Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
February 6, 1886

E. SWENSON, Esq. rejoices in the arrival of a new daughter. This makes the 25th grandchild for N. McWILLIAMS.

Mrs. TURNER visited at Cannoti Falls this week.

A good six room house with 3 large fine lots for sale. T.M. MILLER

Miss Nellie ABBOTT and pupils will give a musical recital at the home of the former on Saturday evening, February 6th.

The Lockwood lecture at WAUKON last thursday evening was more largely attended than any before. Tom MEDARY, of course, had a chat with the old lady, who appears to be quite a Mormon in her way, excepting a plurality of wives.

The one-story house, this side of T. MILLER's, formerly occupied by "Charley the tinner" has been purchased by Mrs. HAHN and moved on to the lot across the street from Mrs. Jennie EASTON's property. The lot on which it is placed we were told was purchased for $40. Cheap.

If the members of the new library were more prompt in returning books when they have finished them it would afford great satisfaction to all concerned.

By reference to the recently issued Iowa Census, we find that Postville has only 371 males and 423 females.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
February 13, 1886

Elisha HARRIS accompanied by his son Wm., went to Milwaukee to see if he could get any medical treatment there that would relieve him. We hope he benefited.


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
February 20, 1886

Mr. and Mrs. W.H. CARITHERS have both been seriously indisposed for some time, but are better now. Mr. CARITHERS has been in town two or three times lately.

I offer for sale my house and lots in Postville, immediately west of I.A. COLE's residence, on reasonable terms. Apply to me on premises. Mrs. A. CLOUGH

Geo. CAMERON returned from his eastern trip last Friday. It looks kind of good to see his genial countenance once more. We understand he sold his property in New York, and if so we suppose he is a bloated bond holder now.

A caucus of the qualified electors of the incorporated town of Postville will be held at the office of S.S. POWERS, Esq., on Monday evening Feb. 22nd.

We have as yet heard no names mentioned for corporation officers except Jas. McEWEN for Trustee, to succeed himself. This is eminently proper, and we are glad there seems to be no opposition. He is a very careful, judicious and conscientious man, and the board cannot afford to dispose with his services. He does not wish another term but if the people elect him he will serve, and they will elect him. We are not a candidate, and we only hope our successor will be as good a man as Mr. McEWEN. We presume there will be no opposition to Jas. PERRY for Assessor, Scott ROBERTS for Treasurer and R.A.T. MEYER for recorder. For Mayor, there would be little opposition to Mr. POWERS if he were at home...
[remainder cut off]

Three imported Clydesdale stallions were received in Postville last Saturday from the importers, Galbraith Bros., Janesville, Wis. The owners are J.C. TAYLOR, Thos. GORDON and Jas. MEIKLE. They are splendid specimens.

P. OLSON, the Calmar merchant, has failed for $50,000 it is said. A great many Calmar people lose quite heavily, besides the wholesale men.

Mrs. MOORE, the wife of Wm. MOORE, committed suicide at her home in Decorah, last Sunday, by shooting. Ill health and domestic difficulty are said to be the cause
The marriage of Mr. D.V. DUNNING, son of Harrison DUNNING, and Miss Jane LYTLE, daughter of Matthew Lytle, took place at the residence of the bride's parents, near Luana, on Wednesday, Feb. 17th, at 11 o'clock. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S.FISHER, of Luana. Upwards of 125 guests were present and partook of an excellent dinner furnished for the occasion. One noticable feature of the gathering was the unusual representation of ages. Around the same table where sat the blushing bride and groom were three grandmas of the happy couple, also the great aunt and uncle of the groom. It is seldom that hoary age and beautiful youth are thus permitted to mingle in such festivities. Those present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. BRANCH and O.D. OATHOUT, of Elkader; Mother JAMISON, of Waukon; Mr. and Mrs. T.C. HALL, of Edgerton, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. WARNER and Mr. and Mrs. HARRIS, of Postville; Miss FONDA, of Stacyville, and Mr. and Mrs. HOWARD, of Monona. Presents also came from Jennie and Ivy LYTLE, of Mt. Vernon; Mr. and Mrs. HOLLIDAY, Fairbault, Minn.; and Mrs. W.L. SNYDER, Toledo, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. DUNNING intend after a short wedding trip to settle on the old OATHOUT homestead, where they will begin married life.

The marriage of Mr. C.H. PENNICOTT of Montana and Miss Allie CONLEY of Postville took place February 18th, 1886, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. John CONLEY, Rev. J.W. FERNER officiating.

At his residence, in Grand Meadow township, near Postville, Feb. 14th, Mr. A. GANO, aged about 69 years. Deceased had been for several years at intervals, a sufferer from a serious combination of incurable disorders. Mr. GANO was an early settler in this vicinity, a kind-hearted man, a good neighbor, and universally respected by all who knew him.

Mr. Alva GANO died last Sabbath evening at 8:30 in his home one mile south-east of Postville. He was buried Wednesday, Feb. 17, 1886, in the cemetery at Postville. Mr. GANO was born in June, 1821, in Brown Co., New York, moved into Clayton Co., Iowa in 1851, where he has lived ever since. He was the father of five children, four daughters and one son. The latter died in the army during our late civil war. His wife, well advanced in years and in feeble health, survives him. Those who personally knew the deceased say he was an honest man, a good husband, father and neighbor. As such he will be much missed by a large circle of relatives and friends. (by J.W. FERNER)


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
February 27, 1886
At the residence of the bride's parents, at Hardin, Feb. 22nd, by Rev. S. FISHER, Richard Victor PEARSON and Alice L. SMITH, daughter of Benjamin SMITH.

Rev. LOOMIS will lecture on "Prison Life in Southern Prisons" at Fayette tonight (Friday).

Ed and Jim SHEEHY went to LaCrosse to attend the funeral of a relative, returning on Monday. Their uncle, Joseph SHEEHY, returned with them.

Dubuque had an elite sensation on Monday evening on the event of the ball given by the Governor's GRAYS. Governor LARRABEE, wife and two daughters were present and the "beauty and chivalry" of the state were there in full dress.

Dr. BROWN has for some time been considerable "under the weather" with the prevailing epidemic, though he has been around most of the time. His daughter Ada has also been sick for two or three days, but is better.

Paying subscribers this week:

H.J. SCHULTZ has purchased the dray line of W.F. WARNER and has taken possission. Mr. SCHULTZ has recently moved in from the country and we hope he will prove an accommodating and successful drayman. Doc. WELLS will continue to manipulate the ribbons on one of the teams. Of course Mr. WARNER will remain with us.

There are a great many accounts still on my books unsettled although it has been several months since I sold out the harware business. Come and settle. Matt BEUCHER.

Mr. SANDERS has moved into town, and now, after 60 days, they will be "American citizens" of Allamakee county, adding two more votes to the Democratic Column. They are good citizens, no matter to what "household of faith" they belong. Welcome to the "city".

There has been a change in the personnel of the McGregor board of pension examining surgeons. Dr. HOFFBAUER, finding himself, by reason of his failing eyesight and the infirmities of advanced age, unable to perform the arduous duties of the office, resigned, and Dr. J.H. THORNTON, of Lansing, a very capable man, has been commissioned in his stead.

The following ticket was duly nominated at the meeting of the corporation caucus on Feb. 22nd:
For Mayor, Jas. McEWEN
For Recorder, Rudolph A.T. MEYER
For Treasurer, W.S. ROBERTS
For Assessor, Jas. PERRY
For Trustees, G. STAADT & F.M. ORR

The chair (Geo. LULL) appointed the following central committee for the ensuing year:

J.G. ZIMMERMAN who built the second house at Springfield just below Postville, and who was a merchant there 20 years ago, died recently at his home in Sheffield, Iowa.

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