Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
August 10, 1893

Aug. THIESE, a son, born last Sunday morning. W.F. DRESSER has twins!!

Those desiring milk are requested to call on Wm. ROLLINSON.

John H. MEIER, wife and two children started for the World's Fair on Monday night.

Mr. McCORMICK and wife, of Central City, have been visiting at the farm home of E. HARDIN this week.

R.V. PEARSON and family, of Hardin, spent Sunday in Postville with Mrs. P's mother, Mrs. Benj. SMITH.

The I.O.G.T. of Hardin, will hold an ice cream sociable, Aug. 22nd, at Mrs. S. THIBIDO's. Everybody invited.

Miss Bertha WILLMAN went to Monona on Monday night to spend several weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. HAMMOND.

F.S. BURLING, Esq. was at Monona Wednesday on legal business on behalf of Mr. NORTON, in the EGBERT and NORTON affair.

From a few remarks dropped by H.B. TAYLOR in the office this week we would judge he is still a republican, at least he talks that way in no uncertain tones.

Joy DRESSER has been making overland trips to surrounding town this week.

During the past week W.J. HOLAHAN has disposed of two engines and one separator, all of the celebrated J.I. Case T.M. CO's make. MEIER & EBERLING and SCHUETTE & HINES get an engine each, while SCHULTZ & POLAS get the separator.

Mrs. R.H. GROFF and son, Clayton, left Monday night for Lancaster, Pennsylvania, for an extended visit at her old home. Mr. GROFF hasn't decided whether to put an ad in the Review's "want" column, or to subscribe for a matrimonial paper.

List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice, by James PERRY P.M.: Eddie BEEBE, Franklin SIMMONS, J.H. McGONIGLE.

We had the pleasure while in Chicago of meeting Harvey ROBERTS, who is holding down a position in a clothing store in that city. He has changed considerably in his looks, but his actions are just as natural as they were when he used to give us the point of a pin through the bottom of the seats in the old brick school house.

Convened at the court house, in Waukon, and was called to order by A.M. MAY. H.H. STILWELL was elected chairman and A.M. MAY, secretary. Delegates and alternates were elected to the state convention at DesMoines, August 16th, as follows:
W.N. BURDICK, Postville
R.B. MAY, Waukon
G.W. METCALF, Lansing
Dr. J.C. CRAWFORD, Waukon
W.C. McNEIL, Postville
J.H. TREWIN, Lansing
D.H. BOWEN, Waukon
H.H. LIEN, Postville
J.B. JONES, Waukon
Iver IVERSON, Hanover
Robert WATERS, Ludlow
Thos. KNUDTSON, Makee
J.B. MINERT, Waukon
H. PEGLOW, Franklin
Lewis LARSON, Taylor
Henry CARTER, Waukon
H.B. MINER, Linton
James BULMAN, Union City
--The following republican county central committee was elected for the ensuing year:
R.B. MAY, Waukon
J.H. TREWIN, Lansing
Iver IVERSON, Quandahl
W.C. McNEIL, Postville

Again we are called upon to chronicle a death in the MEDARY family, that of George Curtis MEDARY. It is but a few short weeks ago since his father was laid away to his eternal rest on the other side, whence George has gone to join him. We take the following acocunt of the death from this week's Waukon Democrat: "...George had been in poor health for a year past, induced by a serious ailment of the stomach. Saturday afternoon he was suddenly taken with faintness and in the morning a severe hemorrhage of the bowels occurred and he slowly sank into his eternal sleep. George Cutis MEDARY was in his 32nd year, having been born at Lansing, in this county, on the 31st of March 1862. On October 13, 1891 he was married to Edna B. PETTIT, of this city, who survives him. In 1882 he became associated with his father as a partner in the publication of the Democrat, retaining that association up to his death. In 1885 he was appointed to a position as clerk in the railway mail service from whichhe was forced to retire but a short time ago on account of his ill health. The funeral occurs this (Wednesday) afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from his late residence. Bayard Lodge, Knights of Pythias, will have immediate charge of the last rites." [note: extracted from a more lengthly article]

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 17, 1893

F.M. ORR was in town Tuesday evening.

Charles NORTON was over from Monona Thursday.

J.T. PARKER and family are visiting at Independence.

Mrs. Jas. HOY and children have returned from a Cresco visit.

Richard KENNEDY has got it! What? Why, a son since last Monday.

Mrs. J. HAMMOND and children, of Monona, visited in town this week.

Those desiring milk are requested to call on Wm. ROLLINSON.

Miss Mamie ABEL goes to Mt. Vernon to take a year's musical course.

David RILEY and wife, of Hardin left on Monday night for the White City. [note: the White City is Chicago]

Thanks to Mrs. Fred THOMA and S.W. BOYNTON for cash on subscription.

Camp meeting at John WINKOWITSCH's Saturday evening and Sunday.

Mrs. Sarah JEMISON has gone to Indianola to visit her son John and family.

W.C. McNEIL, Grace and 'Gus took the 11:30 flyer for the world's fair on Tuesday night.

"The boss", "the kid" and "Dr." GORDON, leave for Chicago tomorrow (Saturday) evening.

Miss Lizzie ROLLINSON, of Des Moines, is visiting her uncle, Mr. Wm. ROLLINSON, this week.

We understand that C.A. HARDWICK will occupy the Miss SELLIG residence, on Summer street.

"Toots" WHITE and Miss Sarah PRESCOTT, of Postville, were visiting at Dr. WHITE's over Sunday. -- from the Elkader Democrat.

E.J. HANKS, of Hampton, father of our jeweler, W.J. HANKS, and Mrs. HALL, of Britt, a sister of the former, have been visiting here this week.

Chas. and Josie BURLING, Mr. and Mrs. SENHOLZ, Miss Emma SENHOLZ and Miss Sarah CARRAGHER joined the innumerable caravan at the White city this week.

Mr. and Mrs. John HART, Mr. and Mrs. Will LEUI, Mr. and Mrs. Ellison ORR, Mrs. Chas. MAKEPEACE and Mr. A. HART took the Sunday night train for Chicago.

"Dad" HARRINGTON got stuck on the circus, put his collar buttons and shoe strings in the elephant's trunk and is now playing the lead horn with Holland & Co.'s band.

B.H. WELLS called briefly on Tuesday. One would infer from his conversation that he favors free coinage of silver, but he don't talk politics as much as he did in the old greenback days.

Mrs. Mary E. HANKS had a very severe attack of the cholera morbus last week. Her case was critical for a while but she came out all right, though in a very much weakened condition.

This weeks Waukon Democrat has the following item: "After this week's issue Ed. F. MEDARY relinquishes his Postville Graphic to the control of other parties and with his family will remove to Waukon, where he expects to give his undivided attention to the editorial and business management of the Democrat."

E. SWENSON informs us that his crops are the best he has had for years. On his old farm, where he has threshed, wheat turned out 20 bushels per acre, rye, 30, barley, 25 and oats 45. He says that he is sure his corn will yield 65 bushels all through. There are no indications of starvation in these figures.

J.W. PATTERSON writes us from Zanesville, Ohio, where he has been visiting since leaving here, that Ohio has suffered greatly from drouth and a democratic administration, the latter being even worse than the former. He says the only good crop in Ohio this year is the crop of Republicans. This crop is not affected by any drouthy conditions. He says this crop, when it is harvested in November it will thresh out 40,000 majority for McKinley.

A.P. ABBOTT met with a very serious accident on Thursday night of last week. He had occasion to get up in the night and perhaps being a little confused stepped off the stairway (he slept upstairs) and fell to the bottom of the stairs receiving very serious injuries, though no bones were broken. He was not well at the time and the bruises and shock nused him up badly. However he is coming out all right and we hope will soon be as good as new.

Mrs. GROFF is coming home, having found no one better looking than R.H.

Mr. and Mrs. S.W. COURSON are visiting in Kingsbury co., S.D. Elmer is temporarily an orphan.

Ellen M. McMASTER started for Vermont last Wednesday. She will stop at the world's fair en route.

Henry HAGENSICK, of Elkader, was up over Sunday on business pertaining to the Dresser Estate.

A.F. MARSTON has rebuilt the sidewalk in front of his machinery depot.

Arthur GORDON is spending a few days here on his return from Chicago. His headquarters are still Rock Valey.

John DURNO went to Chicago via the B.C.R. & N. on Tuesday afternoon, to spend a couple of weeks at the fair.

Mr. and Mrs. M.Y. McMASTER and both daughters left for Chicago Wednesday night, to remain a couple of weeks.

Mrs. Loren BELLOWS will take in the state fair and visit at Des Moines and Ames next week and the week following.

Geo. W. PEARSON, of Hardin, came to town this morning with his daughter, Miss Georgia, who took the train for St. Paul.

J.A. KOEVENIG has moved back his small restaurant building and will erect a substantial new building in front of it.

Mrs. Wm. HARRIS, son and daughter left for the world's fair by the way of the B.C.R. & N. last Monday afternoon.

Patrick RONEY was found dead in the home of G. SEVERSON, five miles north of Decorah, on Friday morning of last week. There were wounds on the head and SEVERSON was arrested charged with murder. They left the city together the night before in a state of intoxication.

Rev. B.F. BERRY, of Frankville, desires us to announce as follows: The meeting in John WINKOWITSCH's grove has been changed from Aug 19th and 20th until Aug 26th and 27th, and the following are the committee on hauling lumber for seats: Victor PEARSON, Clark HINMAN, Nels. McGHEE, Henry DOWNING and W.M. SIMPSON. Committee on lights: John WINKOWITSCH. Committee on arranging grounds, Jas. RAYMOND, A. COON, Zenas P. BUTTOLPH, Howard SMITH and L.D. VanGORDER.

Dr. C.D. MARSH, veterinary surgeon. Office at the Commercial House Livery Barn.

At the residence of the bride's parents in Post township, Aug. 20th, 1893, by E. SWENSON, J.P., Mr. Conrad HANGARTNER and Miss Etta SEGRIST, both of Post.

Mrs. SAWYER, the widow of Nelson SAWYER, the Ossian hardware merchant, who died some time ago, committed suicide by hanging, in her own cellar, last Friday morning. She had been somewhat unsettled mentally for some time, but no one thought of such a termination. May her rest be peaceful.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 24, 1893

- Rev. J. Gass leaves today for Milwaukee
- A little boy arrived at the August Thiese home
- August Koevenig began work on his new business block this week.
- Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz were at Monona Sunday visiting relatives and friends.
- Fritz Wilke and Ed Swenson will leave this week for Richmond, Va. They are looking for a better location.
- The Postville Columbian Band held a picnic near Myron, on the Yellow river Sunday. A good time was had by all present.
- August Schara has purchased the L. Linderbaum eighty-acre farm in Bloomfield township, Winneshiek Co., for $1500.
- Two new-style threshing outfits arrived here this week. One was for August Meyer and the other for Schuette & Heins, down in Grand Meadow township. [note: Grand Meadow twp is in Clayton co.]

[transcribed by S.F., July 2006]

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