Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
August 1, 1891

J.I. SHEPHERD, Esq. has sold his residence property, the former Powers residence, to J.E. RUCKDASCHEL, of Grand Meadow twp., for $1,700. This is without a doubt the cheapest residence property that has been sold in town for a dozen years. Mr. SHEPHERD has been desirous of selling it for a year and at first held it at $2,200 but came down on it to a price that would command a buyer, having decided to leave Postville.

The largest transaction yet reported is the sale of the G.W. HANKS farm, of 282 acres, to John WINKOWITSCH, for the sum of $17,500. This is but a fraction less than $65.00 per acre.

A.F. MARSTON has sold his residence property on west Tilden street to Henry BRANDT for $1,150.

A.J. KLUSS has taken the Fred THOMA farm.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 8, 1891

John LEUI presents the census with a seven lb. girl, the first arrival in his family. Congratulations.

Sheriff MINERT and Deputy Clerk FISHER were over from the "hub" Monday.

Mrs. HANKS offered J.M. HARRIS $3,000 for his residence and grounds, but he refused it.

Nelson McGHEE of Hardin, had a bad runaway in town yesterday, seriously demoralizing his carriage and harness. Elmer MARSH's little boy was in the carriage and was thrown out, but escaped any serious injury.

News arrived here last Saturday of the death in California, of C.A. LEITHOLD, former sheriff of Allamakee county. We had lost track of him, the last news from him placing him at Winnepeg. We believe consumption was the cause of his death.

Esq. SWENSON had about 850 bushels of barley, 100 bushels of wheat and 200 or 300 bushels of rye threshed last week of good quality.

Mrs. E. LITTLE and two children, of Janeswille, Wis. are visiting at father and grandfather P.M. TERRILL's.

Mrs. Lizzie RIDDLE, of Neb. and Mrs. M.J. PATTERSON , of Des Moines have been visiting for 3 weeks or more. They intended having a family reunion, but on account of their brother, Rev. R. LAUGHLIN, of Cedar Rapids, being sick there was one vacant chair.

John HAMMEL, jr. and your humble servant [E.R.A. BRAINARD] have built hay sheds.

Mrs. Laura HAYS, of Mankato, Minn., is here keeping house for her father Mr. J. MOULTHROP.

A.B. COOK has built a new barn and resingled his house.

Mrs. Caroline NELSON, wife of Halvor NELSON, died on Friday, July 24th at their old home in Clayton Co., aged 63 years. She was married in 1855. Ever since her marriage she has been a resident of Clayton Co. P.H. NELSON, of Canton S.D.; Peter and Henry H. NELSON, of Nora Springs, Io.; and Mrs. JOHNSON of Forest City, were present to comfort the last earthly moments of a dear mother and sister.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 15, 1891

Board of Health, incorporated town of Postville:

At the U.B. parsonage Mr. C.C. THORNTON and Miss Ida A. HARVEY on August 11th, 1891. The couple are well and favorably known in Castalia.

C.D. NICHOLS was born in Essex Co. N.Y. Oct 26, 1819 and died at the home of his nephew Henry PERRY, near Decorah on Aug 6, 1891. In 1844 he was married to Adeline M. FINNEY. In 1879 she was laid to rest. They came to Postville in 1865. After the death of his wife, Bro. NICHOLS went to Nebraska, where he lived until about 2 years ago, when he went to Washington. About a year ago he returned to make his home with his daughter Mrs. G.M. HANCHETT. He leaves to mourn the loss of a father 5 sons and 2 daughters.

Mr. and Mrs. PRESS, from Missouri are visiting with Mrs. E. PRESS.

E.R. LIVINGOOD and family Sundayed with H. HANGARTNER's near Clermont.

The well drillers have completed wells for Mrs. M.J. SMITH and David SMITH.

Webster LIVINGOOD lost a valuable horse last week. It dropped dead on the graveyard hill while he was driving it.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 22, 1891

J.M. HARRIS has purchased the old MOULTHROP farm of 265 acres, opposite Bethel church and adjoining Mr. HARRIS' old farm. He will not attempt to work the farm himself, but will rent it.

Ernest RUCKTASHEL [sic Ruckdaschel] will have an auction sale of stock, farm machinery and furniture at his farm just south of Springfield, on Thursday, Sept 3rd.

It is with sorrow that we are colled upon to chronicle the death of Hon. E.H. WILLIAMS, which occurred at his home in Grand Meadow twp. yesterday morning in the 73rd year of his age.[note: obit. in next issue]

Miss Alma L. ANGER was born in West port, Essex Co., N.Y. Jan 9th, 1855. In early life she came with her father and family to Clayton Co. and after a residence of about a year in Iowa came to vicinity of the home where she expired Aug.6th, 1891. It became necessary to bury the remains on Friday, while the funeral sermon was not preached till Sunday.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 29, 1891

The Citizens State Bank will be ready to open its doors to the public next Monday if the safe arrives.

The PRIORS have put up a very fine marble monument in memory of G.W. HANKS in our cemetery.

Little Esther NOBLE, aged 5 months and 13 days, on August 24th, 1891.
Card of thanks. To the many friends who so kindly assisted us in our great bereavement we wish to extend our heartfelt thanks. E.H. NOBLE and family.

Elias H. WILLIAMS was born in Ledyard, Conn., July 23rd, 1819. He graduated at Yale in 1840. Studied at Columbia, S.C. and at that time he prepared a class of young men, among whom was Wade HAMPTON, to attend the University at that place. He married in April, 1849, to Hannah LARABEE. In 1851 he was elected the first county judge of Clayton co. In October 1858 he was elected district judge and reelected in 1862. In 1870 he was appointed supreme judge to fill vacancy, which high position he soon resigned and for a few years gave considerable attention to railroading. In 1852 he commenced to make the large farm in Grand Meadow where he resided after 1857 until his death on Aug 20th, 1891.
[note: this obit was extracted from the lengthly memorial]

J.M. HARRIS has sold his fine residence and grounds to Mrs. G.W. HANKS for $3100.

Mayor McNEIL has sold his residence on Summer street to Mrs. SELLEG of Grand Meadow, for $1200.

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Allamakee County