feeble health. His son, James, is here at present.

D.N. TURNER, station agent, has rented the Walter CHRISS residence.

Our good Scotch friend, N. McWILLIAMS, called pleasantly yesterday.

Mrs. HAVIRLAND and Mrs. GORDANIER have been visiting at Hardin this week.

Geo. WATERS will not move to town until December but he is "in it" with the firm of Waters & Waters just the same.

Miss Mable DeCOU will now take a vacation of three weeks. She will be ready to resume teaching her music class July 26th.

Joe. BEUCHER is building a large warehouse for the storage of lime, cement, coal, etc. Taylor & Bellows are doing the work.

J.H. SANDERS has remodeled his residence until you would not know it. The 'squire has got to putting on frills since he is alderman.

Godfrey STAADT and wife and Bert TUTTLE and wife drove down to Monona last Sunday. They report that little city on the upgrade.

A Mr. HURLEY is the new postmaster at Luana.

When at Monona be sure and call at Thos. MULLIGAN's palace restaurant.

C.P. DARLING and family all started for Denver on the Monday afternoon train. They go to visit Will and get a little mountain air.

Mr. C.E. SMITH, of San Diego, Cal.; Mr. Seymore DORY, of Rocky Mountains, Col.; Mr. George M. DORY, of Fontanelle; Mrs. Mary A. BARTON, of Des Moines; Mrs. Abagail MINERT, of Albany, Wis., are visiting A.P. and Mrs. G.W. COON, at Hardin.

Perhaps the greatest shock ever experienced by our people occurred about 7:00 o'clock last Monday evening, when it was announced that Fred THOMA was dead, and by his own hand. Family troubles had been preying on him for a long time. He was found by members of the family in the orchard, suffering from poison. Before Dr. BECKER arrived he was past human aide and shortly expired. Strychnine was supposed to be the deadly drug taken, but he would give no information as to that, but said he had done what he had long purposed to do and that his business afairs were all adjusted. Fred THOMA was born in 1832, and came to Clayton county in 1847, settling in Ohio. One year later he came to Clayton county settling at Garnavillo. Married Catherine POESCH in 1855. She died in 1876. He came to Grand Meadow in 1860. He had nine children by his first wife, six of whom are living. In 1886 he was married to Mrs. Catherine KOEVENIG, by whom he had two children, one of whom is living. All but two of his children were at the funeral. He leaves a wife, one brother and five sisters. He died July 17th, 1893, aged 61 years and 23 days. The funeral, which was held from the residence on Wednesday, the services being in charge of the Workmen, Rev. GASS being the officiating clergyman. The interment was in the old Postville cemetery, by the side of his first wife. [note: extracted from a more lengthly article]

--John LARKIN, Esq., the Elkader attorney, died last Saturday.
--Mrs. Capt. PHILLIPS, of Waukon, mother of the late J.K. PHILLIPS, of Postville, died suddenly at Guttenberg on Tuesday of apoplexy. Her remains were taken to Waukon for interment on Wednesday via Postville, no trains running over the branch.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 27, 1893

100 degrees in the shade last Sunday

Henry Birch and family have returned to Oelwein.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mott left last evening for Chicago.

Conrad Thoma of Charles City was in town last week.

Mr. Turner has moved his family in the Walter Chriss house.

John Kampke is confined to his home with a severe attack of heart trouble.

C. Meyer, who resides on the Ragan farm, has purchased the T.B. Easton farm.

On Tuesday Frank Sebastian sold 7 hogs avereraging 350 lbs. each for 5 cents a pound.

Misses Jauert and Swenson have opened a dressmaking parlor in the Staadt building.

Fred Schara invited a number of families to his home Sunday. The day was spent playing croquet, etc.

Two of our town boys were arrested for shooting within the town limits but were released after being given a severe reprimand.

Eugene Stockman has resigned his position with Meier & Eaton. He has leased the store building adjoining Bixby & Williams and will open a furniture store there about August 20th.

[transcribed by S.F., May 2006]

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