Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
June 2, 1888

There is a great deal of sickness and a large number of deaths this spring, not only in this section but all over the country.

Thanks to the Dutch setter of Myron for barking so loud at those wolves last week. Poor dog, he should have at least one-third of the bounty.

Thanks to our subscribers this week:

The HOPPAS place on the north side of the track has been sold to Mrs. CLOUGH. Consideration, about $400. The ROBERTS house on the east side was sold for $500.

J.S. MOTT has a new Woods mower for sale. Also a new top covered one horse buggy.

The railroad company seems to be cutting down the number of employees quite generally. The baggageman here has been permanently laid off. Nobe WELLS has been in the employ of the company for about sixteen years and is now left out in the cold. He has gone to St. Paul in search of a job.

Card of thanks. We wish publicly to express our heartfelt thanks to kind neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during the death and burial of our mother and grandmother. Mrs. J. ELLIS, Mrs. E.L. DOW & Mrs. F. EVERT.

Miss Hattie MOTT is shopping in Minneapolis.

Win. CRAFT has gone back to Dakota to reside.

Bert BURDICK will return to Madison in a few days.

Steve SPOO got off for the National Park on Tuesday.

Scott ROBERTS has sold his east Tilden street residence to W.M. SIMPSON.

Hi. TAYLOR has returned home from Kansas and his new wife will soon arrive.

--Mr. and Mrs. Jacob MEYER lost a little girl about seven years of age by that fearful scourge, diphtheria, last Saturday morning. They have the sympathy of all in their deep affliction.
--Harold, child of Fred and Frances BEEDY was born July 7th, 1885 and died of diphtheria on May 23rd, 1888.

The following obituary was read by Rev. W.H. SINGLELAND at the funeral of Mrs. DOW, held at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. J. ELLIS, last Tuesday afternoon: Comfort HAWKINS was born in Holderness, N.H., Feb. 13, 1807 and died in Postville, Iowa, on the evening of May 26, 1888, at the residence of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan ELLIS. She was married to Chas. G. DOW in 1832, to whom she bore three children, two sons and one daughter; of whom one son and a daughter are still living. Mr. DOW died in 1858. For the last 24 years Mrs. DOW has made her home with her daughter, Mrs. ELLIS, of which the last 14 years have been spent in Postville. The infirmities of age and the first symptoms of paralysis which appeared a few weeks ago, led to the expectateion of her demise. Yet death finally came suddenly. She ate supper as usual Saturday night and for an hour or two afterward seemed as usual. During a brief absence of Mrs. ELLIS from the room a child noticed something strange about the old lady and Mrs. ELLIS returned hastily to the room just in time to see her mother breathe her last. So, at the ripe age of 81 she passed suddenly and with little pain, beyond the veil of the spirit world. She experienced religion in early life and with her husband joined the Methodist church in Sandwich, N.H. She retained her membership there till she came west 14 years ago, but since then has been afflicted most of the time with lameness, and being unable to attend service, has neglected to change and retain her church membership. She was a sister to Mrs. Calvin DRESSER, well known here. Her son, Eli S. DOW, is here from Ohio, where he resides, to assist in laying away the dust of his aged mother. So another of the old and weary has laid down to rest. Let us hope that in the bosom of the kind heavenly Father she has found peace, and in the mansions of the blessed an eternal home.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 30, 1888

Mrs. N.C. BULLOCK is visiting in Nebraska.

Miss Nellie ABBOTT is expected home soon.

Supt. MITCHELL has been in town a part of the week.

The work on the basement of the McNEAL building is progressing.

Orville WHEELER has been visiting his mother here for several days.

Miss Isa KNIGHT, of Fayette, has been visiting Miss BULLOCK for several days.

HARRINGTON's Postville quadrille band will play for one of the dances at Waukon on the 4th.

Mrs. A.M. THOMPSON goes to Waukon this week for a two weeks visit.

Miss Jessie ROBBINS, who came over to the commencement, has been visiting friends here since.

H.S. HUMPHREYS returned from Kansas last Monday. We understand he is not specialy delighted with that country.

We are glad to learn that the Postville patients at Battle Creek, Mrs. ABBOTT and Miss Gertie CAMERON, are improving.

LEUI & ORR are selling Porter Hay Carriers and Forks.

The ladies of the Congregational church will give an Ice Cream Social at the home of Mrs. J.H. GRAY, on Thursday.

J.I. SHEPHERD, Esq., returned form Chicago on Tuesday, full of enthusiasm for HARRISON and MORTON. He had the good luck to get admission to the convention the most of the time.

A.L. STILES brought in a strawberry yesterday that he said when first picked measured five inches around, and A. HART brought in about a pint, all of which were about as large.

Last Sunday we spent at Hardin, visiting our old neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Warren STILES. It was one of the most enjoyable days tha tourself and "better half" have put in in a long time. There is never any dullness in a company where Mrs. Lotte is.

We understand that two games of base ball will be played next Sunday in WILKE's pasture about a mile west of Luana.

Mrs. HAINES' funeral sermon will be preached at the Methodist church next Sunday morning. J.W. RICE, a brother of Mrs. HAINES, arrived from Sigourney in time for the funeral.

Died, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. H.S. HUMPHREYS, in Postville, on Sunday afternoon, June 24th, of pneumonia, Mrs. Abigail HAINES, aged 78 years and 11 months. Mrs. HAINES was one of the oldest and most respected residents of this section, having resided here and over in Clayton county for about thirty-five years. Mr. HAINES died in Postville five years ago. None of the childen except Mrs. HUMPHREYS are in this section of country. Mrs. HAINES was buried on Tuesday afternoon from her late residence.

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Allamakee County