Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
January 14, 1888

We hear of no new cases of measles.

We have had some extreme cold weather this week. Everything outside is covered with a coating of ice, the result of a rain storm last week.

Velma POWERS respectfully solicits the patronage of a few music pupils, both vocal and instrumental.

Mrs. N.J. BEEDY was called to Newton by telegraph last Monday to attend the funeral of her brother's wife.

Geo. W. STAFFORD has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks.

Andrew THOMPSON has been laid up with inflammatory rheumatism.

Miss Carrie ORR, teacher of Piano and Organ.

Ada E. BROWN, graduate of the Musical Conservatory of Cornell College, teacher of piano and organ, Postville.

Mrs. Viola ENOS, now of Kansas City, came to attend the funeral of her sister, Mrs. BOOTH but returned the next day, together with Mr. BOOTH.

Geo. CAMERON is the only clerk at Roberts now.

Linc. REDHEAD is so far recovered as to be out a little.

Olai HUGLEN, of Ossian, C.H. BLANCHAINE's clerk, was in town last Friday.

H.P. DAWES has retired from the elevator on account of impaired health.

We understand the Mrs. Walter CHRISS is on the sick list.

Chas. F. ALLEN went to Fayette last week to take a couse in the Commercial College.

Having just added a new line of Patterns, I am prepared to do stamping on short notice. Mrs. T.M. MILLER.

Mrs. John PIXLER has purchased the HUFFY residence for $550. Mr. HUFFY will go to Dakota in the spring.

MOTT & McADAM have finally received all their insurance, the state coming to time, with a small discount, after being sued.

Apprentice Wanted. I want an apprentice boy to learn the blacksmith trade. A good, steady German boy preferred. Jacob MEYER.

The measles broke out in the Fayette University and some of the students from here are down with it, Jas. HANKS and Fred HAINES that we have heard of.

List of letters remaining uncalled for in the Postville postoffice, Dec. 31st, 1887:
Mrs. H.J. BOYD, Mrs. Lillian BOYD, Mr. Geo. CASTLE, Mr. Hiran DENNING, Mr. Stanry HUGHES, Mr. Henry KROGMAN, J.H. LANDWEHR, Miss Mary OLSON, Mr. Harvey SNYDER & Mr. R.C. ROUNCE.

Tom GORDON received another valuable stallion from Janesville, on Tuesday, in exchange for the one he had, which was so vicious as to be dangerous. The young man who brought the horse and was to return with the other met with a very serious accident on Wednesday afternoon. He had the horse in the car and was arranging the fastenings, when the horse caught him by the arm with his teeth and shook him until the arm below the elbow was crushed badly.

--An outline of the life and character of George KERR: He was born August 6th, 1822, in Aberdeen Shire, Scotland. He moved with his parents to America in 1835, and in his quiet way took a deep interest in all that related to the social, political and religious progress and development of his adopted country during the eventful fifty years just past. He was married Feb. 10th, 1848 to Barbara HENDERSON. His wife, one son and five daughters survive him, to whom he was a universally kind husband and indulgent father and true friend. He was an early pioneer of this country, having settled with his family near the site of his late residence in [either 1852 or 1862]...He united with the Congregational church in Winnebago Co., Illinois in 1846...George KERR was a man who at all thimes was true to his convictions of duty...and at the last monent of his life he met death without a shadow of fear. [transcribers note: extracted from a longer obit & the bracketed words were added by the transcriber]

--Died, at her home in Carson, Iowa, Dec. 30th, 1887, Mrs. Carrie R. BOOTH, in her 26th year. "Her sun set while it was yet day," and just as she had entered the enchanted realm of motherhood when, alas the pale messenger beckoned to her from beyond...Carrie was a member of the Congregational church, and less than two years ago was married to Hiram BOOTH, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa...
[transcribers note: extracted from a longer obit]

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