Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
August 4, 1883

Dr. Will COLE, dentist, of McGregor, successor to Prof. A.O. HUNT, will be in Postville, Monday, Aug. 6th.

The Creamery started up on Wednesday.

Mrs. L.D.B. HAWKINS died last Saturday and was buried on Monday in the Postville cemetery.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 11, 1883

T.B. EASTON has a fine new hearse.

Mrs. D.F. COON, who has been visiting her mother for the past two weeks, returned to her Edgerton, Wis. home on Monday last. The illness of Mr. COON called her away.

Mrs. T.C. TAYLOR started to Ohio on a visit Wednesday.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 18, 1883

The wife of Dr. MATTOON, of Waukon, died a few days ago, aged 64 years.

Payments on subscription: Lizzie DEBES of Lemars, L.H. GREER of Waukon Junct.; Geo H. KELLOGG of Cresco and Mrs. M. MIKELSON of Postville.

Mr. and Mrs. T.M. MILLER rejoice in the possession of a new girl baby.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co. Iowa
August 25, 1883

Misses Carrie and Dora JONES have recreated in McGregor this week.

Mrs. Wm. HARRIS has gone to Nevada, Mo. to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McDONALD.

I.A. HARMAN contributes to the census a girl; and A.M. STOWE a boy. Thus our population increases.

Quite a number of masons and others went up to Castalia to attend the funeral of Morell CLARK, on Tuesday. The funeral was largely attneded by neighbors and friends from all the surrounding country and by members of the fraternity. The Ossian Lodge, of which the deceased was a memeber, turned out in force and conducted the services. The funeral was held from the Universalist church, Rev. HICKS of Dubuque officiating assisted by the resident pastor, Miss STRAUB. Mr. CLARK was a brother of Mrs. W.S. WEBSTER, of Postville.

The following were the delegates chosen to attend the Republican County Convention: A.R. PRESCOTT, Jas. PERRY, Ellison ORR, J.W. PATTERSON, Chas SKELTON & J.? McGHEE.

The following are the nominations for county officers made at the Democratic County Convention last Saturday:

C.H. GLASSBURN has been running the creamery this week. Mr. NICHOLS being in attendance upon the encampment.

Dr. EARLE, president of the Allamakee county Agricultural Society informs us that all preparations are complete and with good weather the Fair is bound to be a success.

H.S. HARRIS comes to the front with a new girl baby.

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Allamakee County