Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
June 2, 1884

Mr. WITTER, of Hardin, who has been sick for some time died on Monday night and was buried on Wednesday.

A volley was discharged over the graves of soldiers at the Postville cemetery. The following is a list of the graves of soldiers:
Sherman S. BLANCHAR, private, Co. C. 12th Iowa infantry
David STARK, veteran, war of 1812
W.R. JOHNSON, corporal, Co. I., Eng reg., Mo. Vol.
John PUTNAM, 1st lieut, Co. M. 5th N.Y. heavy artillery
Levi ELLIS, veteran, war of 1812
Sylvanus MORSE, private, Co. C, 77th reg. N.Y. vol.
John S. POST, private Co. K, 1st Iowa calvalry
Squire MATHER, private Co. I, 9th Iowa infantry
John H. MATHER, private, Co. B, 21st Iowa infantry
Darius MATHER, fife major, 27th Iowa
Unknown soldier, whose identity has been lost, member of a Minn. regiment.

Arthur STILES, the Calmar druggist, started for Jackson, Miss., on Thursday.

Rudolph MEYER is fixing up the National hotel building, recently purchased of D.W. LYONS, for a dwelling. D.W. and family have moved into old lady CLOUGH's house, occupying the front portion of it.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


The National Advocate
Independence, Buchanan co. and Postville, Allamakee co. Iowa
Thursday, June 12, 1884

[Note: The National Advocate was published simultaneously at Postville & Independence. It contained national and Iowa news. The 'local items' were different.]

-Fort Dodge will make an effort to raise $20,000 to secure a paper mill.
-The Catholics of Mashaltown are getting ready to build a $15,000 church.
-The postoffice at Ottana was burglarized by professionals, but they got little for their pains.
-The enrollment of convicts at the Fort Madison penitentiary is 400, increase of 25 over the same time last year.
-The Cedar Rapids pork house has cut up nearly 25,000 more hogs this season than it did during the same time last year.
-The Elkader Register says that a movement is on foot to secure a branch of the B.C.R. & N.R.R. from Elgin to that place.
-The Prairie Farmer says: Messrs. Williams & Flynn, near Helen Station, Iowa county, will plant 600 acres of sorghum this spring, just half of their farm.
-Rev. J. Bowman, of Cedar Falls, father of T.L. Bowman, of LeMars, has been granted a back pension amounting to $2,748.57, and will draw $15 per month hereafter.
-Alonzo Abernethy, ofrmerly state superintendent of schools, has just been elected dean of the Des Moines university, and will take the chair at the opening of the fall term.
-Senator J.K. Graves paid $30 for a ticket to the Chicago convention. Several of the Dubuquers who arrived home yesterday morning tell comical stories on one another about sleeping in bureau drawers, and on billiard tables, etc.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2005]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 14, 1884

This is to certify that my property recently burned was insured in the Hawkeye. Within ten days received draft in full from their agent W.S. WEBSTER. I can earnestly recommend the company to the public. Christian RUCHDESCHEL [sic Ruckdaschel]

To R.N. DOUGLASS and wife June 9th, a daughter.

Card of thanks. Our heartfelt thanks are extended to those who so willingly assisted us in our late bereavement. Mrs. C. WITTER, Eddie WITTER.

Prof. A. ROW, of Waukon, Iowa has recently been appointed by the American Bible Society Colporteur, to canvass Allamakee in behalf of the Scriptures. His duties are to visit every family and business to sell Bibles and Testaments at cost.

Last Wednesday Miss Eliza DEREMORE, who has been in the employ of Mr. George LULL was going down cellar with some dishes. She caught her foot and slipped and fell to the bottom. Her injuries consisted in a severe wound on the side of the head and a broken collar bone. At this writing her recovery is considered extremely doubtful, there being a constant running of blood from the ear indicating that the brain is affected. Her parents, who live on a farm near Waukon, were sent for and arrived at about sundown.

At his residence in Postville, June 6th, 1884, Wm. PATTERSON, in his 80th year. Deceased was born in Forfarshire, Scotland, July 18th, 1804. On coming to this country he became a member of the Congregational church of Beloit, Wis. By industry and thrift he and his mate acquired a compentency and 47 years of wedding harmony is the domestic record of their lives. Eulogy seems vain, what was said of Chas. LAMB might with propriety be said of deceased. O' he was good if ever man was good," to say more would be superfious. He, for many years, was a respected farmer on Henderson Prairie. He had been ailing for some time. The funeral services were held at his residence on Monday of this week. He was a connection of the RAGAN family by marriage, and leaves a wife to mourn his loss.

Card of thanks. To the many kind friends who extended their aid and sympahty to us in performing the last sad rites in our late bereavement. Mrs. J. PATTERSON, Mrs. J. RAGAN.

Mr. Norman HAMILTON, of National, by his own hand on Tuesday June 10th, 1884. He has been a suffered from paralysis and nervous disorder for several months and this resulted ina form of dementia. It was discovered that he had taken his life by hanging himself in his barn. -- from McGregor News.
The deceased was the father of Mrs. Rube DOUGLASS of this place. His funeral took place on Thursday.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 21, 1884

Shaffer MARQUIS is home on a visit.

Mrs. Elisha HARRIS is seriously indisposed.

Shep VanHOOSER, who has been serving out a term of three years at the Anamosa state's prison, was released therefrom on the 16th inst.

Mr. GRINNELL had a run-away on Monday. While putting a box in his carriage near Pete MILLER's restaurant his horse started and got away from him. Mr. G's little boy was in the carriage.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]


Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 28, 1884

BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, June session, 1884.
Jacob KUMPF, appointed constable, Waterloo twp.
Robert MULLALLY, appointed clerk Taylor twp.
Petitions heard:
L.A. ADAMS, for a bridge across a creek in Dry Hollow
I.E. NASH, for appropriation for bridge repair
George ALLEN, asking refund of 1882 tax
William MOTT, asking abatement of county poll tax 1879
L. FULKS, for abatement of tax penalties
James SUTCLIFFE, of Franklin twp., remission of road tax
W.C. SPENCER, of Franklin twp., remission of road tax
Jacob AMBROZE, of Linton twp., refund road poll tax
S.C. GILBERT, asks abatement of part of 1881-1883 tax
S.H. KINE, for abatement of tax
Dizette WEYMILLER, asks cancellation of judgement
John HURLEY for remission of part of 1882 & 83 tax
Thomas ROBHE for abatement of 1882/83 taxes
J.F. LEIBHARDT for abatement of 1883 tax
H.G. GRATTAN, for appropriation for road repair
Michael QUILLAN for appropriation to build bridge over Village Creek
H.P. LANE, asks to rescind action of former board
Robert KINNEY, of Iowa twp, for time lost by him

In the matter of the relocation and vacation of road No 224, the claims of the following on account of the relocation & vacation were reviewed:
David WORTH, Fred WORTH, Laura A. CLARK, Samuel SMITH, Levi BOARD, John KIIGARIFF, Joseph MARQUETTE, J.H. STEIBER, L.E. HOWE, Rosa E. BURKE, Mary & Thomas GEARON, M.& J.M. BARRY, K. CORNEYLSON, Catherine FOLEY, Thomas GAVIN, Mrs. H. HARPER, Timothy FITZGERALD, Nicholas RYAN, Michael McNAMARA, Mary A. DOODS, John DELANY, Thomas FINNEGAN, N. GOBELL, Blum HOEVET, Edmund PEACOCK, Martha A. STRONG, Wm. MANTON, Samuel GILIAND, Christopher DUNGAN, Wm.POWERS, Michael GRAY, N. MILES & Geo MILES heirs.

In the matter of the relocation of road No 38, the claims of the following on account of the relocation were reviewed:
Rachael HANEY, Elisha HALE, G.H. HAUG, Michael PHILLIPPI, James P. CONWAY, Peter KEES, George McKEE, Shaw & Purdy, Blum & Reed, James SHAUGHNESSY & James P. CONWAY.

In the matter of the relocation of Paint Rock and Ft. Atkinson state road, the claims of the following on account of the relocation were reviewed:
Patrick HOGAN, Joseph H. DODDS, Uriah STEELSMITH & Matthew RAFTER.

D.E. HARRINGTON is one of the band made up in Northern Iowa to attend the Musical convention at Clear Lake in August.

A couple of A.W. McDANELD's children went up to Ossian to visit their sister, Mrs. ANGELL.

David HUNT, a cousin of Abram HART, of Linn county, is at the Hart residence on a visit.

Mr. and Mrs. RIDENOUR are expected here soon from California on a visit to Mrs. R'S mother, Mrs. Elisha HARRIS.

N.W. STILES and family of Batavia, N.Y., former residents of this place are here on a visit. It has been several years since they were here before.

Card of thanks. We wish hereby to return our thanks to the neighbors and friends for their assistance and sympathy during the sickness and death of Mrs. Mary C. MITCHELL. Edward STAADT, Mary STAADT.

To William C. FIELD. You are notified of a petition by Sarah A. FIELD claiming of you a divorce.

[transcribed by S.F., August 2003]

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