Iowa Old Press

Postville Review.
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 2, 1881.

DIED. At the residence of W.I. CHASE, in Clayton Co. on June 24, 1881 of general debility; Mr. Avery CHASE, aged 75 years 9 months and 22 days.

D.W. LYONS was suddenly taken sick at his farm near Hardin last Tuesday.

Edwin BOOTH has arrived home after his long and sucessful engagement in Europe.

W.W. HAINES Has a new dray line.

H.S. HUMPHREYS, proprietor, Commercial Hotel.

John A. FINNEY. Groceries.

A.F. MARSTON. Wooden well and cistern pumps. Formerly the business of G.W. STAFFORD.

Postville Review.
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 9, 1881.

Report of the 1st Intermediate Department of Postville Graded School for the term ended June 24, 1881.
By Jennie COWLES, teacher. [the name is followed by the lesson score]

Howard CRAMER, 99
Wiltie SPOO, 99
Eddie COWLES, 95
Addie MINICK, 93
Grace POWERS, 100
Belle PRESCOTT, 93
Ruma RAGAN, 93
Hinnie GREEN, 99
Etta HARRIS, 100
Eddie McWilliams, 95
Silas ROLL, 100
Asa HAINES, 94
Otto SPOO, 100
Chris LEITHOLD, 100
Cliff LISHER, 97
Allie CRAMER, 97
Mary KEMITT, 99
Sarah KEMITT, 99 Nettie STAFFORD, 99
Ella TAYLOR, 100
Nora BISHOP, 98
Carrie BISHOP, 96
Carrie BEUCHER, 100
May PERRY, 98
Effie McDANELD, 98
Dora JONES, 100
Ella HARRIS, 100
Lillie EVANS, 99

Postville Review.
Postville, Allamakee Co., Iowa
July 30, 1881.

Notice is given that an instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of Abigail FAVILLE, deceased, has been opened and read.

J.F. CALLBREATH, brakeman on the C.M. & St.P.R.R., met with a serious accident here this morning. He had been turning a switch, and in attempting to catch and climb the passing cars his foot slipped and went under the wheels, one of which passed over the toes, mauling them so that the most of them will have to be amputated. It is a sore job for Frank but it is lucky that he is no worse. Dr. BROWN is attending.

One of John LEIGHOLD's boys had a narrow escape this week. In driving a harvester, out on Mr. REDHEAD's farm the team ran away; throwing off and stunning the binders, and ran several times around the field before they were stopped, badly wrecking the machine. The boy held to the seat and to the lines until the team was stopped and was almost miraculously saved from injury. A harvesting machine is a dangerous thing for boys to engineer.

Hall ROBERTS went East on Wednesday, to look up and make the acquaintance of his wife.

Carl HOLTER and Henry SCHMITZ are off to Dakota for recreation. We believe they will not take farms.

Rev. DOLPH's house and lot here will be sold to the man who makes the highest offer before Sept. 1st.

P.L. SMITH, of Minneapolis, came down and spent last Sabbath with his mother, sister and brother W.F. SMITH.

N.J. BEEDY, who has been at DesMoines in the interest of the county, returned on Tuesday.

Misses Frankie and Cora ORR, of Junction City, Kan., are visiting with their uncle, James ORR, of this place.

Two educated parrots for sale by Mrs. MITCHELL.

We understand the Commercial billiard hall under the management of Alfred HUMPHREYS, is quite successful.

The walls are completed and the sills in position for Frank ROBERTS' new residence.

The case of E. SCHMITZ vs Victoria SCHMITZ has been decided adversely to the plaintiff and will be taken to the supreme court.

Thanks to Dr. BROWN and W.H. YOUKER for a supply of green corn.

Rev. D. SHEFFER, the Methodist minister of Waukon, will preach in the Congregational Church, at Postville, next Sunday evening.

There will be preaching at the Free Baptist Church, by Elder BUNTON, one week from next Sunday.

Miss Hermie HAN, a niece of A. HART, who has been visiting here for sometime, returned to her home in Mansfield, Oh., Wednesday.

The 4th Quarterly meeting will be held at the Methodist Church, July 30 and 31st. Presiding Elder CLINTON will preach.

The following subscibers have placed us under obligations for cash since our last issue:
Sarah OWEN, Mrs. P.L. SMITH and E.F. DOUGLASS, Postville; W.F. SMITH, Madison, D.T.; and Sam'l KEISER, Spirit Lake, Iowa. N.W. STILES writes us from Batavia, N.Y., inclosing his subscription.
[the first part of this next article was cut off, I include it for the surname content]
Philip HUSTED, Ossian; G.E. FLEMING, Hawkeye, Fayette Co.; S.T. SPANGLER, Buffalo Grove, Buchanan Co.

On instrumental music:

On vocal music:
Ed. PUTNAM AND L.M. POWERS, Postville; W.B. HARRIMAN, Wadena.

President:John HUTCHINSON, of Fayette Co.
Vice presidents: Geo. L. HENDERSON,of Fayette Co.; B.H. WELLS and E.M. FARNSWORTH of Winneshiek Co.; M.S. HITCHCOCK, of Buchanan Co.; Thos. SCHWARTZHOFF, of Allamakee Co.; John McKINLEY, of Clayton Co.; A.C. PEARY, of Dubuque Co. and Mr. WOOD of Delaware Co.
We clip the following items from Winneshiek county from Sunday's Dubuque Times:
Decorah, July 23--Lewis ANDERSON, a farmer living three miles north of Ossian, in this county, was killed at the Trout Run mill, near this city today. His team ran away, throwing him out of the wagon. His scull was fractured and he died before medical aid could be secured. He was 30 years old and leaves a family.

An infant daughter of John KLEIN was drowned in a wash tub at Conover yesterday.

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