Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
February 3, 1883

Andrew THOMPSON will occupy the residence vacated by Loren BELLOWS and Warren STILES the one adjoining, now occupied by H.P. DAWES. Mr. DAWES will move into the residence formerly owned by Mrs. H. MOTT, in the spring.

Thomas SHORTREED has bought the tools, etc. of E. PARSONS and rented the shop of A.F. MARSTON.

We are sorry to hear that Mr. Geo. RILEY, one of the oldest settlers of this county is very sick and his attending physician, Dr. HAMILTON, of Monona, has but little if any hopes of his recovery.

Supervisor BEEDY has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. "honest Bill" of Luana, with their daughter, Mrs. J.L. JAMISON, came in last Friday.

James CLARK will have a public sale at his residence, 5 miles south of Postville, on Feb. 15th, he proposes to sell stock, farm machinery, etc.

Dr. ROGERS is gaining slowly but is still in a very feeble condition.

Jesse PATRICK, a young man of Frankville, met with a severe accident last week. In hauling wood a stake came out of the rear bob, and he was caught between the load and a tree, breaking his leg above the ankle.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
February 10,1883

I have leased and opened the Bencher Meat Market. Theodore VALERIUS, prop.

Mrs. R. LAUGHLIN made us a pleasant call on Monday. Mr. LAUGHLIN is preaching on the Toledo circuit and they are very well pleased with their new home.

Wm. MOTT is the champion sidewalk cleaner in our neighborhood.

Rev. Geo. F. BRONSON, who was formerly pastor of the Congregational Church of Postville, fell dead in Peru, Ill. last Tuesday, just at the completion of performing a marriage ceremony. He left Postville 10 years ago.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
February 17,1883

Pupils whose scholarship is above 95 percent.
Primary department, Cora B. DARLING, teacher: Edith ELLIS & Jennie BEUCHER.

Intermediated department, Mary WOODWARD, teacher: Louis TUTTLE & Anna MIKELSON.

Grammar department, Jennie COWLES, teacher: none

High School, B.W. BRINTNALL, principal: Hattie MOTT, Hime GREEN, Mary MIKALSON & Nettie STAFFORD.

Wilber HARDEN of the Post office is sick with the quinay.

Geo. REDHEAD is slowly recovering.

Edwin STEDMAN, postmaster of Clermont and one of its oldest and most respected citizens, died a few days ago.

The copartnership existing the name of Holter, Schultz & Welzel is dissolved by mutual consent, Carl HOLTER retiring. The business will be continued by Schultz & Welzel.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
February 24,1883

Jas. SHEEHY and brother-in-laws Jas. and John MURPHY started for Jamestown, Dak. He has gone on the trip for business and pleasure and will remain for some time.

Mrs. M. COYLE will leave tonight for Wisconsin. She has received word that her mother has broken her arm.

We understand that a saloon has been started on the road between here and Myron. It was probably started to accomodate the thirsty Waukonites who cannot wait until they reach Postville to quench their burning thirst.

A child of John DRESSER, aged about 4 years, died on Tuesday of membraneous croup and was buried on Wednesday, funeral from the M.E. church.

MARRIED. At the residence of Wm. COLBY, Feb. 20th, at West Union, Iowa, by Wm. COLBY, J.P.; Mr. Frank L. BARCLAY to Miss Adelia V. BLUNT.

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Allamakee County