Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
May 7, 1892

A.R. PRESCOTT informs us that his health has not been as good in fifteen years as it has been since getting rid of an attack of grip the past winter.

Rufus RICHARDSON, an old citizen of Wagner twp., was buried a few days ago. He had resided at Elkader for several years.

John THOMA's boys, Fritz and Willie, received their new "safety" this week, and are going through the gymnastic performances usual to the embryonic cyclists.

Florence E. CANDEE was born in Sylvania, Ohio, April 28, 1852. For the last year and a half she had been a sufferer from that fell destroyer consumption and on the morning of April 29th, at the home of her sister, in Minneapolis, the silken cord was loosened ad she passed without suffering into that sleep that knows no waking. She bore her sufferings with great patience, always resigned to the will of God. Her remains were brought to Luana for interment and on Sunday morning last, after a short and impressive service by Rev. BERRY, her remains were laid to rest by loving hands in the Luana cemetery to await the resurrection.

Mrs. A.F. VanGORDER and Rodger CANDEE, of Minneapolis, came down to attend the funeral of their sister, Miss Florence CANDEE. Eugene SIDDELL of that city, also came with them.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
May 14,1892

H.S. HARRIS, of Norton, Kansas says crops are looking fine and they are still contented, having resided there now 5 years and "we could hardly get along without the old home paper." We see by his letter head the he is engaged in fine stock raising, Clydesdale horses and Poland China hogs. He calls his place "Prairie View Stock Farm".

The Waukon Democrat is for sale. Due to the failing health of the editor, T.C. MEDARY, the property is offered for sale on favorable terms.

Nick BETSINGER, of New Albin, hung himself last week.

Chas. SCHARI has purchased the lots adjoining Carl MEYER and will probably build a residence thereon.

Orin and Ed. GORDON will soon have their names enrolled as bicyclists, having ordered a daisy this week.

Dr. C.H. HUNT is the father of a new boy, which will doubtless make a dentist one of these days.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
May 21,1892

Calvin DRESSER was born in Barnston, Stanstead Co., Province of Quebec, June 18, 1813 and died at his home near Postville, May 14, 1892. He was married to Sallie HAWKINS, Dec 12, 1832 who still survives him. He removed from Canada to Woodstock, Campaign Co., Ohio in July 18??. In 1855 he came to Postville, where has since resided. Twelve children were the fruit of thier union. All are living, except the first born, a boy, who died from sunstroke at the age of three. [note: my copy was very poor and may not be completely accurate; this was extracted from a lenghly obit]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
May 28,1892

A new daughter is reported at the home of Henry EGGERT.

Walter CHRISS has been in attendance upon the undertaker's convention at Sioux City this week, leaving here on Tuesday.

Our democratic friend, G.W. PEARSON, of Hardin, made us a pleasant call yesterday. He promises to allow us to lose another hat on election this year. This is not our losing year.

Mr. HAGENSICK, of Elkader and Jas. McEWEN are the administrators of the estate of Calvin DRESSER.

The following are the members of the graduating class of '92: Nellie OATHOUT, Margaret SHEEHY, Alice WARNER, Delia LEIGHOLD, Jenny BEUCHER, Josie BURLING, Leonard HENDERSON, Joba[?] HECKER & Charles BURLING.

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