Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
December 5, 1891

John SWENSON was born near Christiana, Norway, Feb 13th, 1846. He was married to Oline OLSON, Dec. 27, 1866. He came to America in 1871, and resided in Post twp, Allamakee Co, Iowa until the time of his death, Nov. 31, 1891, aged 45 years, 9 months and 17 days. He leaves a wife, one son, three brothers and one sister.

At the residence of the bride's brother, in Grand Meadow twp. on Wednesday Dec. 2nd, 1891, by Rev. N.L. BURTON, Mr. Chas O. HALL of Postville, and Miss Mary A. SAWYER, of Clermont.

Aaron BURLINGAME, present county surveyor of Clayton county, and an old settler of McGregor, was drowned between the city and the island saloon on Tuesday night. The body has not been recovered.

We are glad to see that our old democratic friend, Geo. PEARSON, has improved in health and his hearing has also improved. He was entirely deaf for some days.

Conrad THOMA is in feeble health.

Will ROBBE is getting his house well along.

We regret to learn of the sudden death of John SWENSON, which occurred on Monday evening, from peritonitis. He had been unwell for about a month but was in town on Friday before his death. His family will receive $2,000. from the supreme branch of the United Workmen.

THE NEW GERMAN CHURCH. Completed and dedicated.
Sunday, Nov. 22nd, was a notable day for the German people, not only of Postville, but for miles around, it being the day set apart for the dedication of the elegant new church which has been in course of construction for the past 2 years.[lengthly article followed]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 12,1891

Mrs. MAUN, of Myron, has fallen heir to a snug fortune by the death of an uncle in Pennsylvania.

The funeral of John SWENSON was largely attended last Wednesday, he being held in high estimation by all who knew him.

Word is received that E.N. CLARK had died suddenly of heart failure, at his home in Louisiana.

Post twp. citizens drawing jury duty for Jan 12th:
H.H. DAWSON, Jas. ORR, David SMITH, Geo. WATERS, F.H. WELZEL & David DICKSON of Franklin twp.

Dell CAMERON is in the wood business. He has cut in the neighborhood of 400 cords.

Ray SCHULER is building a large carpenter shop.

R.H. WATERS fractured his arm at the elbow.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 19,1891

The reaper death has visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. HENRY S. HARRIS, of Norton, Kan., and on Dec 5th, 1891, took from them their eldest child, Maurice Eaton HARRIS, aged 9 years, 11 months and 20 days. Maurice was an unusually bright and intelligent boy, of a sunny disposition, always anxious to be a good boy and the pride and joy of the now desolate home. The parents are nearly heart broken and all we can do is to ask them to turn to the all wise Father who sent little Maurice to brighten their home those few happy years and now has seen fit to call him home, where he will join his Grandma HARRIS and Grandpa EATON and other loved ones on that bright golden shore where there will be no more parting. And in it all we can only say "Thy will be done".

Mrs. Wells EATON and Mrs. Geo. WATERS were called to Norton, Kansas, by the death of the oldest son of Henry HARRIS.

J. BEUCHER met with a serious loss last week. One of his splendid black dray horses died.

C.L.S.C. will meet with Mrs. F.J. BACKER next Wednesday afternoon.

Geo. HARRIS has sold all his pigs, the last one delivered to Mr. McKINLEY on Tuesday. He will have no more for sale before next spring.

H.F. MEYER, Jorgen SWENSON, W.W. HAINES and Dr. L. BROWN are entitled to credit on subscription.

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