Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
December 6, 1884

Mr. WHITTAKER, of Hardin, had a serious runaway in town last Saturday. His sleigh was overturned and he was considerably bruised.

Ellison ORR is teaching school in the Makepeace district, Winnesheik county.

Grandma PRESCOTT celebrated her 80th birthday anniversary on Wednesday of this week. Though her children are scattered in Oregon, California, Minnesota, Dakota and Iowa, she enjoys her declining years at her pleasant home with her oldest son, Postmaster PRESCOTT of this city.

On Monday evening Dec. 1, 1884, at the M.E. parsonage in Postville, by Rev. S.T. McKIM, Mr. Justin W. PRESS and Miss Malissa M. HAWKINS, both of Postville.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
December 13, 1884

Jim TAYLOR'S two year old Clydesdale colt weighed 1680 lbs. on Thursday. Its a bouncer.

In Postville on Thursday evening Dec. 10th, 1884, of heart disease, William N. PIPER, in the 51st year of his age. Never has Postville been more shocked than at the news of this sudden death, which occurred a few minutes after 5 o'clock in the evening Mr. PIPER had always been a very strong robust and hard working man, but of late he had had several bad spells of faintness on two or three occasions falling down in a faint, but he had always recovered from them and gone on with his work. Only two days before his death he had finished his last job of plastering for the season, for Mr. DARLING. The following day he complained of feeling unwell, but was around town as he was at the time of his death. He leaves a devoted wife who is almost distracted at her sudden loss. No children ever came to bless their home and he has no relatives in this country. Only one member of his family survives him, a brother and he is in the British army stationed in India. He was laid away to his final rest in the Postville cemetery.

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