Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
December 24, 1892

We regret to learn our old friend N. McWILLIAMS is quite sick. We hope it will be of short duration.

Mr. MOULTHROP has moved into his fine new residence.

On Wednesday afternoon little Wayland GRAY was run over by a team in front of this office. No bones were broken.

Marshal TULLER authorizes us to state that all boys jumping onto moving sleighs or cutters on the streets will be promptly arrested and severely dealt with.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 31,1892

Mrs. Thomas HARRIS, at her home near Rising City, Neb., Dec 9th, 1892, of Typhoid fever. Mrs. HARRIS was a sister of Mrs. Silas PERRY; formerly of this place.

At Forest Mills, December 22, 1892 by Wm. WERHAN, J.P., Mr. Samuel MOUNT and Miss Cora DIXON both of Franklin twp.

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Allamakee County