Iowa Old Press

The Graphic
Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 14, 1892

Postville Particles
-Hiram Dresser has commenced the foundations for a new residence on a portion of what is generally known as the Stiles property.

-Ernest Willett, the blind violinist of Decorah, who favored Postville with an entertainment last winter, returned to Germany last week for further instruction in music.

-George Fischer of Postville purchased a C. Altman Star traction engine of Mr. John Rau, and gave a public test of the machine on our streets Monday afternoon.- Guttenberg News

-Contractor Sheehy has the new residence for Mrs. Schultz well under way. His next job will be a residence for Wm. Rollinson, the foundation of which is completed. Both of these new houses are located in the west end of town.

-Chas. Schara and Will Makepeace invested $2,200 in a Nichols & Shepherd threshing outfit, consisting of steam engine, thresher and swinging stacker. W.J. Holahan made the sale.

-The genial phiz of Ben. Newell of Waukon was observed on our streets last Friday.

-Charlie Abel contemplates going to Chicago today as chaperon of two carloads of cattle.

-Mrs. M. Beucher of Postville, is the guest of Mrs. C.W. Giesen this week. -Calmar Herald

-R.J. Alexander, the Waukon clothier, accompanied his family to Postville Tuesday on their way to Mt. Vernon for a visit.

-Johnny Bayless, the Waukon druggist, was in the city last evening. somehow or 'nother John has the appearance of a young man soon to be tangled up in the matrimonial noose.

-Mrs. Jas. McEwen, accompanied by her son and daughter, departed last evening for an extended visit with friends in New York state and Boston and Montreal and other Canadian points.

-Ed Field, clerk of courts of Winneshiek county, called briefly at these headquarters Monday on his way to Elkader on matters connected with is White Bronze monument business. Charles, our assistant, is a son of Mr. Field.

-Heustis Eddy of Eagle Grove, this state, passed through town Monday for a visit with home folks at Waukon. He is known to the numerous baseball enthusiasts hereabouts as the clever young pitcher of the Waukon club several years ago.

-Mrs. J.E. Perry arrived home last week from West Union. Her illness has been rather prostrating, but her many friends will be pleased to learn she is somewhat improved in health and they fervently trust that a complete recovery will soon be accorded her.

-Postville's delegation of eastern visitors was further augmented last week by the departure of J.H. Gray and Mrs. Craig to Boston and old home scenes in New Hampshire, and Fred Tangeman to New York city, where his better half is now visiting.

The wedding of Harry Winters and Miss Lillian Bollman took place yesterday at the residence of the bride's parents near Frankville. The bride and groom have numerous acquaintances in this community with whom both are deservedly popular, and many well wishes are extended them for their future joy. They departed for Chicago last evening to make their home. Harry is now a conductor on the elevated railway.

Cemetery Complaint
Much complaint is heard concerning the sidewalk bordering the German cemetery. It is in a demoralized and dangerous condition and one of these days somebody will get badly injured along there. A suit for damages will then be in order and the association will be called upon to pay an amount that would have paid for a dozen walks of that length. Fix it up!

Received Sad News
John Reith, the tinsmith employed in Waters & Nicolay's establishment, was the recipient of the saddest of news last Saturday. A telegram delivered him conveyed the intelligence of the drowning of his seven-year-old son at Cedar Rapids, neb., where his family has been visiting for some time past. The boy was wading in the river and got beyond his depth. He was an only child. His many friends here and at his Lansing home will deeply sympathize with the grief stricken father in this his dark hour of affliction.

Myron Mumbles
-Miss Fanny Press of Postville is visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. Press.
-Al Deal spent his spare moments last week fixing chuck holes in the road.
-Mrs. Jas. Ewing drove over to Frankville Wednesday and visited her parents.
-Mrs. T.A. Lambert has been quite sick but we are pleased to see her around again.
-John Gilbert was elected superintendent of our Sunday school and Ed Livengood assistant.

Hardin Happenings
-Miss Addie Arnold of Waukon is visiting Miss Anna Beedy.
-Mrs. Jessie Ernst, nee Pearson, is making her parents a short visit. She will make Mason City her future home.
-Mrs. Sarah Jones, an old resident of this place, who with her son William went to Mandan, Dakota, a short time ago, was brought back a corpse on Monday last and buried the next day at Monona by the side of her husband. Her remaining sons, George, William and Frank, have the sympathy of the entire community.

County News
-Dick Ishman, a Lansing tough, with a six-shooter, tried to perforate a saloon keeper names Bates. He was arrested and jailed but one night last week he dug his way out of the cooler and is yet at large.

-Articles of incorporation of a new manufacturing company at Waukon have been filed, to manufacture a machine for invoicing cloth, gotten up and patented by Hans Johnson, an inventive genius of that city.

Iowa News Bits
-Richard Thomas, the oldest resident of Iowa, died at Marion, Saturday, having reached the age of 111 years. He served in the American army in the war of 1812, and has been for fifty years a resident of Iowa.

-The Decorah school board has selected Prof. Townsley, late of Hampton, principal of their schools, at a salary of $1,200.

[transcribed by S.F., September 2015]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
July 23, 1892

Demorest Contest at the M.E. church tonight. The contestants are:
Charley HARMON, Fred STAADT, Leonard DRESSER, Libbie LANGENBECHER, Theodore WILKE, Joy DRESSER and Birdie GRAY.

Last Monday, John HARNACK, living in the south part of town, desirous of fixing the platform over his well, raised the pump out of the well several inches and propped it up and while fixing the plank that fits around the pump rod. The prop was knocked out letting the pump down which fell on his little finger, grinding it into the plank and making a very painful wound and it is expected amputation will be necessary.

Dan KENNEDY, who has been suffering a slight aberration of mind for several days, was taken before the insane commission Thursday, but was pronounced all right and dismissed.

At the residence of the bride's parents near Frankville, on July 13, 1892, Mr. Harold WINTER and Miss Lillian BOLLMAN. The happy couple have gone to Chicago, their future home.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 30,1892

Henry POESCH has had the first harvest accident of the season, which occurred on Tuesday. He started in on his barley and all went well until some grain was caught by reel and carried around with it, which frightened the horses, causing them to start into a run. He succeeded in getting them almost stopped when a rein broke, making it impossible to control them. He jumped off the machine and let them go. They run into a wire fence, cutting one badly.

Mrs. Geo. W. PEARSON, of Hardin, visited with Mrs. TUTTLE last Monday.

Jas. JONES on Yellow river has 3 children very low with diphtheria, and little hopes of recovery.


The Wm. MITCHELL farm, 3 1/2 mi. west of Postville, containing 161 acres. Cause of selling advanced years and inability to superintend it. Call on Jas. KENNEDY.

My farm of 200 acres, situated in Madison twp., Winnesheik Co., 3 1/2 mi. west of Decorah in sections 11 and 14. Wm. McINTOSH.

Girl at Fred WILLIAMS
Boy at A. TANGEMAN's


Mrs. Peter SEBASTIAN, who resided just south of the cemetery, died this week and was buried on Tuesday.

Mrs. Thos. CONDON died Wednesday at the farm residence in Grand Meadow twp.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2004]

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Allamakee County