Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
January 13, 1883

Grand Jury.
Gunder HANSON, Makee
Martin MOORE, Iowa
A.G. OLSON, Center
John SLATTERY, Paint Creek
Henry FROELICH, Lafayette
G.P. EELLS, Union Prairie
F.P. LADD, Lansing
James M. THOMPSON, Center
Nat. MITCHELL, Jefferson
D. DIAL, Jefferson
L.O. RUND, Lansing
A.B. HAYS, Iowa
James O'BRIEN, French Creek

Pettit Jurors:
Wm. FRY, Lansing
Ernst GRANLICH, Lansing
Jas. R. LAUGHLIN, Post
Wm. HARRIS, Post
R.A.T. MEYER, Post
Chas. CAVANAUGH, Waterloo
Jonas SWENSON, Waterloo
Jas. FITZGERALD, Jefferson
W.H. BURTIS, Jefferson
Richard REDDY, Jefferson
Levi DEAL, Jefferson
Wm. DALTON, Ludlow
Mathias WALSH, Fairview
Jas MURRAY, Union City
Martin HULVERSON, Makee
E.S. GREEN, Makee
Peter BIEBER, Makee
D.R. WALKER, Makee
N.H. PRATT, Makee
Hans SIMENSON, Hanover
Patrick MORGAN, Iowa
Henry RIPPE, Iowa
Mort PHIPPS, Lafayette
Robt MULLALLY, Taylor
Frank HOGAN, Taylor
E.B. JANES, Union Prairie
John KENNEDY, Linton
L.O. LEIKVOLD, Paint Creek
Nicholas DAVIS, Center

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
January 20,1883

A fire at Lansing last week burned the boot and shoe stock of J.B. THORPE

Miss Celia MOTT, of Northfield Minn. is visiting here with relatives and friends.

Father CUTLER of Frankville, 102, died on Sunday.

John B. HART is the happy father of a girl baby.

Stone is being hauled for the German Lutheran church, to be erected next season.

Any quantity of fence posts for sale, price 12 1/2 cents each, delivered in Postville. E.R.A. BRAINARD.

The following friends have placed us under obligations for subscriptions:
Burling & Stowe, Mrs. H. MITCHELL, Dr. J. SHEPHERD, Dr. J.S. GREEN, Nathaniel McWILLIAMS, Herb. ANGELL, Mrs. H. PUTNAM, John WELZEL, W.H. SMITH (poor farm)& J. CAMPBELL of Meeker, Col.

Notice to Ellen KIRKENDALL. You are notified that there is on file the petition of Jno. H. KIRKENDALL, asking a divorce.

Frank GLINES is unfortuanate. Only a few days ago he got laid out and a bruised head by the capstan pullig up in moving the Ward & Meyer refrigerator, and on Wednesday he got a worse hurt by the breaking of the sweep. This time he is laid up.

Fred WILLIAMS went over to Wisconsin and imported one of the fair daughters of that State for a wife, last week.

W.H. SMITH, of the Poor Farm, was in town last week. He has been employed as superintendent for another year. While here he hired "Doc" WELLS to work on the farm for a year.

D. OSTERDOCK, proprietor of the Milwaukee Clothing Store, Matt LEITHOLD, agent, has made an assignment to H.N. HARRIS, for the benefit of his creditors.

Alexander's History of Allamakee and Winnesheik Counties was delivered to subscribers here two or three weeks ago. There are undoubtedly many mistakes in the volume--it could not well be otherwise in the haste with which it was prepared, but on the whole we infer that it is sufficiently accurate for practical purposes and of great value in the preservation of our early history.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
January 27,1883

MARRIED. At the residence of A.B. CONNNOR in Waukon on Tuesday, Jan. 23rd, 1883, by Rev. T.E. FLEMING, Mr. C.A. LEITHOLD, Sheriff of Allamakee county, and Miss Ella E. FREEMAN. Immediately after the ceremony they started on a "bridal tour," taking in New York and other eastern cities and will be absent about four weeks.

W.N. PIPER and wife returned from their extended visit in Wisconsin, just in time to sniff a full fledged Iowa blizzard.

Sunday morning the mercury settled lower than it has before in 10 years. It ranged from 37 to 39 below zero.

The TURNERS will give a masquerade ball at their hall in Postville on Feb. 6th. Tickets 50 cents each person.

NOTICE. To Matilda ROSE. You are notified that there is, on file, a petition of M. ROSE, claiming of you a divorce.

Loren BELLOWS has left the store of F.W. ROBERTS and will move on to his farm at Hardin, where he proposes to make an honest granger of himself.

Peter ERICKSON, a former resident of Postville, and a brother-in-law of carpenter JACOBSON, was frozen to death during the late blizzard in northern Dakota. He went to the timber and was found the following day only about a quarter of a mile from home. He leaves a wife and 7 children, the oldest being scarcely eleven years old.

Darius ORR is considerably under the weather.

DIED. At Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on January 20th, 1883, Miss Mary S. RUSSELL, aged 69 years. Miss RUSSELL was a sister of S.J. RUSSELL and formerly lived in Postville.

Hardy BARNES' people have had a hard time with diphtheria, but they have pulled safely through. Their daughter, Mrs. Peter SMITH, brought it from Minneapolis. Fortunately it did not spread to the surrounding neighbors.

W.C. FIELD, of Ill., a brother-in-law of M.Y. McMASTER, has purchased John GILLEN'S residence on the north side and will become a resident of our town. Mr. GILLEN will move west in the spring.

Mr. A. HART thinks he may have a clue to his long absent son. By a somewhat roundabout way he learns that he is in Montana, is married, has three children and is doing well. If it proves true it will remove a great burden of care and sorrow from the parents.

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Allamakee County