Iowa Old Press

Postville Review.
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
June 25, 1881.

At the Commercial Hotel, Postville, June 22nd, by Rev. G.W. PRATT, Mr. John B. HART and Miss Ida M. HUMPHREYS, all of Postville. This wedding, eminently fit to be made, has been expected by the knowing ones for some time. Sometimes it is a peculiar pleasure to chronicle such events, because everything seems to auger success and happiness, as in this case. No couple ever started out in life under more favorable circumstances than this one, and a very large circle of friends of both parties wish them joy and happiness. The wedding was a quiet affair, none but the two families being present. The newly married pair started immediately for Chicago on their wedding tour. On their return they will occupy a fine residence in Myron, and Mr. HART will have charge of the mill there.

The following are the delegates chosen to represent Post township in the county convention today:

Lem REEVES, one of the old stand by printers of Northern Iowa, made us a pleasant call on Thursday. Lem used to be considered the 'prettiest' printer in Northern Iowa, and a masher among the fair sex. He is still single and parts his hair as faultlessly as of yore.

When at Decorah the other day we called on our former townsman, J.P. SCHULTZ, who is running the Opera House Clothing Store there. Joe has a fine stock of goods and he says if any of the Postville people will come up and see him he will save them about 25 per cent on clothing.

The following subscribers have places us under obligations for cash on subscription since our last notice:
W.A. HENDERSON and A.P. ABBOTT, Postville; E. JACOBSON and J.G. LAMM, Decorah; and Paul BRORBY (new) West Union.

Petition of J.M. BARTHELL for assignment of school fund mortgage executed by Michael GRIFFIN and wife on the 17th day of December, '73, to secure said fund the payment of $100 with interest, granted, said petitioner holding a junior lien. Auditor authorized to assign said mortgage upon payment of full amount of principal and interest.

Petition of Cornelius HINCHON for abatement of penalty on tax of '78,'79 and '80 against in part SE NW S-29; and on N 1/2 NE S-24-97-4. Granted on payment of tax principle and 1 percent penalty per month, if paid in 30 days.

Petition of D.D. DOE for abatement of all tax for '76 and '77, and a reduction in '78 tax to $2.23 against N 1/2 lot 2 and 40X60 ft. lot 1 bk 7, city of Lansing; on account of destruction of building by fire. Granted.

The official bond of G.M. DEAN, appointed clerk of Makee tp. examined and approved.

Petition of Elisha HALE for abatement of a portion of the tax of '80 against SE NE S-16-99-3. Granted upon payment of full amount of road tax and penalty and 2/3 of all the other tax with penalty if paid in 30 days.

Petition of Edward DICKENS for an allowance of $4 bounty on two foxes and one wild cat, granted.

Petition of Jacob INGEBRETSON for abatement of '80 tax against the W part NW NW 30 acres and W part SW NW 30 acres of S-6-97-3. Granted.

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