Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
July 4, 1891

The SPOO boys are up from Oelwein to spend the 4th.

R.V. PEARSON of Hardin is the proprietor of a new girl baby.

Hall ROBERTS & Ellison ORR, as delegates and W.N. BURDICK, as alternate, attended the republican state convention at Cedar Rapids on Wednesday.

Mrs. C.A. ABEL and Mamie spent the most of last week visiting at J.C. BEEDY's at Hardin.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 11, 1891

Rev. LAUGHLIN writes us from Cedar Rapids that he was thrown from a buggy last Monday evening and came very near having a broken leg as a result.

Mrs. A.J. PATTERSON, of Des Moines, came up with the LAUGHLIN sisters, Lillian and Emma, last Friday on a visit with family and friends. Messrs. Bruce and Al. DOUGLASS, of Sibley, cousins of Lillie and Emma were down on a visit over the 4th.

Prof. J.F. STAADT came home yesterday from Winnebago co. for a brief visit with home folks.

Abagail JONES was born April 3rd, 1806 in Madison, Maine. She was married to Zacheus CLOUGH, July 4th, 1830. In 1845 they moved to Walworth Co., Wisc, where they lived for 10 years, and in 1855 they came to Postville, where she has since lived. Their union was blessed with 7 children, 4 of whom are still living - one son and 3 daughters. Sept. 9th, 1877, the husband and father passed away. She quietly passed away at early dawn on June 20th, 1891, at the age of 85 years, 2 months and 17 days.

Whereas my wife, Martha OWEN, has left my bed and board without just cause or provocation, I hereby warn all parties not to harbor her or let her have anything on my account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting. A.K. OWEN.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 18, 1891

To the editor: Dear sir, My wife (nee Ada LAUGHLIN) tells me to write you she is the proud possessor of a 10 lb. girl, born 7-6, and thinks it will interest you to know it. Lizzie is here to boss the job. Ada is getting along nicely. E.R. LUCAS

J.W. HARTLEY, of French Creek, was in town on Wednesday. He has taken to himself a wife since the campaign last fall.

Mrs. Rebecca Ann DUNNING was born Nov. 24th, 1809 in the state of Massachusetts. When a child she moved with her parents to New York, where she lived at the time of her marriage to Mr. Vine DUNNING, in 1829. Sine 1853 whe has lived on the farm in Allamakee county. Her death came not unexpectedly. For several months prior to her decease , friends and relatives, kind and affectionate, watch by her bedside, seeking in every way possible to relieve her of her intense suffering. Her affliction was the result of a fall breaking the hip bone. The funeral services and burial were in every way according to her request. The sermon was preached at her request from Jno. 3:36. Her remains were interred in the Hardin cemetery and the long funeral train attested fully the high regard in which she was held. She will be missed from the community, but no one will as fully realize the loss as her daughter, who has in her later years been her almost constant companion. she died at the age of 81 yrs., 7 mos., and 15 days.

Mrs. Charles SCHULTZ, of Grand Meadow twp., an old and highly esteemed resident of our adjoining county, died on Tuesday night. The funeral was held from the Lutheran church yesterday, a very large concourse attending.

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