Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
September 2, 1882

Mr. J. BEEDY, of Hardin and A.A. CANFIELD of Postville have left samples of eight rowed corn at this office.

Mr. and Mrs. STEPHENS, of New York, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LULL. Mrs. STEPHENS and Mrs. LULL are sisters.

J.B. SCHMIDT is building a new barn.

Mrs. Dr. DAVIS, of Myron paid another year's subscription

During the storm yesterday, John KELLEHER, a farmer in Lafayette twp., a few miles south of Lansing was struck by lightning and killed. The lightning burned his hair and the side of his face and tore off one of his shoes. Mr KELLEHER was upwards of fifty years old and has resided here many years.--Lansing Mirror.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 9,1882

Mrs. Mary BETTYS had the misfortune to dislocate or break one of her hips when alighting from a buggy at the home of Mr. CORNELL, her brother, near Castalia, last Sunday.

G.L. TEEPLE was over from Waukon. He expects to soon belong to that army of naughty men known as traveling salesmen.

Peter McMARTIN has returned form Nebraska to his old home in Bloomfield twp. He lost his crops out there by a hail storm.

C.P. DARLING is happy. He has a new daughter at his house, the first little incident of that kind for 18 years.

Mrs. Wm HARRIS, W.J. CAMPBELL and others were at Cresco attending the Howard county Fair this week.

Charley BLANCHAINE, who has been the popular head clerk in the drug store of Bayless, Douglass & Co. for the past 8 years, has suddenly left us. He purchased a half interest in the drug business of Frank BAYLESS, at Elkport, Charley's old home.

L.L. PATTERSON, known as "Lyme" was oiling the horse power when the long nozzle got caught in the cogs and his left hand was drawn in and the hand just above the fingers smashed, the first 2 fingers being entirely severed and the 3rd finger having to be amputated. Drs. SHEPHERD and BROWN dressed wound and he is now comfortable. The accident occurred near the Minert school. Threshing machines are dangerous things.

Died, at his residence adjoining Postville on Monday, Sept. 4th, Joseph KOEVENIG, in the 49th year of his age. Mr. KOEVENING had been ailing for some years, but was not confined to his bed but a few weeks. His disease, so far as we know, was a complication of heart difficulties, with other disordered conditions. He was a great sufferer, though he was very patient. He had the best medical aid, and everything possible was done to make him comfortable, but the destroyer could not be turned aside. We give the following biographical sketch taken from the new history of Clayton county: Joseph KOEVENING was born in the province of Rhine, Prussia, March 17th, 1834. He came to America in the fall of 1856. Prior to settling in Clayton county, he worked in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Dubuque, Chicago, St. Louis and Allamakee county, Iowa, engaged in the manufacture of beer there until 1859, when he went to Springfield, Grand Meadow township and established a brewry. In 1873-4 he built a large stone and brick brewry, near Postville, 40 by 80 feet, and three stories in height. It is the finest in the county. On Sept. 25th, 1866 he married Catharine WELSCH, of Grand meadow township. 8 children were born of this union, 7 of whom survive their father. The funeral on Wednesday was held from the Catholic Church, and a very large concourse of relatives and friends followed the remains to their last resting place in the Grand Meadow cemetery. A kind a indulgent husband and father, a warm and earnest friend and a liberal and enterprising citizen has passed away.

E.O. RIGGS was married to Miss Millie LAMBERT, August 30th, by Rev. L.B. HICKS. We wish them much joy.

Samuel BLOXHAM has returned from Grand Forks, D.T. where has has been for the last 3 months.

A.W. KRAMER has gone to Chicago with hogs and cattle.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 16,1882

As the Calmar freight train was coming down on Friday morning at the RATHMAN crossing 4 miles west of Postville, the engine ran into a team belonging to Mr. Wm. MERICLE, who with his wife, was in the wagon. As soon as the train could be stopped it was found that Mrs. MERICLE was on the cow-catcher, badly cut and bruised. Mr. MERICLE is dead.

J.B. McWILLIAMS has purchased the BLANCHAINE property and taken possession.

W.F. DRESSER went on the excursion to Canada this week. A couple of the GORDONS accompanied him.

Rev. R. LAUGHLIN has been here this week, he considers moving back this fall.

Ed. EATON has taken possession of his new purchase and E.O. OMLEY has gone into his former residence.

Mrs. J. GLINES has just completed a quilt containing 1,000 pieces. Her health is still very poor.

Credit due on subscription to A.W. HAYWARD and J.G. LAMM, Decorah; A.B. COOK and Jas O. LAUGHLIN, Postville.

The Van VELZER hill and the road beyond is in very bad condition.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 23,1882

J.M. HARRIS, J.P., Post twp. has resigned.

Mrs. J.H. BURNS, nee Carrie LYONS, is visiting with her parents at this place.

August KNODT, who has been out West for some time, returned last week.

N.C. BULLOCK is off for his yearly visit to Rock county, Wis., to his father, who is now 82 years old.

J.W. PATTERSON in digging a well at the depth of seven feet, came upon a layer of variagated clay, three feet thick, which is susceptible of a high polish. Under this layer is a layer of white clay of a similar thickness, which would make fine white brick. We are not enough of a geologist to tell whether or not Mr. Patterson has a bonanza.

Thanks to Mrs. HARRINGTON for a basket of apples.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
September 30,1882

No heavy frost here yet.

Mr. S.B. FINNEY and wife went to the M.E. Church conference at Cedar Rapids last week.

To Napoleon BEUMER, you are notified of the petition of Mary GALLIGER claiming of you $5,000 damages for her seduction. H.H. STILWELL, Plaintiff's attorney.

At Forest Mills, Iowa, Sept. 24th, 1882 by Wm. WERHAN, J.P., Mr. Henry E. SICKLES and Miss Eliza J. YORK.
At the same time and place, by the same, Mr. A.M.L. BRAINARD and Miss Jennie McWILLIAMS. All of Post twp.

Mrs. BEALE reports Mrs. BETTYS doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances.

Rev. LAUGHLIN writes that Mrs. LAUGHLIN was taken quite sick last week. Hope she will soon recover to to be able to remove back to Postville this fall, as arranged for.

Jacob HAAS, the well known Lansing Brewer, died, after a lingering illness, last week.

Mrs. H. TAYLOR, of Rossville, mother of Mrs. J.K. PHILLIPS, was thrown from a buggy, by the horses starting suddenly, alighting on her head and shoulders, breaking her collar bone and dislocating her shoulder.

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Allamakee County