Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
February 4, 1893

This elaborate and ornate pageant has been in preparation by the Ladies of the M.E. Epworth League and Congregational Endeavor Society. To be held February 7, 1893. The scope and thrift of Postville trade is only equaled by the grace and beauty of our young ladies, both will be displayed in this local World's Fair. The elaborate and unique costumes in preparation will find display in the intricate military drill and curious figures to be given under the command of Capt. Ellison ORR. Among the attractions offered will be music by the men's quartet and also by the brass band. We learn of many quaint and elegant costumes to be aired. The prices of the tickets are popular, that the many may come. General admission: 25 cents. Reserved seats: 25 cents, to be had at STAADT's drug store. Doors open at 7:00, entertainment begins at 7:30. We give a cast of characters, as so far completed:
[transcription note: The name of the representative is followed by the firm they represented]
Alice TETHERLY, Postville State Bank
Addie M. SNADERS, Luhman & Sanders
Jennie McMASTER, Dr. J.S. Green
Mrs. JERALD, D.A. Jerald
Mrs. THOMAS, A.M. Thompson
Carrie DRESSER, F.N. Beedy
Bertha MEYER, Meyer & Thiese
Nora MINNICK, John Moir
Mrs. BECKER, Dr. Becker
May PRIOR, J. Prior & Son
Lucy ALWARD, Carl Holter
Clara SHEDD, Sanders & Kapler
Cora DARLING, C.P. Darling
Ella ROBINS, Will Holahan
Maud MABRY, Waters & Nicolay
Delia LEITHOLD, A. Staadt & Son
Anna REDHEAD, Jim Parker
Ruby WEBSTER, W.S. Webster
Nellie HAINES, Charley Hardwick
Mae STILES, E.D. Stiles
Sara PRESCOTT, A.R. Prescott
Ethel McEWEN, Citizens State Bank
Edna HAND, R.N. Douglass
Lillie RILEY, Henry Hann
Maggie SHEEHY, Bixby & Williams
Bessie ROBERTS, Hall Roberts
Alida HARRINGTON, Postville Orchestra
Lillian NOBLE, H.H. Lien
Eula MABRY, Henry Poesch
Edith ELLIS, Dr. W. Cole
Helen SKELTON, Skelton & Tangeman
Alma GRAY, U.T.K. Clothing Store
Amanda MEIER, Meier & Eaton
Emma McDONALD, J.H. VanVelzer

The Graphic is settled in its new quarters.

Assessor WELZEL will soon determine how poor we are.

J.M. HARRIS will occupy his new residence in town today.

Ellison ORR froze both his ears coming to school this morning for the first time this winter.

Wright INYERT has left his bed and board and gone to live with his Uncle Andrew DAVIS. Pretty cold weather trying to batch it, is'nt it, Wright?

Dancing parties are very numerous, the last were at Jas. RANKIN's, Len PERKINS' and the German party at Wm. RANKIN's was very muchly enjoyed.

Mrs. E. PRESS and son Will intend leaving the farm this spring to make their future home in Minneapolis, but it don't look as though Will was going single handed.

It 'HALED' over in the woods south east of here last week, the largest we ever saw, weighing nearly eight pounds, a son born to our live sewing machine agent, S.C. HALE.

Frank ERVIN's baby is a girl in place of a boy as the "newsy" Graphic says.

A new daughter is reported at the residence of drayman, Frank ERVIN, since Tuesday.

Mr. HARDWICK changes his sewing machine announcement this week.

Hardy BARNES was very poorly last week but was reported as feeling better this week.

Another case of diphtheria in the WILLMAN family south of town, the 11 month old baby.

The World's Fair Club will meet with Mrs. Carl HOLTER, Monday February 6th, at 2:30 p.m.

Mr. Christ SALZGEBER, of Boscobel, Wis., was over and spent last Sunday with his sons here.

J.R. HART's oldest child, Pearl, has been dangerously sick for some days but is reported much improved this week.

WANTED. A good, reliable man to handle my Clydesdale stallion on shares. Please come at once, as I leave town on Thursday of next week. W.F. WARNER.

Mr. BRANDT has already received the insurance money for is residence burned a short time ago, $760.00, we believe. The Clayton Co. Farmers' company is prompt in making settlements.

Station Agent TALCOTT received a dispatch stating that his child was dying and his wife was in bad condition, and he left on the next train for Dakota. We hpe it is not as bad as is feared.

The new furniture firm is now in possession and Walter CHRISS is now a full fledged traveling man, and a good one too. He rather expects to move to Cedar Rapids in the spring, which is the worst of it.

Mr. WEBSTER says there has been such a demand for cutters this winter that the supply is entirely exhausted, there being none left at the factories. We have had continous sleighing for about 2 months.

The regular monthy meeting of the W.F.M.S. will be held at Mrs. W.S. WEBSTER's tomorrow afternoon (Sat.), Feb.4th at 2:30 p.m. Subject, "India".

We regret to learn that Mrs. E.J. HENDERSON's health is not as good as hoped for. The climate of California seemed to help her at first, but she has had one or two backsets of late which is is hoped she will soon rally from.

Subscribers this week: J.W. HARRIS, D.N. TURNER.

Margaret HAMMEL was born in the city of Cork, Baden, Germany, July 23, 1822, and died in Allamakee Co. Iowa, Jan 27, 1893, aged 70 years, 7 months and 24 days. Her parents were Lutherans and she was baptized and confirmed at 13 years of age. Mrs. HAMMEL lived a quiet, good life among her neighbors in this county for 35 years, where her children have been reared and gone to homes of their own, and now God has taken her we trust to a better home. Her maiden name was Margaret JOKERS, and she was married to John HAMMEL, July 30, 1854, in Boston, Massachusetts. Mr. HAMMEL survives his wife and will feel this stroke of God's providence very keenly in the days to come. there are two children also who are left to mourn the loss of the mother who watched over their lives with a tender love, viz: Mr. John HAMMEL of Allamakee Co., and Mrs. William KNODT, of Hartford, South Dakota. The bereaved husband and children have the sympathy of a large circle of neighbors in their affliction. The funeral was conducted by the writer, from Bethel church, on Sabbath, Jan 29, and the remains were buried in Minert cemetery to await the final resurrection of the quick and the dead. By Wm. CUNNINGHAM.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
February 18, 1893

The Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway will sell round trip excursion tickets to Washington, D.C. from all stations on its line at very low rates.

Linc. REDHEAD writes us that he has a good position in a furniture store in Salt Lake City. He says it hasn't frozen since he has been there.

Ed. EATON was up from Montana on Monday and dropped in for a few minutes' chat.

C.W. MEIER will move into the Charley SCHULTZ house, on the west side at once. We welcome such families to Postville social and business circles.

Wm. SHEPHERD, Esq. and John THOMAS were delegates to the grand lodge, A.O.U.W. (supreme branch) which has been in session at Dubuque this week.

Our former townsman Loren M. POWERS was convicted of bigamy and sentenced to two years in the Wisconsin penitentiary. Verily the way of the transgressor is hard.

Our young friend, Alton HARRIS, son of J.M. HARRIS, places us under obligations by the presentation of a fine dressed chicken to help tide us over this hard winter.

We understand that Henry POESCH has been offered $100 per acre for his farm near town. We doubt it, but if true it is the highest price ever offered for a farm in this part of the state.

Mrs. Ed EATON was up from Monona a couple of days last week and made a brief call at this office.

Rev. SMITH gave the Junior League a sleigh ride and an outing last Saturady afternoon and evening. Four loads numbering 50 lads and lassies were taken down to the spacious and hospitable residence of Mr. and Mrs. John WINKOWITSCH and had a royal good time.

A "run" was made on the Postville State Bank on Wednesday. It was made by a runaway horse, and a broken window in the bank and a smashed cutter outside was the result. The same day the Citizens State Bank had a "lock out" of several hours, the time lock being on a tantrum.


Our old friend, M.F. McGAHERAN, now of Brown's Valley, Minn., is down in this section looking after business interests and visiting relatives and old friends.

Fred. HAINES came in from Chicago last night. If his mother knew him with that whisker, her penetration is excellent.

Geo. LULL sold the property purchased of L.A. COLE recently.

The John MOIR farm of 40 acres, a half mile south of Postville, is now for sale.

J.M. HARRIS, General Auctioneer and Insurance Agent. Will assist anyone in buying or selling farms. I have a few good farms in my care for sale now.

At the home of the bride, in Elkader, on Tuesday, Feb. 14th, 1893, by Rev. R.C. LUSK, of the M.E. church, Mr. Edmund H. PRIOR of Postville, and Miss Hattie CLARK of Elkader. Thus another of our young bachelors passed to the "bright beyond," where we hope there will be "fullness of joy". Mr. and Mrs. PRIOR arrived in Postville yesterday and go to housekeeping at once over the postoffice.

--Mrs. M. SELLEG, who has been an invalid many months, and for some time almost helpless, died at her home in Postville, on Wednesday morning of paralysis. the funeral occurs today, the interment being in the Luana cemetery, by the side of her husband. We suppose an obituary notice will be furnished for next week and hence make no further comments, only tendering our sympathy and condolence to the bereaved son and daughter.

--The news is just received as we go to press of the death of Mrs. Rev. W.D. HARTSOUGH, at Bristow. She will be buried at West Union next Sunday.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
February 25, 1893

My wife having left my bed and board, I henceforth pay no debts of her contracting. Ernest VOSS.

I am prepared to do washing, house cleaning or any other work about the house. Residence just east of the German Church. Mrs. Sarah VOSS.

Geo. MARSH, of South Dakota, a brother of Elmer MARSH, of this city, visited him this week.

J.W. WARD has filled the refrigerator with ice again, and will buy eggs unless he sells or rents it.

A.E. KNODT writes us that he has sold out at Hartford, S.D. and bought at Scotland in the same state.

Mrs. M. COYLE and Mrs. John SANDERS left on the early train Thursday for Wisconsin to visit relatives.

An obituary notice of the wife of Rev. W.D. HARTSOUGH reached us too late for this issue. Next week.

Uncle Elisha HARRIS came in on Tuesday and renewed his three Reviews for another year. Mr. HARRIS has always been one of our best friends.

Mrs. JONES went to Sibley on the Wednesday night train to visit Mr. and Mrs. DRAVIS and assist in caring for them. We presume Mrs. McMASTER will return home in a few days.

Will pay 4 cents per pound, cash, for rendered tallow in cakes, for first quality, and 3 cents for second quality, at POESCH's Market.

Mrs. James PERRY and son and Mr. and Mrs. THOMPSON, of Postville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. MANNING last Thursday, and a number of the latter's friends dropped in on them for dinner Friday and a very enjoyable time was had -- from the West Union Union.

Carl MEYER is head man at Bixby & Williams' store at present.

I am prepared to weave all kinds of rag carpet on short notice, having the new patent Newcomb fast loom. Residence on the east side of town. Mrs. Enos ERVIN.

August MEIER will move into his purchase, the THOMPSON residence next week, as Mr. THOMPSON and family will leave us for their new home at Mason City.

We are pleased to note that the bondsmen of the late C.A. LEITHOLD, who were compelled to pay about $400 each by his defalcation, have realized [remainder cut off]

Will CONLEY has bought J.T. PARKER's barber shop and business at Independence.

The Postville Local Advisory Board of the Children's Home Finding Association, met at the Cong. church, Feb. 12th, and passed a pleasant hour with the Dist. Supt. Miss Clara LUNBECK, of Charles City. The members of the Postville board are: Mrs. Geo. KERR, pres.; Mrs. PRESCOTT, vice pres.; Mrs. John MOTT, treas.; and Mrs. TUTTLE, sec.

Fritz SANDER of Hardin sold 60 hogs and delivered them at Luana last Tuesday for which he received $8.10 per hundred, aggregating the snug sum of $1,458.00. Fritz informs us that for the past two years the total receipts from his farm have aggregated abut $2,800 per year and the value of his land has doubled since he bought it. It has proven a gold mine to him.

Dr. J.Q. MABRY has given up the Park hotel and moved his family into the MOTT building, opposite John MOIR's temporarily. The doctor goes to Elma, Howard Co., to locate.

Mrs. Hall ELLIS has a brother visiting her, J.D. OWEN of Lake View, who in company with Mr. Columbus CLEVELAND, of Sac City, are here in the interests of the Allen Remedy Company, of Sac City, for the cure of the liquor, opium, morphine and tobacco habits.


Called to order by Chas. SKELTON, chairman. S.F. CLINTON was nominated for mayor, Wm. SHEPHERD for recorder and Jas. McEWEN for treasurer. John WATERS & Carl HOLTER were nominated for councilmen. E.F. MEDARY, W.N. BURDICK & J.H. GRAY were chosen corporation committee.

Boyd H. HAND returned to Ames, where he enters the junior class. Having received the highest marks in his class in military studies he will be a commissioned officer.

Fred TANGEMAN, 11 1/2 lb. boy.
J.R. LAUGHLIN, girl.

John CROSBY was married to a Miss GEMMILL, at Waterloo, on Wednesday. For the present they will have rooms at the Commerical hotel.

Died, in Postville, on Wednesday morning, February 15th, Mrs. Matilda SELLEG, aged 69 years. Matilda WALLACE was born Jan. 27th, 1824, in Essex Co., New York. she was married at about 25 years of age to Francis MASON, and came with him to Madison, Wisconsin. but the home they had founded was destined to be short lived. After a few brief years of life together both husband and child were called to the better country. From Wisconsin she came to friends in Clayton Co., Iowa, where she met and married Edgar SELLEG about 30 years ago. Three children were born to them, two of whom, a son and a daughter, are still living. Sister SELLEG was left a widow the second time in 1879. She managed her farm herself until 2 years ago, when she moved to Postville. She was converted and united with the Methodist church during a revival at Luana fourteen years ago. The funeral service was conducted at the Methodist church, Friday afternoon, Feb. 17, by the pastor.

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