Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
March 3, 1883

Dr. FISHBLATT, founder of the 3 largest medical and surgical institutions in the United States, who is known for his skill as a surgeon and physician, will visit Postville, Monday, March 5th and remain two days.

A wonderful cure by Dr. Fishblatt; two monsters, one 108 feet long from a lady and one 98 feet long, taken from a merchant in Cedar Rapids!! Consult Dr. FISHBLATT at the Commercial House. He has made it a rule never to take any money from patients unless he can cure them.

Viola HUNTER is quite sick.

Miss Stella TRIPP is here on a visit.

C.W.D. LATHROP, Sr. is in town.

Elmore GREEN will return home in a few days.

Mrs. H.S. LUHMAN is somewhat indisposed.

Johnny LEITHOLD has just recovered from a severe sickness.

Robt. McCREADY and wife have returned to their home "out west."

J.H. KIRKENDALL and Mrs. Wesley COTTON were made one flesh on Thursday evening.

For sale one large work horse, 6 years old, weight 1250 pounds. W.S. WEBSTER.

Good cook stove and a wood heating stove for sale cheap, by B.W. BRINTNALL.

Jas. McGHEE is working in elevator where Charles YONKER was wont to officiate.

A new girl baby gladdens the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.E. BABCOCK.

Jas. ADY is preparing to move to the western part of the state.

I.A. COLE has purchased the Brintnall residence and will soon become a "Postvillian".

J.S. YOUNG has moved to town, occupying John MOIR's rooms until he has time to build in the spring.

A brother of the McCLELLANDS, from Chicago, has been visiting in this section. He formerly resided here.

Mrs. Emma LUCAS was summoned to Waverly on Thursday by telegraph. A sister-in-law died suddenly of pneumonia.

Gilbert JOHNSON has terminated his clerkship with Skelton & McEwen and will remove to his Dakota possessions this spring.

G.W. HANKS has sold a portion of his farm to Wm. SIMPSON. Mr. HANKS in turn has bought the ROE farm.

Mr. Geo. RILEY, of Hardin, who has been sick for a long time, died on Friday morning of last week. Peace to the dead and consolation to the living.

List of letters remaining unclaimed in the post office at Postville:

Improved dairy farm for sale, 4 1/2 miles NE from Postville, consisting of 240 acres. Good house, large barn and granary. Two springs and running water on every 40. Inquire on the farm of Edward STAADT.

Notice of Assignment. Dominick OSTERDOCK, of Clayton county did on the 12th day of Jan. 1883 make an assignment of all his property, real and personal for the benefit of his creditors. N.J. BEEDY, assignee.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 10, 1883

Waukon will hold an election on April 2nd to decide whether or not that city will be incorporated. We should say that a county seat town of the size and enterprise of that place should be incorporated.

Election passed off very quietly on Monday. The following officers were elected: Mayor, N.J. BEEDY; Councilmen, Jas. McEWEN & W.N. BURDICK; Recorder, B.F. TAYLOR.

Attention Co. D!!
There will be a special meeting of Co. D at the armory on Saturday, March 10. The military boys are especially requested to be present as there will be important busines. Darius ORR, Captain; A.F. MARSTON, Orderly Serg't.

At his home, near Postville on February 20th, 1883, Burt R. DRESSER, son of John S. and Eunice DRESSER, aged 3 years, 10 months and 15 days. The disease of which he died was membranous croup.

Judge O.S. CONKEY, a pioneer of Allamakee county, died at his home in Lansing, on Wednesday of last week. One by one the early settlers pass away.

Mrs. HAZELTON's house is for rent.

Misses Stella and Jessie TRIPP left Fayette on Thursday. Fayette will be their future home.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 17, 1883

Waukon is still agitated over the incorporation problem. How in the world any man in that town can oppose it we can't see. Saloon and show licenses will pay all the expense, and the advantages are past computation.

Pupils whose scholarship is above 95 per cent.
Primary department, Cora DARLING, teacher:
Clara WILSON, Edith ELLIS, Ethel MCeWEN, Fritz BARIES.

Intermediate department, Mary WOODWARD, teacher:
Estella ROBERTS, Minnie STEELE, Timothy LEEHY, Grace BLANCHARD, [?] ORR, Ralph PRESCOTT, [?] NELSON.

High school; Mrs. L. BRINTNALL, assistant; B.W. BRINTNALL, principle:

The LAWRENCE family left on Tuesday for their future home at Rock Rapids, Lyon county.

The school election passed off quietly on Monday. A.P. ABBOTT & Geo. LULL were elected directors.

Warren STILES is now at home in the DAWES residence.

Guy W. HIGBEY, from near Luana went to Ames to attend the Agricultural college on Monday.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 24, 1883

Fred MEIER residing north of Postville, while chopping wood, accidentally cut his foot in such a manner as will doubtless keep him in the house for some time.

Henry HARRIS reports that Leithold & Humphreys have already taken orders for nine Tiger Seeders.

Frank BAYLESS still tarries with us.

Mrs. CHAMBERLAIN is quite sick.

Miss Ada CHAMBERLAIN has been adjudged insane by the commissioner of insanity and taken to the asylum at Independence.

Dr. G.A. ROGERS is again sick, caused by getting out too soon after his sickness the past winter.

Mr. Germond MERRILL has sold his fine farm near town to Mr. James RYAN, for $27.50 per acre.

Hon.L. HUBBELL is building a new Creamery on the farm of J. CALLENDER, adjoining town. Mr. H.B. ALLEN is the contractor.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
March 31, 1883

Monday next, Waukon votes on incorporation. We don't expect it will carry, but if it don't the county seat ought to be voted to Lansing or some other town with a spark of enterprise.

We are under obligations to Hon. T. UPDEGRAFF for the compendium of the 10th census. It is a valuable document for reference, if it is three years behind time.

Herb. ANGELL has moved into the house he purchased last fall, on Military street. Pete STULL occupies the house out of which ANGELL moved.

The material is on the ground for the new German parsonage, at the foot of Lawler street. The sturcture will be of white brick.

We received a postal card from Rev. R. LAUGHLIN of Toledo, stating that his daughter, Ada, is very sick and the day before the postal card was written it was thought that she would not live very long.

I.A. HARMAN is among the first to lead off with a large addition to his farm residence.

In writing up the notice of Mrs. MINNICK and BEEDY's forth-coming milliery establishment last week, by some means we stated that they had secured the services of Miss Carrie Van HOOSER, when we should have said Jennie Van HOOSER, who for years has been the fashionable milliner of McGregor.

We are under obligations to our little friend Gussie HERRINGTON for two dozen Easter eggs, of the light Brahma variety, which were about as large as goose eggs.

The following friends have made us glad by paying subscriptions:
A. SPOO; J. POESCH, L. MINNICK; T.B. COWLES; J.M. HARRIS; Geo REDHEAD; J.P. GILLEN; Paul BRORBY, all of Postville. Dickson Bros., Luana & W.B. KNODT, Sioux Falls.

As we announced some time ago would be the case, H.A. STOWE left us last Monday for his new home at Clarion, Wright county and his partner, Prof. B.W. BRINTNALL, will follow immediately as his school has now closed.

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Allamakee County