Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
July 6, 1889

Mr. HUNT, from Spokane Falls, Washington Ty., was in town last week.

Steve SPOO was down at Oelwein last week, assisting the COLLINS boys in the new store.

Elisha HARRIS informs us that the Tuesday storm did great damage to small grain, much of which will never come up again.

Mr. R.A.T. MEYER has put up a temporary building on the site of his burned store.

Bert BURDICK feels pretty comfortable having scored 99.1 on his first examination in the mail service.

Geo. EWING in cutting a bee tree near J.H. MEIER's got caught in some manner by the falling tree and had his right arm so severely crushed that it had to be amputated above the elbow.

Jas. PERRY has received his commission as postmaster and will take possession Aug. 1st. Mr. BEEDY will run the office until that time.

By E. SWENSON, J.P. at his residence in Post twp. on June 28th; Mr. Walter J. WHITE, of Jefferson twp to Miss Clara EWING of Post twp.

After an illness of several weeks of quick consumption, Miss Nora BISHOP, daughter of C.I. BISHOP, passed away on June 29th in the 19th year of her age.

[transcribed by S.F. Aug 2003]

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
July 11, 1889

BARRIS -- BROWN --At the bride's home in Waukon, Iowa, at 9 o'clock a.m., July 8th, 1889, by Rev. L. U. McKee, Mr. Louis Barris, of Norfolk, Neb., and Miss Dora E. Brown, of Waukon. Many friends extend congratulations to this most worthy couple, and wish for them a life of happiness. Mr. Barris has secured for a partner one of Waukon's most estimable young ladies, and the vacancy made in the circle of friendship by her departure is made endurable by the belief that she has been won by one worthy of her.

Postville Review
--We understand that Mrs. Truman has been appointed P.M. at Luana.
--Mrs. Belden of Waukon, has been visiting Mrs. N. J. Beedy this week.
--The mercury touched the unusual figure of 104 just before the rain on Tuesday afternoon. In a few minutes after the rain struck it dropped thirty degrees. It is not likely to get as high again this summer. While warm
weather is just what we want that is a little too much of a good thing.
--Jas. Perry has received his commission as postmaster but will not take possession until Aug. 1. Mr. Beedy will run the office as heretofore until that time, and after that will assist "Jim" until he gets the run of the
ropes. In the meantime Mr. Perry is closing up his outside business and getting things in shape to give his entire attention to the claims of Uncle Sam as soon as possible.
--Geo. Ewing, in cutting a bee tree Sunday evening, near J. H. Meier's, had the misfortune to get caught in some manner, which has not been explained, by the falling tree and had his right arm so severely crushed that it had to be amputated above the elbow. Dr. Shepherd, assisted by Dr. Brown, amputated the limb and the patient is doing as well as could be expected. A terrible accident.

[transcribed by E.R. May 2004]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 13, 1889

John PHALEN and wife and Lute STONE and wife were over at the 'hub' last Sunday.

Cash subscribers:
Mrs. L. SONKALB....Jas. GORDON....Otis VanVELZER....Mrs. Sarah SMITH....Dr.J.E. GREEN....Mrs. B. SMITH....J.T. PARKER....Jas ORR....W.C. BREEDLOVE

Roy HOSTETTLER entertained a number of his young friends at the residence of his grandparents on Saturday on the occasion of his 19th birthday.(Frankville)

A child of Mr. and Mrs. WILLMAN was buried this week.

[transcribed by S.F. Aug 2003]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
July 20, 1889

Our roll of honor this week: Prof. J.F. SMITH....H.W. PARKS....Mrs. W.E. HUFFY....H.C. SCHULTZ....R.V. PEARSON

I.A. HARMAN has bought the milk business of J.B. HART and will hereafter be our milkman.

Angus GORDON has put up a new kitchen and porch on his farm residence. L.D.B. HAWKINS was the builder.

At the residence of the brides sister in Glenwood, Iowa, July 7th, 1889, Mr. Lincoln REDHEAD, of Postville and Miss Blanche JEROME of Glenwood. Linc has settled down to married life on the old homestead, south of Postville.

[transcribed by S.F. Aug 2003]

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Allamakee County