Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
Marach 1, 1884

James I. Gilbert Post of G.A.R. was mustered at Postville Mon. eve, Feb 25th with 21 charter members, officered as follows:
Luther BROWN, commander
E.F. DOUGLASS, sen. vice com'r
A.L. STILES, jr. vice com'r
Wayne DONALDSON, adjuntant
Chas. SKELTON, qr. master
L. MINNICK, surgeon
Jas. C. TAYLOR, chaplain
J.M. LISHER, officer of the day
J.H. BURHANS, officer of the guard
E.H. PUTNAM, serg't major
W.A. OWEN, serg't

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 15, 1884

Daniel McNEAL, over in Clayton County, lost his wife this week. She leaves 7 small children, including a pair of twin infants. It is a sad affliction.

John R. MOTT, of Postville, tok the first prize for declamation at the oratorical contest at Waucoma recently.

The debating club led by John SANDERS and Jim SHEPHERD hold nightly "sorrys" at L, & S's store.

The following subscribers have paid cash on subscriptions this week:

H.E. BABCOCK residence to Wm. WARNER for $2,250.
DAWES residence to an unknown purchaser for $775.00
Hugh SHEPHERD's residence to a German for $550.00
Frantz FRANTZEN residence to Mrs. G.L. HENDERSON for $650.

Mrs. A. D. DAVIS, vitapathic physician, diseases of females a specialty, Myron, Iowa.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 22, 1884

Geo. W. HARRIS is up from Fayette on a visit.

H.P. DAWES adds to the census a boy. It is well.

Mrs. L. PARKS met with an accident on Sunday last, in having a fall from a sleigh in going home from church.

The only child of Mr. and Mrs. Frank STANLEY of Frankville, died this morning.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 29, 1884

Mr. Henry NOBLE and wife who were married here a few weeks ago and have been visiting friends and relatives, left on Wednesday for their future home near Luverne, Minn.

Mrs. Hall ROBERTS is happy over the receipt of a new upright Steinway piano.

George McWILLIAMS has gone to Dakota in search of his fortune.

The ROSE family has added to the census a daughter.

J.B. TEETER, of Luana, is fish man this year. He will deliver fresh fish every Wednesday and Thursday.

Mrs. H. MOTT, Mrs. J. POESCH, J. DRESSER AND Jas. McEWEN are entitled to thanks for renewing their subscription.

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Allamakee County