Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 1, 1885

There will be a memorial service in Postville on the day of the public funeral of Gen. U.S. GRANT, Saturday, Aug. 8th, commencing at half past one o'clock.

Mrs. BURNS, a niece of Mrs. Wm. PATTERSON, who has been visiting the latter for several weeks, returned to her home in Minnesota on Monday.

Ed. CLOUGH reports a small cyclone at his place on Wednesday, which blew down trees, hay-stacks, chimneys, etc.

At Postville, July 26th, 1885, Mr. Napoleon L. ESPERANCE, of Waukon, to Mrs. Jane KNIGHT, of Fayette. Ceremony at the Burlington Hotel.

[submitted by S.F., Aug. 2003]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 8, 1885

August 2d, 1885, at her home at Lybrand, Io.; of consumption, Mrs. Margaret HARRIS, aged 57 yrs, 7 months and 10 days. Mrs. Harris was born in morgan county Ohio, Dec. 23rd, 1827. She was married to Elisha Harris May 10th, 1849, and fourteen children were born of this union, ten of whom survive her. Her maiden name was Margaret Patterson. She was a member of the United Brethren Church, and her funeral was held at Bethel Church, conducted by Rev. W.D. Hartsough, of Castalia, on Tuesday, Aug. 4th, 1885, after which a large concourse of people followed the remains to their last resting place in West Grove cemetery. Mrs. Harris was widely known in this locality and highly respected. She had been sick some months ere death, the robber of every home, the successful warrior of every battle, called her home."

Rev. FERNER will be absent two more Sundays, we understand, during which time union meetings will be held at the M.E. Church.

Cresey Sr. was in town Tuesday. He recently returned from Dakota where his son, LeRoy, is running a hotel, and reports the latter as doing a fine business.

Company "D", Postville July 30, 1885. General Order No. 4. Pursuant to General Order No. 2, C.S., the members of Co. D. are hereby ordered to meet at the armory, Aug. 8th, at 1 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of taking part in the exercises to be rendered in respect to the memory of Gen. U.S. Grant. Darius ORR, Capt. Com'd'g.

[submitted by S.F., Aug. 2003]

Waukon Standard
Waukon, Allamakee co. Iowa
August 27, 1885

From Myron
MYRON; Ia., Aug. 22d, 1885
--Weather somewhat cooler, especially the evenings.
--Grain nearly all in the stack and the hum of the thresher is heard in the land.
--Miss Addie Davis intends going to school at Postville this fall.
--Mr. Louis Meikle went to Kimball the first of the week to look after his claim.
--Mr. Jas. Ewing from Frankville, has purchased the Granger farm, northwest of the village.
--Mr. Wm. Rankin returned Wednesday from Madison, D. T. after an absence of three weeks.
--Mrs. Abel and two children from Waterloo, have been visiting with her sister. Mrs. Adams, also Mrs. Davis; she is now visiting with her relatives in Decorah.
--Mr. Ira, and Miss Ida Smith attended church at Frankville last Sunday.
--The filling in of the new bridges south of town will be completed this week, which is a great improvement to the road.
It is easy to see why the prohibitory law fails in many instances. Take for example: The "lady" saloonist in Postville who so shamefully beat another woman a few days since, because suspisioned of giving information against a drunken man, was fined one dollar by the Justice of the Peace. This same efficient official, whose self importance is known to all men, fined a convicted "dead beat" ten cents for beating the Burlington House out of a board bill. It is not the law that fails -- It is the want of it. --
McGregor News.

Jurors of Circuit Court, commencing October 1st, and for the District Court commencing Nov. 23d, 1885.

Wm. Gardner, Fairview
Patrick McCauley, French Creek
A. B. Hays, Iowa
Ben Pohlman, Iowa
Frank Moore, Jefferson
Wm. Kelleher, Lafayette
Fred Barthell, Lafayette
Jas Kenney, Jr., Lansing
Wm. Smith, Lansing
Frank Hartley, Jr., Lansing
Richard Thomson, Lansing
M. Phillippi, Lansing
L. O. Rudd, Lansing
Julius Fairhelm, Lansing
C. O. Howard, Makee
Nelson Peek, Makee
A. Goepel, Makee
Hugh Norton, Sr., Makee
A. O. Johnson, Makee
T. C. manning, Paint Creek
Wm. Dunn, Paint Creek
S. O. Narum, Paint Creek
W. S. Roberts, Post
J. W. Ward, Post
Jno. Jemison, Post
Conrad Helming, Union Prairie
Jno Steele, Union Prairie
Jno Deeters, Union City
The above jury summoned to appear Monday, October 5th, at 1 o'clock, p.m.

T. J. Hancock, Franklin
Geo Bellows, French Creek
Jno Dowling, French Creek
Jno Zoll, French Creek
Wm Dixon, Hanover
Jno Hursley, Jr., Iowa
Wm. Coleman, Sr., Iowa
M. J. Larson, Jefferson
Daniel Hurm, Lafayette
Jos. Barer, Lafayette
Lewis Traver, Lansing
Nicholas Meyers, Linton
E. C. Hall, Ludlow
Wm. Daniton, Ludlow
Peter Beiber, Makee
B. Faultz, Makee
G. W. Hays, Makee
Jno Griffin, Makee
Martin Halverson, Makee
E. A. Newell, Makee
Wm. M. Kelly, Paint Creek
A. O. Arneson, Paint Creek
L. E. Livengood, Post
Carl Holter, Post
Wilber Dresser, Post
Jas. Melaven, Taylor
Francis Hogan, Taylor
Jos Fahey, Union Prairie
Matt Kennedy, Union Prairie

[submitted by E.R., Jan. & May 2004]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 29, 1885

M.V. KIDDER, the Decorah marble and granite dealer, has this week put in a fine granite monument for Geo. KERR -- one of the best in the cemetery, though it did not cost half as much as some.

W.M. SIMPSON brought in the champion corn stalk of the season, measuring 14 feet and 4 inches.

[submitted by S.F., Aug. 2003]

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