Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
March 2, 1889

Geo. COON and family who moved to the southern part of the state from near Hardin some time ago, returned last Tuesday, he not being satisfied with that section as well as with the old home.

T.P. GRIFFITH, of West Union has opened a music store in the Mott building.

Corporation Ticket nominations:
For mayor, Jas. McEWEN; for treasurer, W.S. ROBERTS; for assessor, Jas. PERRY; for recorder, Wm. SHEPHERD; for councilmen, F.M. ORR & T.M. MILLER.

Mesdames HALL and Scott ROBERTS left for Washington last Monday to be present at the inauguration ceremonies.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 23, 1889
Mrs. J.M. HARRIS has returned from Dubuque much improved in her physical condition.
A surprise party was given Miss Emma LAUGHLIN last Monday.

Fred KLUSS has gone to work in Luhman & Sanders store. He will move into Mrs. HAZLETON's rooms in a few days.

Mamie SHEEHY, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. SHEEHY came very near having a fatal accident Sunday. She was riding on horseback with another girl, the horse started to run and she was thrown off, being severly stunned and insensible for some time.

On March 17th, 1889 at the Catholic church in Clermont by the Rev. Father HACKETT, Mr. James A. GORDON and Miss Susie McGREEVEY.

AT the residence of the bride's parents in Franklin twp., on March 14th, by E. SWENSON, J.P., Mr. Walter CHRISTOFFERSON and Miss Mary OLSON, both of Franklin.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 30, 1889

Prof. SHIPPEY's brother has located in Lansing.

A brother of Charley MAGNUSEN is visiting him.

Mrs. Charley LYTLE, nee HANEY, was in the city this week.

Dick McGARRITY flattereth the substance by the reflection of the shadow.

Sammy FUIKS has removed his portable restaurant to the corner of main and front streets.

Mrs. Earl M. WOODWARD arrived recently and will sojourn for a season with the family of her brother, I.D. FOWLER.

Geo. W. METCALF, editor of the Mirror, has moved his family into the suite of rooms over North's restaurant.

Mr. and Mrs. E.T. HENDERSON were called away on Wednesday last, to attend the funeral of the wife of John HARTLEY, of French Creek twp., who is a brother of Mrs. HENDERSON. Also the funeral of William HARTLEY, of Portland Prairie, Minn, and uncle of Mrs. HENDERSON and a brother of Mrs. James ROW, of Postville.

At the Wesleyan Methodist parsonage, in West Union on March 26th, Mr. Arthur D. PERRY of Bloomfield twp, Winnesheik Co. and Miss Etta L. MILES of Auburn twp, Fayette Co. Iowa.

Mrs. Anton SWENSON has been very sick for about a week.

Charley POWELL had a finger badly sawed in Bandall & Newville's saw mill, near the old Reuben SMITH place.

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Allamakee County