Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
June 2, 1883

The great New York and Brooklyn suspension bridge, the longest span and finest bridge in the world, was formally opened to the public last week. It has been years in construction and cost millions of dollars.

We learn of the serious indisposition of our friend, Mr. O.A. MAKEPEACE. A short time ago heart disease was developed and after trying the skill of home physicians he went to Chicago for examination and treatment. He has just returned and the doctors there gave him no hope of recovery. His difficulty is said to be enlargement of the heart.

Frank GOSS, of Myron informs us that he will give a picnic at that place next Sunday, June 3rd, to which he invites his friends. Good music will be in attendance and a pleasant time is promised.

List of letters remaining in the postoffice:

Another fatal gun accident is reported, this time from Clermont. A young man by the name of FITZGERALD, about 20 years of age, was out with a companion hunting last Sunday, and standing his gun down on the stock to rest he at length raised it up to put it on his shoulder, when the hammer was caught by a limb and the gun was discharded, thed contents passing through his shoulder and chest, causing death in half an hour.

Mrs. Oliver MACKEY died on Thursday morning, after a long and painful illness. The family and friends have our sincere condolence.

J.W. PATTERSON informs us that the best corn he raised last year was planted June 15th. There is hope yet.

The following stong force of Postville Congregationalists went down to Dubuque on Wednesday to attend the State Congregational Association:
Mrs. Dr. BROWN, Mrs. W.H. YONKER, Geo. REDHEAD & wife, Geo KERR & daughter, Mrs. A.R. PRESCOTT, Mrs. F.W. ROBERTS, Mrs. H.P. DAWES & Mary LASSEY. Others will go down Saturday and remain over Sunday.

The following have paid cash on subscription:
Jas. ORR, H. WEBB and W.A. HENDERSON of Postville. H.S. DAINA, Kimball, Dakota. Frank GOSS, Myron. David JACOBIA, Gem. Geo. COON and John BEEDY of Hardin.

Uncle Ben WELL's is very low and no hopes are entertained of his condition improving. He has suffered a long time.

Wm. BEAN of Waukon attempted to commit suicide while under the influence of liquor, by cutting his throat with a knife. He will recover.

Geo. LULL has purchased the Commercial Hotel of H.S. HUMPHREYS, the consideration being $8,000. Mr. LISHER will continue in the hotel.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 9, 1883

Amon ROW was over from Waukon this week.

W.J. CAMPBELL recently lost a valuable cow. She ate to much clover.

F.S. BURLING, Esq. has been appointed Justice of the Peace.

Miss U.H. STEARNS caught her foot in some manner and fell down stairs, dislocating her ankle and fracturing one bone of her lower limbs.

Taken up on the 30th of may, by J.C. ZIEMAN, of Grand Meadow twp., Clayton Co., a brown mare colt, 2 years old. Owner will please call, pay charges and get property.

We again have telephone connections between our residence and office, having put up a new wire betwixt the same.
Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 16, 1883

Ed. PUTNAM is the proud possessor of a new son and heir. Wt. 10 lbs.

Mr. B. WELLS, Sr. died on Tuesday morning of this week. He was buried on Wednesday.

Card of thanks. To all our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us during our great bereavement we wish to return our most earnest and sincere thanks. Mrs. Mariette WELLS and family.

Officers of the day for the grand 4th of July celebration at Postville, Wed. July 4, 1883:
President: N.J. BEEDY; Vice-presidents: Christ HARNACK, Jacob LEUI & John WELZEL all of Grand Meadow; A. HART & E.N. CLARK of Postville; H.G. GRATTAN of Ludlow; R.B. APPELMAN of Clermont; A.W. KRAMER of Castalia and L.L. VonBERG of Luana. Marshall: H.P. DAWES; assistants: E. ORR & Chas. SCHARA; chaplain: Rev. A.F. LOOMIS; reader: Prof. J.M. BEDICHECK; and orators: L.E. FELLOWS & Dr. F. BECKER.

The following have made payments on subscription: J.S. MOTT, Wm. GRANE, Wm. PATTERSON, Jas. MATHER of Postville.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
June 30, 1883

Miss Rheuma RAGAN returned from St. Mary's Institute on Thursday.

Hardy BARNES has purchased a Holstein bull calf and will grade up with that popular breed of cattle. We are also glad to note that Hardy has gotten the best of his rheumatism.

Cottage house and lot for sale, with good garden planted with all kinds of vegetables. Barn room for horse and cow, s splendid well. Centrally located between the two depots. Inquire of W.C. FIELD, Postville.

For sale, a No. 1 Sorghum Mill with power, 4 pans and storage box. Inquire of Hiram HIGBEY at the "Switch" in Grand Meadow twp. Clayton Co., or A.B. CLAYTON, proprietor.

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