Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
June 6, 1885

Samuel SWENSON died Thursday, May 28th, at the residence of his son. He died of old age, having passed is 82nd year. He was buried in the Minert cemetery on Friday, May 29th, Rev. J.W. FERNER officiating.

Next Tuesday evening Miss Lizzie LAUGHLIN and Mr. Victor H. LUCAS will be joined in wedlock at Toledo, the home of the bride.

Roll of honor this week: J. GORDON, D.E. HARRINGTON, L.H. GIBBS & C.W. WILLIAMS.

At the residence of the bride's parents, at Postville, on Wednesday June 3rd, Mr. Fred H. WELZEL and Miss Matie ORR, Rev. J.W. FERNER officiating.

[submitted by S.F., Aug. 2003]

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
June 11, 1885

--John Tovey (Tovoy?) was in from Dakota last week after another load of horses.
--S. H. Grashon, of Lancaster, Wis., is visiting his cousin, Mrs. Zimmerman.
--Judge G. M. Dean delivered the G. A. R. address Decoration Day at Lansing.
--Fred Sunderman, living east of town, expects to take a trip to Germany soon.
--Mrs. E. A. Greer went to Lewiston, Minn., yesterday, to be with Ed for awhile.
--Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Elliott returned from a visit to Vernon county, Wis., Saturday.
--L. L. Howe went Monday to Fayette to attend the U. I. University commencement.
--Rev. E. L. Benediet, of Mitchell county, is visiting his nephew, County Treasurer Bryant.
--Willard Ralston's household rejoices over the presence of an infant daughter since Monday.
--Mrs. Lew Burton returned from Viroqua, Wis., Tuesday evening, accompanied by Miss Baldwin.
--Ed. Hagen, formerly clerk for Eddy & Cabanis, can now be found in H. Low's Hardware store.
--D. W. Reed and family started overland yesterday to attend the U. I. U. commencement at Fayette.
--Drs. Bowen, Crawford and Gilchrist attended the N. E. Iowa Medical Association at Postville Friday last.
--Miss Emily Hale starts to-day to attend the commencement of the Womans' College at Evanston, Ill.
--Messrs' Case, Buell, and Raum railroad officials, were up last Thursday, returning to McGregor on a special.
--E. A. Greer goes to Lewiston, Minn., to drill wells for the good people of that country and about every man wants a well.
--Mr. George Stickney, representing Hunter & Drennen, Butter dealers of Philadelphia, was in town over Sunday with L. Hubbell.
--P. C. Huffman and Mrs. A. A. Barnard returned Tuesday from a several days visit to his old Castalia home, where he took several photo views.
--Rev. J. C. Magee went to Fayette Monday to attend the U. I. U. com- (the column was cut off here)

At the G. A. R. meeting Saturday, the following was unanimously adopted: Resolved that John J. Stillman Post No. 194, hereby return thanks to our Chaplain, Rev. J. C. Magee, for his able and patriotic address on Memorial Day and that we request a copy of the same for publication and to spread upon the records of the Post.

WELZEL--ORR.--At the residence of the bride's parents, in Postville, Iowa, Wednesday, June 3d, 1885, by Rev. J. W. Ferner Mr. Fred H. Welzel and Miss Matie Orr both of Postville.

[submitted by E.R., Jan. 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 20, 1885

The Postville band went out to farmer SPOO's last Sunday and gave our old friends a "benefit".

Mr. E. HARRIS was in town on Tuesday, the first time we have seen him in several months. He has had a hard run of sickness but is slowly recovering. Mrs. HARRIS is also very feeble but is able to be out a little. their many friends hope that they may both recover and live long to enjoy the ample property that they have worked so hard to accumulate.

We are pained to learn of the death of Mr. J. GLINES, which occurred recently in the East, whither he went last summer with Mr. and Mrs. N.W. STILES.

Charles PAULK, an old and highly esteemed resident of this county, died at his residence near Waukon, last Monday.

Last Monday was the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ROW of Postville. Their old neighbors and friends on Henderson prairie got up a surprise party and came in force and took them by storm.

Henry BIRCH has sold his meat market business to Fred REUM, and old Decorah butcher.

[submitted by S.F., Aug. 2003]

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