Iowa Old Press

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee, Iowa
April 1, 1882

Frank ROBERTS has been putting in a new drain to his store cellar.

Seed pototoes. A few bushels of the famous "Mamoth Pearl" potatoes for seed for sale. Enquire of J.R. LAUGHLIN.

The youngest child of B. VanVELZER died on Thursday of scarlet fever.

The following have squared their subscription record:
D.A. REED (Mrs. Topliff), Decorah; N. LAMBORN, Luana; John W. NOBLE, Walla Walla, W.T.; J. POESCH, Mrs. E. SHOWEN, W.I. CHASE, of Postville.

Notice is given that proposals for the erection of a school house in Lybrand will be received by the undersigned, at his residence 4 1/2 miles NE of Postville until April 25th, 1882. For particulars enquire of Henry S. HARRIS, Sec. of the Board of Directors.

W.W. LYONS' little son, Cliffy died suddenly at Des Moines last week. Also Dr. G.C. LAWTON, of McPherson, Kansas, a son-in-law of D.W. LYONS, whose wife has been spending the winter with her parents here.

With feeling of profound sadness we are called upon to chronicle the death of Annie HARDEN, a little daughter of Dennis and Louisa HARDEN, who passed from life during the afternoon of the 24th inst., after a painful illness of nearly three weeks. The deceased was born on the 2nd of July, 1873, and was 8 years, 8 months and 22 days. The remote cause of Annie's death was an injury to her head, received on the 26th of last September, the date of the cyclone which passed through this section of country. Mr. HARDEN's house was utterly destroyed and swept away. Mr. HARDEN was absent, but his wife and children were at home and all except the youngest child, was severely injured. Miss Annie was carried through the air a distance of 30 rods and when found was lying apparently lifeless with a severe wound on her head. But, though she became as well and stong as ever, her head remained tender at the place of injury and never entirely healed. About 4 weeks ago she was taken ill, and at length became confined to her bed. Dr. Shepherd pronounced the injury to her head to be the cause of her sickness. Finally, Dr. BROWN was called as counsel, a surgical operation was decided upon and undertaken, during which the patient died. Heaven has gained an angel: Annie is no longer held, but we may cherish her beautiful memory and be the better ourselves by remembreing what she was. by J. Monroe LLOYD.

Mr. Isaac CALLENDER died very suddnely yesterday of appolexy. The echoes of the tolling bell have scarcely died away since his wife died and now he, to, is gone. He was the oldest settler here, having located here in 1850. He was a good citizen, a good neighbor and an honest man, widely known and highly esteemed.

Mr. George VanWEY will go to Cedar Falls to take a term at the State Normal School. He has been a very successful teacher in your county, for 4 years.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
April 8,1882

Jesse JAMES, the brigand outlaw is said to have been shot and killed by a confederate at St. Joseph, Mo. on Monday. The details can be found in our outside pages.

J.H. LAUGHLIN sends the Review to his son, D.H. , out at Jamestown, D.T.

Enos ERVIN and company came back from Dakota on Tuesday.

Messrs. NIELANDER & BROCKHAUSEN have started up a new creamery at Lansing.

Mrs. G.W. McKAY was summoned to the bedside of her father. He was reported very low with pneumonia.

Walter CHRISS has been making extensinve improvements about his residence this spring.

Abram HART planted a half acre of potatoes on Tuesday.

The youngest child of Wm. THOMA died on Tuesday. His age was about 8 months. The bereaved have our sympathy.

TEACHER WANTED. Wages, $23.00 per month, for a term of 3 months. Apply to Ellison ORR, Postville.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
April 15,1882

J.C. TAYLOR returned from Ohio last week with two more horses. He now has 4 stallions, two heavy horses and two fast horses.

Paid up subscribers this week:
M.A. STODDARD, Lodi Cal; J.A. CAVIN , Frankville; David ELLISON (Orr), Watkins, Ny; A. HAINES, Golden City Col.; T.B. COWLES, J. ORR, J.M. PIXLER, H.R. WELLS, A.P. ABBOTT, T.C. TAYLOR & M.Y. McMASTER, Postville.

Old Mr. HAINES is very poorly.

J.W. WARD's father died recently.

Frank HOWE will assume the role of landlord as proprietor of the Lansing House.-- Lansing Mirror.

Old Mr. GLINES' health is not improving.

J.H. GRIFFIN is now the handsome clerk at the Commercial House.

Eugene PERRY of Ion has removed to McGregor.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
April 22,1882

Center twp. in this county has been seriously afflicted with diphtheria.

Hiram DRESSER is putting up a commodious addition to his residence on East Green street.

Mr. RAGAN went over to Grant Co., Wis. this week to purchase a car load of cows, but failed.

Miss Clara MOTT will be in Postville the first week in May, prepared to give instruction in music.

Prof. BRINTNALL has purchased the James ROLL residence. We understand Mr. ROLL will move to Colorado.

Postville Review
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
April 29,1882

Will HAINES and Nobe WELLS returned from Dakota. They report the boom holding up in good shape.

W.S. WEBSTER, insurance agent
L. BROWN, physician and surgeon
S.S. POWERS, attorney at law, insurance and collecting J.S. GREEN, MD, office in Brick Block
J.K. PHILLIPS, propriator of the Key City Barber Shop
J. SHEPHERD, MD, physician and surgeon
P. DIETZLER, merchant tailor
John T. CLARK, attorney at law
BURHAN's Bros., props. Burlington House
Alf HUNT, dental office at the Commerical Hotel monthly.

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Allamakee County