Iowa Old Press

Postville Review.
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
March 12, 1881.

MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Fred. THOMA, in Grand Meadow, Clayton Co., Iowa, March 6th, 1881, by Rev. John KNIE; Mr. Charles J. SCHULTZ and Miss Annie B. THOMA. Both are from Grand Meadow and the parents of this newly married pair are well known.

DIED. At Decorah, Iowa, March 6th; Geo. W. HAISLET, editor and proprietor of the Decorah Radical. Although the sad event has not been unlooked for several days, still when the news reached us on Tuesday it sent a shock through us as acute as though we had not expected it. Only three weeks before he visited us, and although at the time he was unwell, we thought nothing serious of it. He seemed in his usual good spirits, and we did not dream we should never see him again. About 25 years ago we became acquainted, and twice since that we have been connected with him in the printing business and during all that time we have maintained friendly relations. Like all of us he had his faults, but he was a worse enemy to himself than to anybody else. He was liberal with his friends--too liberal for his own good--kind and indulgent to his family and a peacable, quiet citizen. He was a racy and original newspaper writer and was one of the oldest printers in the state, having been in some department of the business for nearly forty years, all the time in Iowa. He leaves a wife and three children--two small children--to mourn his loss, besides brothers and sisters. They will certainly not look to us for sympathy in vain.

An auction sale down at Paul WILLMAN's next Friday.

H.B. ALLEN, of Frankville, made us a pleasant call on Wednesday.

Mrs. H.B. HAZLETON has returned from a visit in Howard County.

Mr. G.W. STAFFORD has been "off the hooks" for several days with a large carbuncle.

Mr. McEWEN has been having stone hauled for the foundation of his new residence.

Mrs. Dr. A.D. DAVIS is said to be meeting with a large and successful practice at Decorah.

The military dance, which was to have come off last Friday night, failed to commence on account of the blizzard. "Ten Nights in a Bar-room" takes place at the City Hall, this Saturday evening, and if the weather continues favorable we expect to see the hall filled to overflowing.

The roads must be nearing the point of impassability. Another storm is threatened.

Scott ROBERTS and Chris. LEITHOLD know just how a snow plow works in a drift. They took lessons last Saturday.

W.J. CAMPBELL is pulling down and removing the old CRAFT house, one of the old landmarks.

We are requested to announce that a branch Land League will be organized in the City Hall, Postville, on Thursday of next week. Michael HEALY, Esq. of Lansing, will be present.

The following, mostly new subscribers have receipts for advance pay, coupled with our thanks:
Wm MOTT, Postville; M.V. KIDDER and Mrs. Dr. A.D. DAVIS, Decorah; E.D. PURDY, Waukon; H.B. ALLEN, Frankville and Mary LAIRD, Postville.

At the city election held March 7th, the following officers were elected:
N.J. BEEDY, mayor.
H.E. BABCOCK, recorder.
W.S. ROBERTS, treasurer.
C.A. LEITHOLD and R.A.T. MEYER, councilmen.
H.STONE, assessor.

A general rehearsal of the [illegible] chorus will take place in the audience room of the Congregational Church on Monday evening next. The majority of the leading solo parts have now been admirably assigned as follows:
Mrs. James WILSON, Queen.
Loren POWERS, King.
John H. WILSON, Mordecai.
E. PUTNAM, Haman.
Mrs. W.H. YONGER, Zerish.
James PERRY, high priest.
Rev. G.W. PRATT, Hagal.

Postville Review.
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
March 19, 1881.

To J.B. REED and wife, a son. Stillborn March 16th.
To A. McDANELD and wife, a son, March 17th.

Mr. HUNT of Cedar Rapids, a relation of Abram HART's, has been visiting with Mr. HART and family for sometime past.

Nathaniel McWILLIAMS has had a bad time with rheumatism.

Grandmother LAUGHLIN is suffering with the dread monster rheumatism.

Nelson ANDERSON cut his foot badly while chopping wood. Last summer he was kicked by a horse and broke his shoulder bone. Some time ago he was run over by the cars and lost most of his toes.

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Allamakee County