Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
September 3, 1887

The town well at the south end of town is completed at a depth of 81 feet. It is said there is an inexhaustible supply of water.

All persons indebted to me, by note, book acc't, mortage or judgment are notified to make immediate settlement or the same will be left in the hands of my attorney, S.S. POWERS, for collection. These matters must all be closed up inside of two months, as I start for California at that time. E. HARRIS.

Hall ROBERT's is expected home next week.

Will COLE is breaking on the C.M.& St. Paul road.

Elmer GRAY returned from his eastern visit last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. McMASTER have gone to Northwood on a visit.

Miss Carrie JACOBIA accompanied the party to Nebraska.

Walter CHRISS is buying eggs again.

Levi ARMSTRONG was over from Waukon.

H.O. DAYTON's son was over from Waukon, visiting at Dr. GREEN'S this week.

Thanks to Mrs. David RILEY for a nice lot of large apples of the siberian variety.

Miss Jennie JENNEWINE came over from Waukon last Saturday.

Mrs. N.J. BEEDY is at Newton, Iowa, visiting a couple of brothers residing there.

Wm. DICKMAN, of Sumner, was the guest of John MOTT, Jr. for a day or so last week.

Mrs. HAZEN, of Luana, was here visiting Miss Grace POWERS a few days last week.

John PARKER has moved into the new SANDERS house.

Hon F.D. BAYLESS was here last week overseeing the transformation of the City Hall into a masonic hall.

For Sale. 2 yearling horse colts, 1 full blood Chester White Boar one year old. John HAMMEL, Jr.

J.S. DRESSER has some pedigreed Poland china boar pigs for sale.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry LUHMAN started on Tuesday for a visit in Nebraska.

The following students from Postville will register at the university at Fayette next Monday:
Miss Eda PERRY, Paul TURNER, H.O. GREEN, Fred HAINES, Farnsworth WARNER & John STAADT.

Mrs. C.E. TUTTLE will remove to Osage in a few days, having secured a satisfactory situation there.

Farm for Sale or Rent. A good farm of 200 acres, well watered and well adapted for grain or stock, with ten acres of timber and good buildings for sale or rent. Five miles south east of Postville. Apply on the premises to A. ABERNETHY.

Henry BLANCHAINE has gone to Elkader to take a place with BAYLESS & HAGENSICK in their drug store. John THOMA, Jr. takes the place he vacates here.

A.B. COOK is nominated for auditor on the greenback ticket. L.D. VanGORDER also secured the nimination for representative on the same ticket.

J.H. McGHEE removed his family and his livery business to Waukon on Wednesday. Mr. McGHEE will continue to run the stage route, and both he and his estimable wife will be over frequently.

List of letters remaining uncalled for in the postoffice at Postville, Aug. 31st, 1887:

--Luverne, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred WELZEL, died in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 23rd day of August, of spinal and brain meningitis, having been sick only a few days. Only for a few months was Luverne the life of his home. But while in this world for so short a time, he is not forgotten. He is gone before that he may make heaven a brighter place to those who knew him. Such was the mission of an infant of four months and who can measure the influence of that short life. The funeral rites were duly observed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WELZEL, on Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock. A large number of friends came to express their interest and sympathy.
--[the first part was cut off] H. Florence BARNES daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. BARNES, aged 16 yers, two months and twenty-four days. Florence was the oldest child of our friends, Mr. and Mrs. BARNES, and the sorrow they feel is deep and polgnant.

Mrs. Sarah OWENS was born in Mass. in 1822. After an illness of over a year she died August 29th, 1887, at the age of 65 years, 4 months and 27 days..Mrs. OWEN was one of the old settlers in Allamakee county, having lived in it since 1849. she was a woman known only to be loved. She leaves a husband, two children and a host of friends to mourn her loss. She was for many years and up to the time of her death a faithful member of the United Brethren church. On Wednesday, the 31st of August, appropriate services were held in the Bethel church and a very large procession attended her remains to their last resting place in the Minert cemetery.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 10, 1887

Although rain is just what we need, it makes it very unpleasant and times very dull.

Miss Sarah CARRAIGHER is back clerking for R.A.T. MEYER.

Mrs. John HUFFY has been quite seriously indisposed for some time.

We noticed Mr. CORNELL, of the McGregor eating house on our streets last week.

Miss Ella PERRY has taken her former position as saleslady with F.W. ROBERTS.

Farnsworth WARNER, Paul TURNER and H.O. GREEN left Monday for school at Fayette.

A Mr. PATTERSON, of Elgin, was here visiting with Paul TURNER over Sunday, a week ago.

T.C. TAYLOR has gone to Keokuk to look at the country, having some relatives there.

C.A. ABEL and J.H. BARNES are entitled to credit and thanks for cash on subscription.

Mr. and Mrs. A.C. NORTON and family, of Monona, were up last week visiting Mrs. TUTTLE.

Andrew THOMPSON and wife returned from Minneapolis on the early train Monday.

John BURHANS has removed from Mrs. COYLE's house to the house lately occupied by J.H. McGHEE.

Miss Lizzie GORDON has been assisting Miss Addie SANDERS in the millinery shop for the past two weeks.

Will LEUI comes to the front with a new girl baby of standard proportions. Congratulations are in order.

Mrs. C.W. DOUGLASS has been quite seriously indisposed, but is reported better. Hay fever, or some kindred difficulty was the cause.

Misses IMPY and CLOSE, of Iowa City, relatives of the LULL family have been here several days visiting the LULL, CHRISS and EATON families.

Joe RILEY has been taking Nobe WELLS place as baggageman at the C.M.& St.P. depot during the latters absence at White Lake, Dakota.

Farm for sale. A farm of 80 acres, all under cultivation, well fenced and a good house. For terms apply to Geo. WATERS, 4 miles east of Postville.

We are sorry to hear that Don HARDIN, who left here several months ago to recuperate his impaired health, is no better. He will return to Postville soon.

The Review force was wet up on the inside by a large, fine watermelon, the compliments of Enoch HARDIN.

We are glad to note that Mrs. HUMPHREYS is doing very well in her restaurant and boarding house. She has opened a restaurant and lunch room in the brick building. Warm meals and board at reasonable rates. Home made bread and pie, for sale.

Halver HALVERSON, who has been the efficient clerk at the City Grocery for some months past, severed his connection with that institution last Tuesday and boarded the night train for St. Paul.

W.J. CAMPBELL has sold his home farm to a brother of J.H. and C.W. MEIER for $5,000, about $55.00 per acre. This is one of the nicest little farms in this section and is well worth the price paid.

There seems to be a little unpleasantness between "Mine" ERNST and the Dubuque times.

J.W. PATTERSON has sold his farm to a German and will try his fortune in western Iowa. He is one of the few men who have not contracted the Kansas or Nebraska fever. He will go west in a few days to look up a location. Thus one by one the old settlers drop out of line.

The Decorah Republican gives our townsman, Mr. GRINNELL, the following honorable and mertied mention for his display at the Decorah fair: Mr. John GRINNELL's fruit display from the Richland, Wis. Nursery, is a great feature in Agricultural Hall. He exibits 50 or more varieties of apples, and over 20 of grapes. His home is in Postville.

We had many distinguished calls on Wednesday from delegates to the republican convention, H.P. HANCOCK, from West Union; L.E. FELLOWS, from Lansing; Dr. D.H. BOWEN, from Waukon; C.L. McNAMEE, from Village Creek; John DICKSON, from Franklin and others.

Mr. Asa CANDEE and Miss Eva HINMAN, of Hardin, were married at Prairie du Chien last Wednesday evening. They went to Minneapolis on Thursday to spend a few days of the honeymoon.

Died, at the home of her parents in Grand Meadow township, on Sunday, Sept. 4th, of consumption, Louisa C. LEUI, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob LEUI, aged seven years and four months. A large procession of sympathizing friends of the family followed the remains to the Grand Meadow cemetery.

Card of thanks. We wish to return our sincere thanks to our neighbors and many friends for their uneasing sets of kindness and sympathy during the sickness and after the death of our child. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob LEUI.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 17, 1887

Miss Libbie ROBERTS has gone to Des Moines to take lessions in painting.

Kent CLARK, formerly day operator here, was visiting friends here over Sunday.

M.V. KIDDER was interviewing our people on the granite question on Wednesday.

J.A. HAVIRLAND, veterinarian, is ready to receive calls day or night.

Mrs. Celia HOLMAN, of Rockwell, a sister of Mrs. BILEY, is here visiting relatives and friends.

Frank COLE returned from his northern trip last week and left for the south on Monday.

Mrs Ed. EATON took in the Waukon fair Wednesday, in company with J. DRESSER's family.

"Doc" WELLS comes smilingly to the front with a new baby, the first, of the female persuasion.

N.C. BULLOCK has been laid up a couple of weeks with a mashed foot.

Ed. CORNELL, Chas. HARRIS, Dave JEMISON, John NEILL, F.S. PURDY and Frank TULLER took in the Alamakee fair Thursday.

Lieut. GRAY, a graduate of the West Point military academy and a brother of Mrs. Chas. WARREN, with his wife, is here visiting.

Mort. HENDERSON and Ed. HANCHETT went west Tuesday night to LeRoy, Minn., to attend the wedding of Miss Maud HENDERSON.

Ez. HUGHES, Godfrey STAADT and Will RAUB returned from their chicken hunt with some fine prairie fowls in their game bags.

Co. treasurer J.F. DOUGHERTY and auditor J.M. COLLINS made us a pleasant call on Tuesday.

Wilbur HARDIN came home Wednesday in about the same condition, that he was last spring. "Don" is one of our old boys and we feel a great interest in his health and prosperity.

Miss Mary ANDERSON contradicts the report that she would marry Forbes ROBERTSON, the actor.

Hamilton CAMPBELL, the pioneer settler of Bloomfield township and probably of Winnesheik county, died at his home near Castalia last Monday. The Decorah Republican has the following: Mr. CAMPBELL was the pioneer settler of Bloomfield township, and to the best of our research, the first actual permanent settler in the county. He died of paralysis at his home, on the land upon he squatted in 1848. According to the information secured in 1875-6, when the early events of the county were being exhumed, Mr. CAMPBELL arrived in Bloomfield township on the 7th of June, 1848, almost immediately after the land was opened to settlement, and squatted on the lands in what became sections 23 [note: may be section 28] and 26. And on this the family has resided until this time.

At the Congregational parsonage, on Monday, Sept. 12th, 1887, Mr. James A. FISHER, to Miss Effie M. McDANELD, both of Postville, the Rev. J.W. FERNER, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. FISHER expect to go to housekeeping in a few weeks.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
September 24, 1887

We learn that last Saturday during the absence of the parents, a young lad, aged about 10 years, a son of Mr. KUHULE, living on the Waukon Junction and Ion road, shot his little six-year old sister, with a gun, killing her dead on the spot. The deed was discovered a short time afterwards by the mail carrier who called at the house and saw the child lying there dead. When asked who killed the little one the boy said that an old tramp with long gray whiskers had committed the deed. It was afterwards ascertained that the boy had taken down the gun and either accidentally or purposely shot his sister. The parents are nearly crazed with grief at the terrible fate of their household pet. This is but another result of the foolish practice of keeping loaded fire-arms about the house and within the reach of children. --from the Waukon Democrat.

Miss Carrie ORR, teacher of piano and organ, Postville.

J.A. MEILL, D.D.S. Permanent office over LEUI & ORR's Hardware store.

Mrs. Dr. BROWN went to Rockford on Wednesday to visit her daughter and other relatives.

Frank BOLLMAN went west Monday night for a week's visit in the western part of the state.

Don HARDIN has been lettering our office windows in a neat and workmanlike manner. He is an artist.

Lost. A red milch cow with white spots on her hips. Finder will please inform John STOCKMAN, Postville.

Members of Co. D. are hereby ordered to meet at the armory Oct. 1st at 1 o'clock, p.m., sharp, for the purpose of target practices. Fred HAINES, capt.

Mrs. LUCAS has cancelled her new position in Cedar Falls and will remain with SKELTON & McEWEN, in charge of their cloak and dress goods departments.

Cash on subscription this week: Mrs. Sarah LASSEY, P.T. SMITH, D.E. HARRINGTON, John THILL, A. HART & Mrs. H. MILLSPAUGH.

LUHMAN & SANDERS have sold their millinery business to MEYER & SPOO.

Last Monday evening abot 40 of the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Will CARBEE made them an unannounced call, bringing their baskets filled with good things to satisfy the cravings of the hungry.

A case of malignant diptheria is reported at I.A. HARMAN's residence, just west of town. The patient is a child of a lady visiting there from Wisconsin.

--Edward HOWS, a brother of Luther, near Waukon, committed suicide last Monday, by strangling himself with a handkerchief. He was 78 years old and had been in poor health for some ten years.

--A.B. COOK has the abutments nearly completed for a county bridge across the Williams Run near J.M. HARRIS. A.B. also has his well completed. It is 150 feet deep. He has plenty of good water.
--John WATERS is moving on to the JEMISON place this week which he has rented for the coming year.
--Geo. WATERS has bought the Wells EATON farm for which he pays $4,800. He has sold his place in Ludlow township for which he gets $2,400.
--Dad McWILLIAMS is making a new corn crib.

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Allamakee County