Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
April 2, 1892

Friend J.W. HARTLEY of French Creek, has recently pocketed $3,467 for 72 head of fat cattle.

J.S. DRESSER has sold his home farm to Chas. KRUMM, of Wagner, for $57 per acre.

Lost: a pearl watch charm encircled with gold. A reward paid to finder. Miss Lena SHELTON.

Mr. Henry KLAMER and Miss Mary R. HENDERSON were married in Washington last Monday and arrived here on the Wednesday night train. Mr. KLAMER resides in the National Park, Wyoming.


R.P. SPENCER, an old resident of Lansing, died from cancer of the stomach last week.

The accomplished daughter of Wm. BROWNELL, of Waukon, died on Wednesday evening. Miss Nellie was a little past 17 years of age.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
April 9,1892

Loretta PURDY was born in Steuben Co., N.Y., Oct 29th, 1806, and died April 4th, 1892. she was married to Henry RANGE, Jan. 9th, 1827, and was the mother of 10 children, five now deceased. Her husband died in 1854. H.M. RANGE is a son and Mrs. L. SONNKALB is a daughter of deceased. She had been a member of the M.E. church since she was 18 years of age. The funeral was held from the residence of H.M. RANGE and her remains were deposited in the cemetery at Grand Meadow, Rev. E.J. LOCKWOOD officiating. Her death was occasioned frm old age and she died without pain.

I.D. SHAW, formerly engaged in the marble business in Lansing, committed suicide by shooting, at his home in Sioux Falls, on Friday of last week, leaving six small orphan children, the mother having died a year ago.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
April 23,1892

At the residence of A.J. PATTERSON, in Des Moines, April 19, Mr. W.W. BROOKS, of Sibley, Iowa and Miss Emma LAUGHLIN, formerly of Postville.

At her residence in Postville, on April 2th, of consumption, Mrs. Ellie M. FISHER passed away at the age of 22 years and 7 months, leaving a husband and two small children to mourn her loss. [note: a full obit appeared in the following issue of the paper, 4/30/1892, my copy too illegible to transcribe accurately]

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