Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
December 9, 1882

There are four territories now seeking admission to the Union. They are Dakota, Washington, Utah and New Mexico.

Mr. McMASTER together with the young men of Postville, contemplate building a shelter near the ice pond, in which they will place a stove, for the benefit of the skaters.

Born to Jas. PERRY and wife Dec. 3rd, a daughter.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
December 16,1882


Myron, by Myron JOTTINGS: Webster LIVINGOOD has moved into his house just west of C. BACHTELL's. James JOHNSON has returned to Myron to assist his father in-law, Mr. DAVIS in the mill. Mrs. Dr. DAVIS has a good share of patronage. She has patients from Decorah, Fayette, Waukon, Castalia, Postville, Hardin and Bethel.

Bethel, by E.R.A. BRAINARD: Rev. S.B. HIX is our pastor for the coming year, and Rev. Wm. CUNNINGHAM is our P.E. The schools have all commenced. The following persons are teaching at the folowing named places: Miss F.A. COOK, at Westgrove; Miss A. HARRIS, Evergreen; Miss SAWYER, Minert; Miss CLARK, Myron; Mr. A.B. COOK, Cherry Valley.

Frankville: Mr. Nicholas WHITOFER has bought Hans SWENSON's fine residence and will shortly move into town. The county finished a new bridge over Hawks' Branch and our road boss, Wm. PEET put in the filling at each end of the bridge.

The following are entitled to credit for cash on subscription this week: Thos. SHORTREED; B. Van VELZER, S. WILKINSON, J.R. LAUGHLIN & Ella HARRIS, Postville; N. LAMBORN, Luana.

Mr. BRADLEY, of the new meat market firm of Ward & Bradley removed his family from Wisconsin to Postville last Saturday.

Born to John FINNEY and wife, Dec. 12th, a daughter.

The residence of Nelson McGHEE near Hardin was burned last Sunday with all the contents of the second floor. The fire is supposed to have originated from children playing up stairs.

On Wednesday Dec. 13th, 1882, at the residence of the brides mother, by Rev. L.R. HIX, Mr. George WALTERS, Jr. and Miss Eliza EATON.[Note: A correction ran the following week in the Review, the groom's surname was WATERS not Walters]

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
December 30,1882

No paper next week.

Mrs. Dr. BROWN and Ada go to Wis. on a 2 week visit.

Dr. ROGERS, of Frankville is in a critical condition with pneumonia.

Wills MITCHELL and family, young Dr. SHEPHERD and Henry LAUGHLIN are here for a holiday visit.

I.J. AMSDELL has permanently located in Postville for the practice of Dentistry. Office over EASTON's furniture store.

LOCAL REVIEW. Who are Doing Business Here, and What They are Doing.

-The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul was the pioneer road of this section and is doing the bulk of business at this point. J.F. WILSON has been the agent here for years, Will CREIGHTON in the telegraph office and Nobe WELLS in the baggage and freight departments complete the force.
-The Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern railroad was extended to Postville some ten years ago. It is under the local management of its popular agent, Capt. James PERRY.
-The U.S. Express company is operated on both roads, Mr. WILSON being the agent.

Dry Goods & General Merchandise:
-Ward & Meyer have been in business here 7 years.
-Luhman & Sanders have only been in business here about a year, Mr. Luhman removing his store & stock from Bonair in 1881. They have the only lady clerk (Miss Addie SANDERS) in town, which draws a large amount of trade from the ladies.
-F.W. ROBERTS has been in business here for about 8 years, a part of the time with Mr. Skelton. He has the largest room in town.
-Skelton & McEwen have been in business 2 years. They employ 2 clerks.
-Holter, Schultz & Welzel opened a year ago and are building up a trade.

Ready Made Clothing & Gents' Furnishings:
-Milwaukee Clothing Store, owned by Matt Leithold.

Boots & Shoes:
-J.B. Schmidt carries a large and fine stock.
-Wm. Graue and W. Stockman also run shoe shops, but carry no ready made goods.

-John A. Finney has been in business but a few years, s successor to N.J. Beedy. He also carries crockery and glassware, notions, boots and shoes.
-John Moir, Jr. opened a confectionery and fancy grocery store last spring.
-John Thoma changed his saloon into a restaurant and fancy grocery house early in the season.
-Ed. Sheehy also keeps a small stock of groceries and smokers goods.

-Peter Miler and wife have the Restaurant and Confectionery establishment.

-Matt Beucher has the pioneer hardware store and runs a tin shop in connection with the store. Mr. E.D. STILES is his chief clerk.
-Mott & McAdam have one of the finest hardware stores in the West. This is their first year in business. Jas. McAdam and A.L. Stiles attend to the wants of customers.
-H. Stone runs a stove and tin store.

Drugs & Medicines:
-A. Staadt's drug store. He is a druggist with long years of experience.
-Bayless, Douglass & Co. is in the Brick Block. Rube and Ed. Douglass and young Mr. Hagensick put up the goods.

-T.B. Easton's furniture rooms have a good stock of solid and substantial furniture.
-A. Koevenig also keeps a good stock of furniture, much of which is his own manufacture. He keeps a hearse for the benefit of his undertaking business.

Millinery & Dress Making:
-Misses Duff & Cross are in the Stiles' drug store building.
-Canfield & Jones have a large business.
-Viola Hunter carries on the millinery business and Mrs. Coe and Miss Smith have dress-making rooms in the same building.
-Mrs. M. Leithold has a fine millinery establishment.
-Mrs. C. Van Hooser has dress making rooms on Green St.

-Our only jewelry store is presided over by that "crown jewel" Jo. Gray. He resuscitated the business abandoned by E.J. Ferry two years ago.
-Mr. J. Glines has done a large amount of watch and clock repairing, but due to serious illness, has been unable to work for 2 years.

Harness Shops:
-H.W. Meyer is the pioneer harness maker.
-J.A. Enke came from Wisconsin last summer and opened a harness store and shop.

-B.F. Taylor has a gallery second to none.

-Sheriff Leithold is the pioneer machinery dealer in town. Mr. Harris is his manager.
-Kemmerer, Lamb & Co. have opened a machinery depot here under the management of W.H. Yonker.
-Holahan & Buggy, put in a stock of machinery here last spring under the management of E. O. Omley.

-Hall and W.S. Roberts are our only bankers and they do a large loan and exchange business.

-The Postville Review was established in March, 1873 and hence is nearly 10 years old.
-The District Post was established last summer with M.C. Mead, editor and proprietor.

-S.S. Powers; L.M. Powers; John T. Clark, F.S. Burling and H.A. Stowe are our resident attorneys.

-Our sick are cared for by Drs. L. Brown, J. Shepherd and J.S. Green and our resident dentist is I.J. Auisdell.

-S.S. Powers, W.S. Webster, E.O. Omley, H.P. Dawes and possibly F.S. Burling attend to the fire risks.

Blacksmiths & Machine Shops:
-Dresser & McDaneld have a complete machine shop both for iron and wood work.
-Jacob Meyer runs the blacksmith and wagon shop.
-R.F. Hecker built a new blacksmith and wagon shop last fall.
-G.W. Stafford with Tom Shortreed as assistant run the Tilden street shop.
-E. Parsons runs the old Rathman shop.

Pumps, Etc.:
-A. F. Marsten deals largely in pumps, wind mills, feed mills &c.

-J.S. Mott has the only lumber yard here.

-The Commercial Hotel, proprietored by Jas. M. Lisher and the Burlington house, by J.H. Burhans.

-J.M. Lisher keeps a livery stable in connection with the Commercial Hotel and Mr. Bellows keeps a small livery at the Burlington House stables.

Meat Markets:
-Theo. Valerions and Ward & Bradley operate our two meat markets.

-Jack Phillips has been our barber from time immemorial.

Produce Dealers:
-Hall Roberts & Co. run the elevator and handle all kinds of grain. They are also large shippers of live stock. E. Ragan is their outside stock man.
-Kemmerer, Lamb & Co. operate the Leithold elevator. W.H. & Charlie Yonker conduct the business.

-C.W. Williams & Co. are the proprietors of the Postville Creamery.
-Hon. L. Hubbell also gathers cream in this section for his Hardin Creamery.

-The Postville Brewery, belonging to the estate of Joseph Koevening has been leased to W. Moll.

-We have 5 saloons run by Wm. Thoma; Matt Beucher; Ed. Sheehy; John Thill and H.S. Humphreys.

-C.P. Darling, T.M. Miller, Jas. Sheehy, E. Wilson, H.B. Taylor, M.O. Taylor, Wm. Mott and J. Jacobson are our carpenters.

-J.B. Reed, Ed. Putnam and A.P. Abbott flourish the paint and whitewash brushes. W.N. Piper is our resident plasterer.

-P. Deitzler manipulates the shears and goose. He is assisted by a journeyman and Mrs. Deitzler.

Post office:
-Managed by A.R. Prescott with Johnny Leithold, assistant.

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Allamakee County